3D modelling of ChNPP and the Shelter

The tasks of 3D modelling of ChNPP and the Shelter

3Д модель ЧАЭС и Саркофаг

ЧАЭС и Саркофаг в 3Д моделях

Use of methods of three-dimensional modeling (3D-modeling) in the aggregate with the geo-information analysis which is based on data about a condition of designs of the Shelter and ChNPP, and also on various data about radiation parameters of environment (external and internal) these objects, provides:

  1. high degree of automation, which is based on existing data bank (digital graphic, geographical etc.);
  2. system approach to visualization and the analysis of a condition of the Shelter;
  3. Creation of various forecasting models of extreme situations development on the Shelter and ChNPP at the analysis of failures on a miscellaneous modelled scenarios;
  4. Interactivity, efficiency and multi-variant approach of modelling of conditions of the radiation-dangerous systems, capable to affect an environment condition, the personnel and the population;

Creation of new kinds of graphic schemes, maps, 3D-models of the Shelter (ChNPP), in the aggregate with possibility of their moving in space and time (virtual) allow to create versatile multi view point images of investigated systems and processes.
Actual task of three-dimensional modeling is working out and creation of electronic models of problem-practical orientation with wide opportunities of operative processing of the information which are directed on maintenance of acceptance of concrete administrative decisions at operation of nuclear and radiation – dangerous objects, both on ChNPP, and in the Exclusion Zone.

Video 3D animation of ChNPP Unit 4

3Д Модель реактора ЧАЭС

The 3D model of Chernobyl NPP Destroy Reactor
Room 305/2, Prepared in ArcGIS. The author of 3D-model – S.Podberezniy

Блок номер 4 ЧАЭС в 3Д

Cross section of premises of ChNPP’s 4th unit (object Shelter) on an axis 47 + 3m.
Reactor is “putted forward” and “turned on”. The author of 3D-model – S.Podberezniy

Practical results of modelling of the ChNPP, the Shelter, the Arches

3d model ChNPP and ARCH

3D-modelling is a powerful tool for the analysis and evident representation of spatial data. Prepared thematic 3-D model allows to understand easily communications between various objects and to see tendencies in development of the various phenomena or allows to estimate a current condition of object of the analysis.
Strict and exact enough decision of a problem of display the various information systems depends on the co-ordinate environment adequately adapted for conditions of the solving problem and providing minimum possible distortions of this information. Thus, full adequacy of virtual models of the Shelter to radiating conditions of environment near this object has allowed to execute modelling of exposition dose rate in places of work of the personnel occupied on construction of the New Safe Confinement (Arches).
In the presented drawings it is possible to see interface ArcScene with the isometric image of three-dimensional model of EDR of a gamma field on a site of NSC construction on gauging of a problem of 1 Plan of the Shelter Implementation Plan.
The major result of such modelling is not only visualization, but possibility of carrying out of doses calculations of the personnel who will be occupied on NSC on each separate workplace. Using the given model of calculation it is possible to carry out estimations of the general work – and dose loading which are necessary during construction and other kinds of works in a zone of influence of radiating field of the Shelter.

3d model ChNPP and ARCH
In figure the model of calculation of an external irradiation of separately taken worker, moving with certain speed on a certain route in the Shelter’s local zone is presented. Such calculation allows estimating of external irradiation doses of each builder with comprehensible levels of reliability.
Adequacy of received calculations results has been confirmed by the fact, that the value of calculated collective doses received at designing of stabilization of the Shelter (calculations was made by collective of ISP NPP), have coincided with actual doses which were received by builders occupied on works on stabilization.
One more practical application of the Institutes’s three-dimensional modeling within the frameworks of actions on transformation of the Shelter into an ecologically-safe system, was calculation and visualization of spatial data of gamma radiation on the Arch building site. Also spatial models of angular and power fields of a gamma background in planned zones of works on the Confinement construction have been created. The carried out researches have allowed determination the basic sources of radiation forming a gamma background in the Arch site.
3Д ЧАЭС и дозы облучения
On the basis of the performed scientific researches the actions for protection (shielding) of workplaces of the personnel which will be involved to the Arch construction from influence of sources of an ionizing radiation are offered.
A number of images of models showing design stages (three-dimensional modelling) of constructions designs stabilizing the Shelter and photos showing a practical embodiment in metal, decisions on Sarcophagus strengthening are presented. More about these works it is possible to learn on web page about actions for the Sarcophagus stabilization.

3d model 3D model 3d model Sarkofag

The contact person:
Sergey Podbereznyj
ISP NPP NAS of Ukraine
Tel. +038-04493-5-12-75
Fax +038-04493-5-14-34
email – elektra[+]slavutich.kiev.ua

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