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  1. Fictitious person called back, and then proceeded to talk for two hours and some, in my engagement with this stalker I feel lied to!
  2. Random caller for 17 minutes, tells me Ramadan is like trascendental self abuse... usually random callers are named Arbazz, but this wasn't!
  3. Goodbye social world, school starts in a little over an hour, and my other addiction is back, Final Fantasy XIV, nice speaking to you!
  4. Off to sleep land?
  5. Productive day occuring! I had to stay up all night long to make it a productive day, now I got to stay up all day, an get up early tomorrow
  6. Productive day, no. Sleep aid and sleeping till 1pm, yes. I have to force myself out of bed if I want a productive "day".
  7. Praying for a productive day tomorrow!
  8. I wonder who would win, Freddy Krugger or Wolverine? Jazon or the Juggarnaunt? The Devils Rejects, or all of the Xmen combined?
  9. "Wombat Vengence" - what movie is that from?
  10. Final Fantasy XI is finding its way back onto my computer, I may be, indisposed for a couple of, uh, months! Oh and school starts next week.
  11. After watching ALL Hellraiser and Hannbile movies I have come to the conculsion, if Hannible and Pinhead were real, they would be my heroes!
  12. @GovernorVentura How would one go about reaching you for a Television show idea?
  13. I am going to engage in some of my favorite things, zombie movies, sleep aids, coffee, and maybe, just maybe, peanut butter and jelly :-)
  14. My mother asked me today if I was lonely, which she only asks when she thinks I am going to off myself, or she is depressed, not good!
  15. "Does Mr. Jesus love my retarded brother Bilo"? Oh that movie cracks me up everytime I remember it, good times, memories, sigh...
  16. I have a TV show idea, how does someone start a tv show? I could use the internet I suppose, but how do I get the cast?
  17. No fasting today, I am sick, which sucks more than fasting... this is a slippery slope, best be better tomorrow!
  18. @GuantanamoAndy what be this about? I took deteainees home during that time, it was inlate 03 or early 04...
  19. Got to love that Ramadan "first cup o coffee" each day, at 7:30 pm...
  20. What is wrong with Kevin Arnold? Wendy Cooper is not attractive! He must have lost it because of the London Riots!