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Big Star


CD: $55.99  |  MP3: $46.99
4.5 out of 5 stars(28)
CD: $19.89  |  MP3: $9.49
5 out of 5 stars(6)
CD: $10.99  |  MP3: $9.99
4 out of 5 stars(7)
CD: $10.99  |  MP3: $7.99
4.5 out of 5 stars(75)
CD: $14.85  |  MP3: $8.99
4 out of 5 stars(9)

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Image of Big Star

At a Glance

Formed: 1971 (39 years ago)


Editorial Biography

The quintessential American power pop band, Big Star remains one of the most mythic and influential cult acts in all of rock & roll. Originally led by the singing and songwriting duo of Alex Chilton and Chris Bell, the Memphis-based group fused the strongest elements of the British Invasion era -- the melodic invention of the Beatles, the whiplash guitars of the Who, and the radiant harmonies of the Byrds -- into a ramshackle but poignantly beautiful sound which recaptured the spirit of pop's past even as it pointed the way toward the music's future. Although creative tensions, haphazard… Read more(please enable JavaScript to read more)

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