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Abraham: Quiz


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  • local legend in Lajjun, a district center in Palestine under the Abbasids, held that the spring that served as its primary water source sprang from a stone after Abraham struck it with his staff?

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  • local legend in Lajjun, a district center in Palestine under the Abbasids, held that the spring that served as its primary water source sprang from a stone after Abraham struck it with his staff?
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    Question 1: Sarah died at the age of 127, and Abraham buried her in the ________ (also called the Cave of Machpelah), near Hebron.
    Great Mosque of GazaAn-Nasr MosqueAl-Aqsa MosqueCave of the Patriarchs

    Question 2: Jean-Vincent Scheil subsequently found a tablet in the Imperial Ottoman Museum in ________ from Hammurabi to a king Kuder-Lagomer of Elam, which he identified with the same name in Pinches' tablet.
    TurkeyAnkaraIstanbulTurkish people

    Question 3:
    When did Abraham die?
    died at age 175

    Question 4: The standard ________ Hebrew text of the Bible places Abraham's birth 1,948 years after the Creation, or 1948 AM (Anno Mundi, "Year of the World").
    Nevi'imBiblical canonMasoretic TextKetuvim

    Question 5: Some time after the birth of ________, Abraham was commanded by God to offer his son up as a sacrifice in the land of Moriah.
    IsaacEberJacobEnoch (Biblical figure)

    Question 6:
    When is Abraham's birthday?
    Early second millenium BCE, in most theological traditions; at

    Question 7: Abraham is mentioned in many passages in 25 of the 114 suras (chapters) of the Qur'an, more than any other individual with the exception of Moses, according to the ________.
    Arabic languageMiddle EastEncyclopaedia of IslamTurkish language

    Question 8: The Bible relates that Abraham was originally named Abram and was the tenth generation from Noah and the twentieth from ________.
    AdamEberEnoch (Biblical figure)Isaac

    Question 9:
    Where is Abraham's final resting place?

    Question 10:

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