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Fixing the Cubs

The Cubs need to bench Marmol for the rest of the season or suffer more losses. We have had enough! They must be traded at the end of the...

Goodbye Cubbies

I have been an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs all of my life. When I read that the poor excuse of a pitcher, Carlos Zambrano, was quitting...

Tip of the spear?

Sad but true: Michelle Bachmann, Joe Walsh, and a number of others who refer to themselves by that now-popular catchphrase, 'tip of the...

Engaging public art

That was a nicely nuanced story by Maria Recio (Art Remains Fixture in Public Spaces, Aug. 11) about the evolving nature of public art...

Death penalty effects

Illinois abolished the death penalty and the murder rate in Chicago immediately dropped more than 7 percent. So much for the argument that...

Done with the Cubs

After a lifetime I am done going to Cubs games. I refuse to spend my money in supporting this team any longer. The spiraling ticket prices,...

What fix?

President Barack Obama has claimed again that he saved the country from a depression. How did he do this? He has spent money we don't have...

Get rid of Tollway Authority

As if flat wages, higher food prices, and higher state income taxes were not enough of a burden for workers to bear, now the Illinois...

That last Texan

"If this guy prints more money between now and the election," said Texas Gov. Rick Perry discussing Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke at early...

Multiple choice

Check the correct answer. Longer school days will:

Hispanic construction workers pro-tollway

On behalf of the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA) and its Board of Directors, we would like to extend our support...

Spend Air Show money better

Every year Chicagoans gather on the lakefront in a scene worthy of the Roman Empire's Bread and Circuses to gaze skyward at the Air Show.

Employing tradespeople

Yesterday, Mayor Emanuel shared a shocking statistic: 15 percent of the nation's construction tradespeople are unemployed, compared to 9...

Poor little rich folks

Unemployed people and the poor are not the only ones suffering from the recession. What about people trying to get a yearly income of at...

Free tax advice

I've got some advice for Warren Buffett. Fire every accountant and lawyer who helps him prepare his 1040 return. Next April 15, 2012, he...

Oh, Dennis

Where do I sign up for a weekly rebuttal column for Mr. Dennis Byrne's?

Buffet's remedy

Will the American public ever figure out that both major political parties are dead wrong in their basic philosophies and that is why we...

Don't forget seniors

Note to Republicans or any politician who plans to mess with Social Security or Medicare. There are 50 million (and counting) seniors....

Nostalgia for civility

More and more, I find myself wishing I could use my grandfather's favorite phrase, "When I was a kidÂ…" and not because I'm looking to grow...

Tax the rich

Warren Buffett has repeatedly called for higher tax rates for the rich, recently reasserting this view in an opinion piece he wrote for...

Downgrade Obama

In the days following the Standard and Poor's downgrade one cannot help but notice the cacophony of literary and verbal abuse hurled at the...

Tax pledge

Page 19 of today's paper says it all with the headline "Durbin assails anti-tax vow." Only in Illinois can a politician demonstrate this...

Rebuild infrastructure

I am offended that Congress has taken a five-week vacation at the same time that millions of Americans are struggling to feed their families...

The Zambrano problem

The Chicago Cubs are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They owe Carlos Zambrano more than $20 million. Zambrano is the amoeba-brained...

Riverwalk access

In the Aug. 15 article regarding access to the Riverwalk, one group was not mentioned. This group is denied access from Columbus Drive to...

Protesting irony

Besides the sunshine and amazing aerobatics, there is another constant at the Air & Water Show each year: protesters. Specifically, my...

Clean cars

Cars are being required to limit their contribution to the pollution of cities as their final goal. Electric cars and trucks seem to be...

Raise Metra fares

I applaud Metra's decision to raise fares rather than cut service. It is service, not low fares, that will attract businesses and jobs to...

Be presidential

A presidential bus tour of the Midwest? Obama has become the male Sarah Palin! Give him a mike, a podium, a TV camera, a set-up crowd...

Perry a secessionist

I find it curious that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has entered the United States 2012 presidential race when not so long ago he courted the idea...

Iowa speaks

Iowa Republicans sent a loud and clear message: the GOP presidential field is garbage and their eventual nominee will be so radical that...

Cubs dropped the ball

I'm sure everyone has an opinion of the Carlos Zambrano mess. In the long run, I blame Major League Baseball and in this case the Chicago...

Expensive clothes

I was disappointed that the clothing chosen for the "Beyond Extra Credit" spread in the August 14 back-to-school issue of Trib Magazine...

Poor wasting money

As I read again in today's local newspaper about "balancing the budget on the backs of the poor," I actually took time to ponder these...

Our Dickensian future

Reading John Kass' analysis of the London mob violence reveals a lot about his worldview. It is the world of Dickens, where Bob Cratchit has...

Free rides on Metra

I am a frequent rider of the Union Pacific Northwest line to Ravinia Park. The trains are great and the conductors are professional and...

Goodbye Zambrano

I would like to see Carlos Zambrano off my Cubs team.


In his August 15 letter to the Tribune, Phil Adams states with conviction that Obama is "only a former community organizer" and asks...

Moving out

In the last several years there has been a constant flow of editorials describing the poor financial condition of Illinois. "The deadest...

Keep Logan Square open

I applaud the Tribune for its stance on the issue of parking on Logan Square's historic boulevards. I've been a resident of the community...

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• Letters should be timely and should be addressed to the editor; no open letters to other people are printed.
• Letters must be signed, must contain contact information including letter writer's city and state, and must be fewer than 400 words.
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• We edit and/or trim letters as little as possible, but we reserve the right to do so as necessary.

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