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“We are not a sports club; we live together!”

In the last three years a pilot project “Wohngruppen für Fortgeschrittene” (residential groups for seniors) has been launched at Steinbruchstrasse in Vienna’s 16th district. It has been the home since more...

Integration in practise on the labour market

Since more than 1.4 million people with an immigration background live in Austria, it is particularly important for them to be integrated into the labour market. Immigrants are often sufficiently qualified more...

Vienna City Hall and “the women”

To mark the 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day on 8 March 2011, the Department of Women’s Issues of the City of Vienna – in cooperation with the Department of Community Services more...

AMS: Labour market opening does not unleash flood of cheap labour

After the opening of the labour markets of 25 of the 27 EU Member States in May 2011, there are no signs of a flooding with cheap labour from Eastern Europe more...

Vienna for babies

Cinemama, baby swimming or theatre for the wee ones – Vienna boasts countless offers for young parents and their kids. Moreover, the City of Vienna welcomes its youngest inhabitants with services more...

Contested pension reforms in Eastern Europe

Several of the new EU transformation states have nationalized private pension insurance contributions in a move designed to reduce their national debt and plug budget holes more...

“Today daughter, tomorrow boss!“

Programming, drilling or sawing – there will be a wide selection of crafts and technical occupations girls aged between 11 and 16 years may try out on the 10th Vienna Daughters’ Day on 28 April 2011 more...

EU: opening of labour markets from May – job hunting without limitations 

After a seven-year transition period, citizens from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland and the Baltic states will have unlimited access to more...

Vienna Women’s Barometer 2010

Traditional household chores such as doing the laundry, ironing or cooking are still predominantly a women’s domain – regardless if the women are working or not more...

Quality of life for all - A barrier-free city

www.wien.at, the website of the City of Vienna, sets an example. The website is easy to navigate for deaf and visually impaired people to ensure that all Viennese may benefit from a high quality of life more...