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  • Solving Video Problems

  • If you are experiencing difficulty viewing our LIVE streaming video or archived video content (pulsing, flickering or intermittent video or audio), we suggest you do the following:

    Supported Browsers

    Please note that C-SPAN.org supports the following browsers only:

    • Windows: Internet Explorer 7 or higher; Firefox 3 or higher
    • Macintosh: Safari 3 or higher; Firefox 3 or higher

    If you are using an older version of one of these browsers, we encourage you to upgrade to the latest fully supported version.

    For Additional Help

    If you are still experiencing issues with watching video after trying the steps below for your video plugin, please send an e-mail to online@c-span.org. Include the following information:

    • Web browser type and version
    • Operating system type and version
    • Media player type and version
    • Connection type, speed (if known), and firewall settings
    • Do any error messages appear? (Please include these if so.)
    • For live streams of the C-SPAN networks: selected network and stream selection (Flash or Windows Media)

    Flash for Windows and Macintosh

    Be sure you have the most recent version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin.

    The C-SPAN Flash video player has a Popup feature that displays video in a separate window. Your web browser or popup blocker may prevent this separate window from opening. Set your browser or popup blocker to allow popups from www.c-span.org in order to use this player feature.


    Be sure you have the most recent version of the Real Player. To find which version you have installed, open the RealPlayer and click on Help » About RealPlayer (PC) or RealPlayer » About RealPlayer (Macintosh).

    RealPlayer 10.5 (Gold) and RealPlayer 11 for Windows

    1. Click on the Start menu button on the Windows' Taskbar.
    2. Go to Programs, then Real, followed by RealPlayer.
    3. Once the player launches, click on Tools.
    4. Select Preferences.
    5. Move to the Connection category and select Network Transports.
    6. Manually configure connections settings should be unchecked.
    7. If the box is checked, then uncheck it and click on the OK button and try playing video.

    If the problem persists:

    1. Follow Steps 1-5 from the list above, then select the Manually configure connections settings check box and click on the RTSP Settings button.
    2. Choose the Reset To Recommended button and click OK, then OK in the main Network Transports menu screen.
    3. Play our video to see if the issue was resolved.

    Note: If the steps above have not taken care of the video issue, refer to your Network/System Administrator, describe the issue and explain the troubleshooting steps you followed through this page. If you are using a home computer without a network set-up, please see the Real Networks Customer Support page, for further help.

    RealPlayer 11 for Macintosh

    Note for Snow Leopard: RealPlayer 11 does not currently work embedded in Safari. If you have issues with RealPlayer embedded in Firefox, please upgrade to version 3.5.2 (the most current at the time of Snow Leopard's release) or later.

    1. Open the Applications folder and launch RealPlayer.
    2. Once the player launches, click on RealPlayer.
    3. Select Preferences.
    4. Move to the Transport category.
    5. Use manually configured RTSP and PNA transport settings should be unchecked.
    6. If the box is checked, then uncheck it and close the Preferences section and try playing video.

    If the problem persists:

    1. Follow Steps 1-4 from the list above, then select the Use manually configured RTSP and PNA transport settings check box and click on the Configure button.
    2. Choose the Use Defaults button and click OK, then close the Preferences section.
    3. Play our video to see if the issue was resolved.

    Note: If the steps above have not taken care of the video issue, refer to your Network/System Administrator, describe the issue and explain the troubleshooting steps you followed through this page. If you are using a home computer without a network set-up, please see the Real Networks Customer Support page, for further help.