This is the official website of Gallery, the open source web based photo album organizer. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site.


Gallery 3.0.2 bugfix release is available!

Gallery 3.0.2 is available, woot! This is a bug and stability fix release, but it adds a few new usability features. You should upgrade to Gallery 3.0.2 when you can. Upgrading is quick and easy! Read on to learn what's new and improved, or just download it now!

Gallery Developer Conference 2011: Mission Complete

The 2011 Gallery Developer Conference ended last weekend in Atlanta, and we had a blast while getting a lot done. Your donations paid for room and board while we talked about all things Gallery and hacked a bit on Gallery 3. Some notes were written on the walls, a few photos were taken, and the end results are some things you're going to like:

  • Much progress was made on Gallery 3.0.2 (Codenamed 'Coldlanta' after the unusually pleasant Atlanta weather). From it's roadmap there is currently just one ticket to go which is a permission model change that should make a lot of people happy!
  • We pushed all other tickets back to a "3.2" release and selectively pulled things into 3.1. Gallery 3.1 is focusing on things that users and themers have asked for, and it's roadmap is looking pretty reasonable. Expect momentum here to pick up as soon as 3.0.2 is out.
  • Lots of wiki 'cruft' on the wiki on this domain was removed or moved over to, and a lot of maintenance was done on existing content to make it easier to find some things people often are looking for.

Whether it's via IRC, in the forums, or in the Gallery 3 issue tracker, please keep your feedback coming! Every change we make to Gallery 3 is a direct response to something you need.

Gallery Developer Conference 2011: Atlanta, you're invited!

It's that time for a Gallery Conference again, and this year we're trying something new. You're invited! If you can write code, documentation, design UIs, or provide support, you and your laptop are welcome to join us in Atlanta April 22nd and 23nd to get some work done.

  • April 22nd - Focused "workshops" on all things Gallery. We'll get a schedule posted, but expect hour or two long hacking sessions on everything from the remote API to theming to documentation. Bring your questions about projects you're working on, or if you have things you'd like to pitch to the core team. Afterwards will of course be tasty food and drinks.
  • April 23nd - Open Hacking. Network with other Gallery developers in person to pitch in and get work done on your Gallery related projects. Sometime in the afternoon we'll head out to play tourist in Atlanta.

Sound like fun? Here's what you need to do:

  • Have played with Gallery 3 in some capacity and be ready to ask specific questions or contribute. This is not an end-user support event or a place to ask other people to do work for you.
  • Get yourself and a laptop with wifi to the event in Atlanta, GA on those dates. (We'll be somewhere reachable by public transit from the Airport.)
  • E-mail your name, what you'd like to get out of the event, and some sort of detail so we know you're serious.

Depending on the level of response we get, we may need to limit capacity or alter the schedule. As the event gets closer, we'll post more details.

While this event is completely free, you're responsible for getting to and around Atlanta and paying for meals. There's a chance we will be able to provide a lunch, and a good chance Bharat will grab the tab at a bar afterwards, but it all depends on how big the crowd is.

Any questions? Ask them here!

Gallery 3.0.1 security and bugfix release is available!

Gallery 3.0.1 is available! This is a bug and stability fix release, but it also includes an important security fix. We strongly advise that you upgrade to Gallery 3.0.1 as soon as possible. Upgrading is quick and easy — don't put it off! More details to learn what's improved in Gallery 3.0.1 or just download it now!

Thanks Forum Contributors!

The Gallery forums have been pretty busy as new and experienced Gallery users tinker with Gallery 3. Over the last 60 days there have been thousands of posts from lots of users, with developers helping users, and users helping other users. It's great to see! Gallery team members bharat, floridave, and nivekiam lead the charts, and the following awesome users all have averaged over 1 post a day for the last 60 days: Serge D, dwdallam, tempg, Armani2, danneh3826, kandsten, undagiga, and sooskriszta.

Thanks everyone! Your contributions are noticed and appreciated.

Gallery on Android

anthony43 just announced the release of ReGalAndroid, an Android client for Gallery 2 and Gallery 3. Search for "regalandroid" in the Android market, check it out, and file bugs here if you find any. There is also a discussion thread in our forums.

ReGalAndroid currently supports browsing and sharing of items in both Gallery 2 and Gallery 3, and can add new photos only to Gallery 2. Hopefully full Gallery 3 write support is just around the corner!