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Porcelain gallbladder: Wikis


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Porcelain gallbladder
Classification and external resources
ICD-9 575.8
eMedicine radio/569

Porcelain gallbladder is a calcification of the gallbladder believed to be brought on by excessive gallstones but more studies are necessary to determine the exact cause.

It is predominantly found in overweight female patients of middle age.


Association with cancer

Porcelain gallbladder often results in a diagnosis of gallbladder cancer. The association with the two is uncertain; gallbladder cancer is rare, but is almost always found with porcelain gallbladder. The prognosis is poor, in that the gallbladder is usually asymptomatic until the cancer has spread.

Two review articles found the incidence of calcified gallbladder associated with cancer of the gallbladder was only about 1%. They also found that of 69 calcified gallbladders only 3 of them contained cancer.[1][2]


Symptoms can include abdominal pain (especially after eating), jaundice, and vomiting.


If porcelain gallbladder is found very early before symptoms present themselves (such as during a surgery of some sort), the gallbladder can be removed and the chances for recovery are very good. Treatments are still being developed and doctors are studying new ways to treat this condition at more developed stages.


  1. ^ Towfigh S, McFadden DW, Cortina GR, et al. (2001). "Porcelain gallbladder is not associated with gallbladder carcinoma". The American surgeon 67 (1): 7–10. PMID 11206901.  
  2. ^ Stephen AE, Berger DL (2001). "Carcinoma in the porcelain gallbladder: a relationship revisited". Surgery 129 (6): 699–703. doi:10.1067/msy.2001.113888. PMID 11391368.  

External links

  • eMedicine.com — Porcelain Gallbladder by Ali Nawaz Khan and Margaret Aird

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