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Staff columnists
Ask Amy

Ask Amy

Girlfriend on the fence over guy's lies - August 26, 2011 - Dear Amy: I met a man online last year, and we really hit it off. From my perspective, we enjoyed spending time together; had a lot in common, great conversations, great chemistry, and seemed to value many of the same things.

Fred Mitchell's Around Town

Fred Mitchell's Around Town

'Ringers' win tourney - August 26, 2011 - A Chicago-bred basketball team won the National Hoop It Up 3-on-3 tournament in Miami last weekend and had some high-profile "ringers" performing.

Barbara Brotman

Barbara Brotman

Advice for college students — and their empty-nest parents - August 22, 2011 - My first-born leaves for college in two weeks. Looking for words of wisdom. If you were starting college all over again, with what you know today, what would you do differently (or the same ...)?

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

'Victory' in Libya - August 25, 2011 - For a president blanketed in gloom, the rebel victory in Libya comes as a welcome ray of sunshine. It took a lot longer than expected, but Barack Obama managed to help bring about the apparent downfall of Moammar Gadhafi. Having avoided the...

Teddy Greenstein

Teddy Greenstein

Uihlein likes challenge of defending U.S. Amateur title at Erin Hills - August 20, 2011 - ERIN, Wis. — The U.S. Amateur can be a grueling test, what with six straight days of golf and a 36-hole final.

David Haugh's In the Wake of the News

David Haugh's In the Wake of the News

Past time for Dunn to grab a seat - August 26, 2011 - Not sure if Sox manager Ozzie Guillen listens anymore when his boss, Ken Williams, speaks.

Melissa Harris' Chicago Confidential

Melissa Harris' Chicago Confidential

Molex co-Chairman Fred Krehbiel's idea to own a small hotel translates into Ballyfin, an Irish estate - August 21, 2011 - During Fred Krehbiel's three decades running the international operations of Lisle-based Molex Inc., the electrical components business founded by his grandfather, he slept in hotels nine months out of the year.

Globetrotting by Philip Hersh

Globetrotting by Philip Hersh

Sprinter chases elusive dream - August 24, 2011 - LOS ANGELES — It figured that Allyson Felix's apartment in Playa Vista would reflect her personality.

Jon Hilkevitch's Getting Around

Jon Hilkevitch's Getting Around

Drivers frustrated by Kennedy express lanes - August 22, 2011 - A Japanese television crew recently spent several days in Chicago working on a story about the reversible express lanes on the Kennedy Expressway for a show called "Amazing Infrastructure From Around the World!''

Ask Rex Huppke: I Just Work Here

Ask Rex Huppke: I Just Work Here

Living through layoffs - August 22, 2011 - We're a country where careers are often part of our identity, and you don't suddenly yank that part of a person out without ripping up the rest.

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Artistic Home headed to Stage 773 - August 25, 2011 - The Artistic Home is moving to Stage 773. The small Chicago theater company said Thursday that it will stage its entire 2011-12 season at the larger theater, beginning in October with Eugene O'Neill's "A Touch of the Poet."  

Gregory Karp

Gregory Karp

You can get that at the library? - August 26, 2011 - Where can you borrow a garden rake or fishing pole, host a conference-room meeting and get free passes to the local museum?

John Kass

John Kass

Mailbag has room for Libya, wabbit and Kasshish - August 26, 2011 - Readers unnerved by flying bat men on the moon — and other column topics — should get their hands on some legalized Kasshish. It's the opposite of Hopium: You smoke it and see reality.

Julia Keller

Julia Keller

The long road home after 9/11 - August 20, 2011 - "Grief," writes Thomas Lynch, "is the tax we pay on our attachments."

Rick Kogan's Sidewalks

Rick Kogan's Sidewalks

Blues icon Buddy Guy gets another accolade - August 19, 2011 - As 90,000 or so relatively young people wallowed in the mud and sounds at Lollapalooza a few blocks away in Grant Park, a couple hundred slightly older folks sat inside Buddy Guy's Legends on Wabash Avenue at 8th Street, and sang "Happy Birthday"...

Gail MarksJarvis

Gail MarksJarvis

Find a fund that can better weather a storm - August 26, 2011 - You've heard the refrain: Buy and hold.

Nina Metz

Nina Metz

Back in time on 'The Playboy Club' set - August 25, 2011 - To enter the Chicago production offices of NBC's new one-hour drama "The Playboy Club," you must first walk under Mondrian-esque blue, yellow and red color-block awning, and you suddenly realize that before you even get on set, you're on the set.

Clarence Page

Clarence Page

Decay in the art of political insults - August 24, 2011 - With a presidential contest on the rise, so is the heat of the umbrage wars. That's what I call the endless contest to see which political side can express more outrage about what the other side has to say about it.

Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips

'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark': Scariest? Maybe not - August 26, 2011 - When fantasy filmmaker Guillermo del Toro says he considers the 1973 made-for-TV movie "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" the scariest thing ever made for the medium, he's not really talking about the teleplay itself.

Mary Ellen Podmolik

Mary Ellen Podmolik

Patience paying off in short-sale process - August 26, 2011 - Are short sales getting easier?

Dan Pompei

Dan Pompei

Eagles counting on star power - August 25, 2011 - PHILADELPHIA — After so many big names begged off the NFC Pro Bowl team last January for supposed owwies and boo boos, the all-star team did not have much more talent than the 2011 Eagles will have.

Howard Reich

Howard Reich

Insider's guide to Jazz Fest - August 26, 2011 - Pace yourself. That's the best way to handle the 33rd annual Chicago Jazz Festival, which packs a tremendous amount of music into a few short days.

Phil Rogers

Phil Rogers

MLB rankings: Granderson helps Yankees move up to No. 1 - August 22, 2011 - 1. Yankees (2): You know you're pretty good when you can hit a guy with 34 home runs in the No. 2 hole. That's what Joe Girardi did when Alex Rodriguez returned on Sunday, and Curtis Granderson delivered an inside-the-park homer for No. 35....

Phil Rosenthal

Phil Rosenthal

Apple's Steve Jobs: A real-life Willy Wonka with an eye for detail, beauty - August 25, 2011 - He had a full head of hair, which, like his beard, was thicker and darker than we would come to know. He wore a light blue, open-collared Oxford shirt under a sports jacket instead of the turtlenecks that became his trademark.

Ameet Sachdev's Chicago Law

Ameet Sachdev's Chicago Law

Email disclaimers generally not legally binding - August 26, 2011 - The other day I received an email from a lawyer in Chicago who I don't talk to very often. So I was a little surprised to hear from him.

Mary Schmich

Mary Schmich

Go see 'The Interrupters' to understand the nature of violence in Chicago - August 26, 2011 - A friend of mine showed up at the Gene Siskel Film Center last Saturday night to see "The Interrupters" only to find that, sorry, it was sold out. Both shows.

Dawn Turner Trice

Dawn Turner Trice

Breast cancer survivors find joy, hope in chorus - August 24, 2011 - When Melinda Pollack-Harris learned she had breast cancer seven years ago, she was grateful that her doctor told her in a roundabout way.

Phil Vettel

Phil Vettel

From Paris to sizzling Bangkok - August 25, 2011 - Next, the shape-shifting restaurant by Grant Achatz and Nick Kokonas (the principals at world-famous Alinea), dazzled diners with its inaugural "Paris 1906" menu. For an encore, the kitchen went about as far afield as possible. To Bangkok, in fact.

John von Rhein

John von Rhein

Chicago group plans Beethoven bonanza - August 21, 2011 - The galleries of the Chicago Urban Arts Society on South Halsted Street were designed to reinvent the way people look at public art. For five days and nights next month, their function will be to reinvent the way people listen to Ludwig van...

Ellen Warren

Ellen Warren

Freshmen, ditch the iron! And other dorm tips from recent grads - August 20, 2011 - College-bound freshmen are bombarded with checklists — from their schools, big retailers, bloggers and websites — detailing the many many things they'll need when they move into the dorm.

Jen Weigel

Jen Weigel

How readers recharge - August 26, 2011 - Our column about tips to recharge your batteries brought in many ideas from readers. Here are some suggestions they shared on Facebook and in e-mails:

Jon Yates' "What's Your Problem?"

Jon Yates' "What's Your Problem?"

Problem Solver: Dominick's employee allowed back to work - August 25, 2011 - Mark Edwards is going back to work — and he'll be wearing his earrings.

Eric Zorn

Eric Zorn

Nobody asked, but … - August 26, 2011 - In a little more than a week, my youngest, the twins, will enter high school.

Other columnists
Julia Allison: Social Studies

Julia Allison: Social Studies

Cancer survivor fights back with social media - August 17, 2011 - DEAR JULIA: I know you're from the Chicago area -- have you heard of Jenna Benn and her blog, KillitintheButt.com (http://KillitintheButt.com), dedicated to chronicling her fight against cancer? It seems like this generation of patients...

Matt Bowen

Matt Bowen

Wright can be blitzing force - August 26, 2011 - The Bears can incorporate free safety Major Wright into the game plan Saturday night against the Titans by sending zone pressure from the open (weak) side of the formation. They would show coverage and roll into the blitz front at the snap.

Dennis Byrne

Dennis Byrne

Fracking and the road to energy independence - August 23, 2011 - Spectacularly vast stores of natural gas — by some estimates a staggering 837 trillion cubic feet — trapped in shale formations thousands of feet below our nation's surface could endow America with decades of energy independence.

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum

Invasion of the idiocrats - August 19, 2011 - You may not have seen "Idiocracy," the 2006 sci-fi comedy set in an utterly dysfunctional nation 500 years in the future, but chances are you've heard it mentioned lately. References to the film seem to be everywhere, and not just in op-eds...

Don Dziedzina

Don Dziedzina

The lure of Stannard Rock - August 20, 2011 - Everyone has a dream, and Mike Schoonveld's has been fishing for lake trout at Stannard Rock in Lake Superior, one of the most remote — and possibly treacherous — fishing locations in the nation.

Leah Eskin

Leah Eskin

Renters' lessons 101 - August 21, 2011 - Our first apartment indulged in all the cliches of its genre. My roommate and I decorated one room in spare futon chic, one in cut-rate "unfinished" style, and one in thrift-shop shabby. Terribly grown-up.

Ilyce Glink

Ilyce Glink

Getting rid of undeveloped lot presents challenge - August 23, 2011 - Q. Several years ago, my husband and I purchased a vacant lot for $11,000 in a lake/golf community, more for investment than planning to build.

Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg

My Rick Perry problem — and ours - August 26, 2011 - Texas Gov. Rick Perry is the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination now, at least in the national polls. Undoubtedly that's the main reason so many East Coast pundits and Beltway wags are making fun of him. He likes guns! He's from...

Benny Kass

Benny Kass

Giving property as a gift requires careful tax planning - July 29, 2011 - I receive a large number of email questions on a monthly basis, and try to answer as many as I can. I wish I could respond personally to everyone, but that is not possible.

Joyce Lain Kennedy

Joyce Lain Kennedy

Winning points with a younger manager - August 24, 2011 - Q. The manager I report to is the same age as my son. None of my attempts to establish a pleasant working relationship are panning out. Can you suggest ways to solve this conflict before I find myself out of a job? -- C.H.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

This is Obamaland: Bad luck, bad faith - August 22, 2011 - "We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, got the economy moving again. … But over the last six months, we've had a run of bad luck."

Dan McNeil

Dan McNeil

Blame Williams circus on Angelo - August 26, 2011 - If Roy Williams should drop a pass that hits him right in the hands Saturday night in Nashville, don't curse at him.

Robert Pagliarini: Your Other 8 Hours

Robert Pagliarini: Your Other 8 Hours

Become unbreakable: 10 tips to create more personal resilience - August 24, 2011 - How much better would your life be if you were unbreakable? If you knew that no matter what happened that you would survive and persevere -- and that maybe you'd even come out a little better? We cannot escape pain, difficulty, failure, tragedy and...

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Depends on your definition of weird - August 11, 2011 - — Just what is the meaning of weird?

Mark Pearlstein

Mark Pearlstein

Owner makes a case for a reserve study - August 26, 2011 - Q: I am a past board member and currently a member of our association's maintenance committee. We are a 100-unit "coach home" condominium that was built about 28 years ago.

Leonard Pitts

Leonard Pitts

Going overboard with our predatory instincts - August 22, 2011 - "Don't miss a moment of the high fashion, high drama and hijinks as 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' returns for Season 2. Join the pampered princesses of the world's most famous ZIP code as they struggle with questions all the money in...

Janet Portman

Janet Portman

New landlord forces move, then rents to new tenants - August 26, 2011 - Q: The home we've been renting was foreclosed when the owner, our landlord, stopped making his mortgage payments. The bank held a sale, and a guy and his wife bought it. They told us they intended to move in and gave us a 90-day notice (we still...

Dean Richards

Dean Richards

Piven's next act: A flick for kids - August 19, 2011 - Jeremy Piven is a Chicago area showbiz success story. He started acting in his parents' workshops and theater in Evanston. He's gone on to a variety of roles in feature films but has scored amazing success in the HBO series, "Entourage," for...

Daneen Skube: Interpersonal Edge

Daneen Skube: Interpersonal Edge

Let anger energize your effectiveness - August 22, 2011 - Q. I've been in my career for about 20 years, and the older I get, the crankier I get. Even little things will set me ruminating for hours. I've tried just shifting my attention, but my thoughts go right back to what upsets me. Is there any way...

David Sobolewski

David Sobolewski

'We had bigger goals' - March 21, 2011 - Obviously, the Benet team and community had an extremely rough time with the unexpected end to the season.

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks

Boys soccer | Joe Trost's Corner Kicks blog: Morton's Salmeron out for six weeks with knee injury - August 22, 2011 - Morton's Joel Salmeron, a preseason candidate for Player of the Year, will miss the first six weeks of the season after straining his left MCL Friday during a team scrimmage.

Mary Umberger

Mary Umberger

The new ins and outs of corporate relocation - August 19, 2011 - Back in the "Mad Men" era, I had two high-achieving uncles who regularly earned promotions in the mega-corporation that employed them both.

Bob Weber

Bob Weber

Road won't rough up tires - August 24, 2011 - Q: Does driving on rough pavement before the roads are resurfaced significantly reduce tire life? With road construction season underway, I avoid the rough surfaces because I think that it acts like sandpaper on the tires reducing the tire life. My...

George Will

George Will

Who will bat against 'Alibi' Obama? - July 8, 2011 - "If he popped up in the pinch he should of made a base hit and the reason he didn't was so-and-so. And if he cracked one for three bases he ought to had a home run, only the ball wasn't lively, or the wind brought it back, or he tripped on a...

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