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Bears training camp in Bourbonnais

Bears training camp in Bourbonnais

The longest work stoppage in NFL history is over. Now it's time for the Chicago Bears to return to their pre-season home, Bourbonnais, Ill., where they will go through a slightly abbreviated training camp at Olivet Nazarene University.

Here are images from the Bears preseason training camp in Bourbonnais.

Photo gallery: Pygmy slow loris twins

The aaww factor: Pygmy slow loris twins

Who doesn't love twins? Fortunately, these pgymy slow lorises don't dress alike -- yet. They are part of a rain forest display at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas. The newborns are the second pair of loris twins from the same parents to be born in captivity at the educational center and aquarium. Read more about the big-eyed baby lorises here.
-- Mary Forgione

Health insurance and reform: What you need to know

Health insurance and reform: What you need to know

The healthcare overhaul continues to roll out, evolve and otherwise remain in play -- as does the insurance field itself. Whether you support the changes, are doing your best to alter their course or simply watching it all play out, we'll keep you informed about the current developments, the path that led us to this point and where we might be going next.

Health officials ease requirements for states' insurance exchanges

July 12, 2011

Health officials ease requirements for states' insurance exchanges

The Obama administration moved Monday to ease some requirements on states to help them set up new insurance exchanges in 2014, a key feature of the healthcare law the president signed last year.

Medicare guidance is here

July 11, 2011

Health 411

Medicare guidance is here

I've had trouble finding a doctor who accepts Medicare. Is there a source that can help?

Medicare anti-fraud system launched

3:32 PM CDT, July 10, 2011

Medicare anti-fraud system launched

Using South Florida as a trailblazer, federal officials launched a nationwide computer system this month to spot suspicious Medicare claims and try to prevent billions of dollars from flowing to criminal enterprises.

Adults with Medicaid feel healthier than those with no insurance, a unique study finds

2:53 PM CDT, July 7, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Adults with Medicaid feel healthier than those with no insurance, a unique study finds

Adults with Medicaid use more medical services, have less financial stress related to health and, overall, feel healthier than those without insurance. So says a first-of-its-kind study on the effectiveness of the government insurance plan. 

Federal officials try again to bolster health plans for people with medical conditions

3:33 PM CDT, July 6, 2011

Federal officials try again to bolster health plans for people with medical conditions

Uninsured sick people got some good news recently -- or some of them did, anyway. Starting Friday, the Obama administration reduced the premiums by up to 40 percent in special high-risk insurance plans that the federal government is running in 17 states and the District of Columbia.

Medicare beneficiaries are missing out on these screenings

3:06 PM CDT, June 21, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Medicare beneficiaries are missing out on these screenings

Medicare beneficiaries aren’t taking advantage of new preventive services aimed at keeping them healthy. With a new campaign trying to change that, it’s worth taking a closer look at the services that millions of Americans could be getting under the new healthcare law.

McKinsey releases insurance-survey data; more controversy ensues

5:43 PM CDT, June 20, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

McKinsey releases insurance-survey data; more controversy ensues

Perhaps you recall that McKinsey report a few weeks back saying that nearly a third of employers might drop healthcare benefits when the healthcare overhaul takes effect. The report itself was the subject of many headlines. Then came the reaction from the White House and other supporters of the overhaul. That garnered more headlines – and a demand for McKinsey to explain its methodology. Now it's McKinsey's turn again.

New ad campaign touts preventive care benefits of health reform law

11:45 AM CDT, June 20, 2011

New ad campaign touts preventive care benefits of health reform law

The Obama administration is kicking off a nationwide ad campaign urging seniors to take advantage of free preventive services such as cancer screenings made possible in Medicare by the new healthcare law.

British fear 'American-style' healthcare system

June 13, 2011


British fear 'American-style' healthcare system

Two years ago, Britons were outraged when U.S. politicians like Sarah Palin, in the debate over healthcare reform, turned this country's National Health Service into a public whipping boy, denouncing it as "evil," "Orwellian" and generally the enemy of everything good and true.

When advance directives are not honored, and how to get data on medical prices

June 13, 2011

Health 411

When advance directives are not honored, and how to get data on medical prices

When I checked into a surgical center recently for a procedure that required general anesthesia, I presented my advance healthcare directive. But as I read over the consent form for the surgery, I noticed one of the provisions advised me that the surgical center had chosen "not to honor" these directives.

Insurer cuts premiums as industry prepares for new rules

7:01 PM CDT, June 6, 2011

Insurer cuts premiums as industry prepares for new rules

It turns out that pigs do fly. Last month, insurer Aetna received approval from Connecticut regulators of its request to reduce premiums on individual policies by an average 10 percent, starting in September. Yes, you read that right: reduce the premium.

Emergency care, but not at a hospital

7:38 PM CDT, June 6, 2011

Emergency care, but not at a hospital

Emergency departments are struggling to keep up with demand, serving a growing number of people at the same time that their numbers are shrinking. One increasingly popular option to improve access to services is the freestanding emergency department, a facility that, as its name suggests, isn't physically located with a hospital.

Newt Gingrich slams Paul Ryan's plan to overhaul Medicare

6:15 PM CDT, May 15, 2011

Newt Gingrich slams Paul Ryan's plan to overhaul Medicare

Presidential contender Newt Gingrich took a potshot Sunday at Republican House Budget Chairman Paul D. Ryan’s proposal to reform Medicare, becoming the most prominent Republican to distance himself from the plan.

Mitt Romney: No apologies for Massachusetts healthcare plan

2:33 PM CDT, May 12, 2011

Mitt Romney: No apologies for Massachusetts healthcare plan

Mitt Romney derided President Obama's national healthcare law as a federal "power grab" Thursday while defending the "more modest" state plan it was modeled after, beginning an effort to deal with his biggest vulnerability ahead of the Republican primary campaign.

Study: 44 million could lose Medicaid coverage under GOP plan

12:07 PM CDT, May 10, 2011

Study: 44 million could lose Medicaid coverage under GOP plan

House Republican plans to repeal the new healthcare law and to convert the Medicaid insurance program into a block grant to states could force as many 44 million poor and disabled Americans out of the program over the next decade, according to a new analysis by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation.

Graduates without health coverage should consider their parents' plan

9:06 AM CDT, May 4, 2011

Graduates without health coverage should consider their parents' plan

In past years, a student's graduation could mean leaving behind not only the classroom but also health insurance coverage, since family plans often stopped covering dependent children once they left school.

Insurance should pay for exercise programs to cut health costs, UF expert says

4:11 PM CDT, May 3, 2011

Insurance should pay for exercise programs to cut health costs, UF expert says

Health insurance companies should pay for exercise classes, which would in turn reduce health-care costs, especially among high-risk groups, such as diabetics, says a University of Florida researcher.

At least 600,000 young adults join parents' health plans under new law

7:10 PM CDT, May 2, 2011

At least 600,000 young adults join parents' health plans under new law

Hundreds of thousands of young adults are taking advantage of the healthcare law provision that allows people under 26 to remain on their parents' health plans, some of the nation's largest insurers are reporting. That pace appears to be faster than the government expected.

Finding a path through the health insurance 'gobbledygook'

April 23, 2011

Finding a path through the health insurance 'gobbledygook'

My ZIP code is a black hole for individual health insurance.

U.S. Republicans seek to reassure elderly on Medicare

1:46 PM CDT, April 21, 2011

U.S. Republicans seek to reassure elderly on Medicare

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans pushing deep cuts to U.S. government spending are seeking to reassure older Americans that their health insurance will remain intact even if Medicare is privatized.

Medicaid to offer rewards for healthy behavior

3:08 PM CDT, April 8, 2011

Medicaid to offer rewards for healthy behavior

A federal grant program authorized in the health overhaul law is offering states $100 million to reward Medicaid recipients who make an effort to quit smoking or keep their weight, blood pressure or cholesterol levels in check.

A guide to GOP proposals on Medicare

2:48 PM CDT, April 4, 2011

A guide to GOP proposals on Medicare

Amid the buzz about a possible government shutdown over this year's budget looms a more difficult question: What to do about entitlement programs, especially Medicare?

Doyle McManus: The choice between low taxes vs. Medicare benefits

April 7, 2011


Doyle McManus: Doyle McManus: The choice between low taxes vs. Medicare benefits

Opinion: Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal makes it clear that you have to make a choice: low taxes or guaranteed Medicare coverage.

The Results Of Healthcare Reform One Year Later

11:00 AM CDT, March 31, 2011

Live Health Chat

Live chat: The results of healthcare reform one year later

Join us Thursday, March 31 at noon EDT (11 a.m. CDT/9 a.m. PDT) to discuss live the expected and unexpected results of healthcare reform legislation with Congressman Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, Eric George of the Connecticut Business & Industry Association and Frances Padilla of the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut.

Obama administration appeals healthcare ruling

Obama administration appeals healthcare ruling

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Tuesday appealed a judge's ruling in Florida that struck down its landmark healthcare overhaul law as unconstitutional because it required Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty.

Online coalition of doctors, nurses and pharmacists answers questions about health-care law

5:09 PM CST, March 1, 2011

Online coalition of doctors, nurses and pharmacists answers questions about health-care law

At a time when many Americans are confused about the healthcare overhaul law, a coalition of groups representing doctors, nurses, pharmacists and consumers has launched a website to answer questions about the Affordable Care Act.

Some seniors are in for sticker shock on drug premiums

February 11, 2011

Some seniors are in for sticker shock on drug premiums

The Obama administration often touts the health-law provision that over the next decade will close the unpopular "doughnut hole" -- a gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Answering critics, Sebelius vows to ensure long-term care program is financially viable

February 10, 2011

Answering critics, Sebelius vows to ensure long-term care program is financially viable

The Obama administration is working aggressively to fend off critics of the CLASS Act, a voluntary insurance program created by the new health law to help individuals who require long-term care remain in the community. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promised to pursue changes to ensure the program is financially self-sustaining into the future.

Health insurers dominate city and state markets

10:00 PM CST, February 7, 2011

Health insurers dominate city and state markets

If you live in Alabama, chances are that you buy your health insurance from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, which controls 93 percent of the health-insurance market in the state. If you live in Wichita, Kan., you probably buy health insurance from Preferred Health Systems, which has 81 percent of that city's market.

Lobbyists challenging limits on health flexible spending accounts

February 2, 2011

Lobbyists challenging limits on health flexible spending accounts

When Arthur Massei learned that the new health law would cut his tax break for buying medicine, he enlisted in a broad, well-financed corporate lobbying campaign to repeal the provision.

Senate to vote on healthcare repeal

11:27 PM CST, February 1, 2011

Senate to vote on healthcare repeal

The Senate plans to vote Wednesday on legislation to repeal President Obama's healthcare overhaul, following a deal between Democrats and Republicans to schedule the largely symbolic roll call.

Insurer, hospital association roll out plan to cut readmissions

February 2, 2011

Insurer, hospital association roll out plan to cut readmissions

Reducing costly readmissions to hospitals is the goal of an initiative being rolled out this year by Illinois' largest health insurer and the state's hospital lobby.

Buying health insurance for children

January 31, 2011

Buying health insurance for children

If in the past you tried to buy health insurance for a child with a preexisting health condition and were turned down, it's time to give it another shot.

Possible changes to five health law provisions could have big effects

January 24, 2011

Possible changes to five health law provisions could have big effects

The Republican effort to repeal the health care law is sure to founder in the Democratic-controlled Senate, but that doesn't mean that the GOP is ending its assault on the law. House Republicans are already beginning work in committees to lop off and possibly replace some of the law's individual provisions.

Fertility treatment coverage varies dramatically

January 24, 2011

Fertility treatment coverage varies dramatically

Is health insurance coverage of infertility treatments an essential benefit to help people manage a medical disorder? Or is it a life-enhancing benefit, nice to have perhaps but not essential because it doesn't sustain a person's life?

5:38 PM CST, January 19, 2011

No COBRA relief; explore other options

Shopping for own policy can offer a better deal.

Medicare's policy on therapy comes under attack

6:21 PM CST, January 18, 2011

Medicare's policy on therapy comes under attack

The federal government is illegally denying thousands of chronically ill Americans needed therapies and medical services, five national organizations charged Tuesday in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Vermont.

Illinois expands options for uninsured residents with pre-existing medical conditions

5:06 PM CST, January 16, 2011

State expands options for uninsured residents with pre-existing conditions

Illinois has expanded insurance options for people with pre-existing medical conditions, advancing the state's efforts to implement national health reforms passed last year.

January 11, 2011

Obama administration's balancing act: Health insurance benefits vs. costs

Even as House Republicans press to repeal the health care law, government advisers this week are preparing to wade into one of the most contentious questions raised by the legislation: What benefits must insurers cover?

Some states have options to help consumers find health coverage

January 11, 2011

Some states have options to help consumers find health coverage

A reader asks: Are there other health insurance options besides high-risk pools for people who can't get coverage in the individual market because of a preexisting condition?

Insurers sometimes reject neonatal intensive care costs

January 4, 2011

Insurers sometimes reject neonatal intensive care costs

Many expectant parents are pretty savvy these days about making sure that their obstetrician and the hospital where they plan to have their baby are in their health insurance network. Using an out-of-network provider would almost certainly mean higher out-of-pocket costs: The plan might pay just 60 percent of charges, for example, instead of 80 percent or more.

Health insurance restrictions still exist for some consumers

December 21, 2010

Health insurance restrictions still exist for some consumers

Despite eliminating most lifetime and annual dollar limits, loopholes allow for numerical limits on some services.

Experts ponder 'Plan B' options for the health insurance mandate

December 16, 2010

Experts ponder 'Plan B' options for the health insurance mandate

With Republicans vowing to dismantle the health law and courts wrestling with its constitutionality, some health policy experts are pondering a possible "Plan B" in case the individual mandate -- the requirement that everyone get health insurance starting in 2014 -- is weakened or struck down.

State insurance officials to vote on rules for descriptions of health policies

December 16, 2010

State insurance officials to vote on rules for descriptions of health policies

Choosing a health insurance policy should be easier if consumers use the simple chart and other information that state insurance commissioners are expected to approve today.

Few seniors have long-term care insurance

December 14, 2010

Few seniors have long-term care insurance

People don't like to think about what will happen if they become too ill or infirm to manage on their own. Experts say that partly explains why sales of long-term-care insurance policies are so anemic; only about 10 percent of seniors have such coverage.

New rules spell out protections for consumers with 'limited benefit' insurance policies

December 9, 2010

New rules spell out protections for consumers with 'limited benefit' insurance policies

At least 1.5 million people will soon receive notices from employers or insurers that their health plans fall short of meeting a key standard in the new health overhaul law -- and by how much.

Health law's aim: Multiple vaccines for more people

December 7, 2010

Health law's aim: Multiple vaccines for more people

It's flu season: Time to get your flu shot.

In new insurance model, costs are based on value of the treatment

November 30, 2010

In new insurance model, costs are based on value of the treatment

What if, instead of making a $10 insurance copayment for your cholesterol lowering drug, your employer provided it and other drugs to manage chronic conditions for free? What if your company also paid for weight management and smoking cessation classes? You'd probably give your employer high marks for looking out for your health.

Deficit reduction plans would squeeze Medicare

November 30, 2010

Deficit reduction plans would squeeze Medicare

Spurred by growing concerns about the federal deficit, plans to curb Medicare spending are proliferating -- setting the stage for potentially bruising battles between seniors? advocates and budget cutters.

New law's health insurance regulations could mean rebates for consumers

November 22, 2010

New law's health insurance regulations could mean rebates for consumers

Insurance plans covering more than 50 people must eventually spend at least 85 cents of every dollar on care.

Administration unexpectedly expands bonus payments for Medicare Advantage plans

November 17, 2010

Administration unexpectedly expands bonus payments for Medicare Advantage plans

Payments meant to reward top-performing Medicare Advantage insurers.

Many individual health policies do not cover pregnancy

November 16, 2010

Many individual health policies do not cover pregnancy

Individual health insurance policies generally don't cover maternity care, as a recent investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reported.

Employers ready to raise the stakes for health incentives

November 15, 2010

Employers ready to raise health incentive stakes

Employee rewards for hitting health targets will likely increase over the next few years.

Reform lets young adults stay on parents' policies

Reform lets young adults stay on parents' policies

Group hopes to raise awareness among students.

Buy that antacid now

November 9, 2010

Buy that antacid now: Over-the-counter medicines to be cut from FSAs

The health-care overhaul has taken some of the flex out of flexible spending accounts, which let workers pay medical expenses with pretax dollars. Starting in January, you'll no longer be able to use your FSA for over-the-counter drugs and medicines unless you have a doctor's prescription.

Help is on the way for those who can't get medical insurance

November 8, 2010

Practical Matters

Help is on the way for those who can't get medical insurance

Last month, California joined the ranks of states that have created a federally funded health plan for people who are medically uninsurable. All states either have a plan or will have one soon.

Medical bill-sharing: An alternative to health insurance

6:59 AM CDT, November 2, 2010

Medical bill-sharing: An alternative to health insurance

Amanda Rooker doesn't pay for health insurance. Instead, she pays a monthly share to cover other people's health bills.

YOUR TURN: Mixed reactions

Patients and providers share their health care reform opinions.

10 tips for health insurance open enrollment

9:28 PM CDT, October 31, 2010

10 tips for health insurance open enrollment

Wedged in between Halloween and Thanksgiving is health insurance open enrollment season for many employees. That means it's time to review health benefits and pick what plan to enroll in for next year.

Co-pays becoming a thing of the past for preventive services

October 26, 2010

Co-pays becoming a thing of the past for preventive services

If you've been holding off getting screened for high cholesterol, diabetes or hypertension because of a co-payment, you soon won't have a reason to put it off.

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