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Pitchfork's must-see bands

Pitchfork's must-see bands

Greg Kot breaks down each day at this weekend's Pitchfork Music Festival and tells you which bands you absolutely can't miss (B = Blue Stage; G = Green Stage; R = Red Stage).

LIFESKILLS: How to do almost anything

Sew a button? Hail a cab? Yeah, they seem simple -- but sometimes you need just a little help. Check out our Lifeskills stories and learn how it's done.

How to unclog a bathroom drain

July 13, 2011

Life Skill #59

How to unclog a bathroom drain

The lavatory sink is the likeliest clog in the house, says lifelong plumber Chuck White, vice president of technical and code services for the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association, a national trade group based in Falls Church, Va. And you can probably unclog it without bringing in a plumber, White says. (Unlike kitchen sinks, which are usually clogged by food bits — as opposed to a tangle of hairs — and often tied into a disposal, making them a tough job for do-it-yourselfers.)

How to clean a bathroom

July 1, 2011

Life Skill #529

How to clean a bathroom

It's a dirty job — but someone's got to clean the bathroom. And when it's you, what's the most efficient way?

Campfire minus matches

June 14, 2011

Life Skill #461

Campfire minus matches

When unforeseen circumstances leave you stranded, it's handy to know how to start a campfire without matches or a lighter. "It is not easy," warns Denise Long, a wilderness survival instructor and author of "Survivor Kid" (Chicago Review Press, $12.95). But if cavemen could do it, you can too. Here's her advice:

Life skill: The social kiss

May 4, 2011

Life skill: The social kiss

Right cheek or left? Actual or simulated contact? Single or double? In all its iterations, the social kiss is spreading across the U.S. like pollen in spring — warmly welcomed by some; dodged like an allergen by others.

Smarter lawn mowing

May 18, 2011

Life Skill #428

Smarter lawn mowing

Thomas Christopher is a lawn and garden expert calling for a radical revamp of how we approach yard care. "Lawns. I keep struggling with them,'' says Christopher, editor of the just-published "The New American Landscape: Leading Voices on the Future of Sustainable Gardening" (Timber Press, $34.95). "I try to persuade people to do it in an easier, more environmental way, but people are stuck back in the Eisenhower years.

Life Skill #153: Avoiding dog bites

May 31, 2011

Life Skill #153: Avoiding dog bites

More than 30 people died from dog bite injuries last year in the U.S. (For comparison purposes, the National Weather Service says that the U.S. averages 58 lightning-related deaths a year.) Although fatalities are rare, more than a half-million people a year, mostly children, require hospital treatment for dog bites, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. And thousands were less serious and unreported. Clearly, people need to wise up.

How to wash a window

April 6, 2011

Life Skill #717

Life Skills: How to wash a window

Few things give a homeowner as much satisfaction as clean windows — and we mean sparkling clean, I-never-knew-it-got-that-bright-outside clean. An afternoon of washing windows is time well spent. So grab a bucket, and let us begin an assault on grime.

How to keep score at the ballpark

March 23, 2011

Lifeskill #343

Life Skills: How to keep score at the ballpark

People have been keeping scorecards at baseball games since before players wore gloves, but the popularity of keeping a scorecard seems to have faded in recent decades.

Hang a painting

February 8, 2011

Life Skill #251

Life Skills: Hang a painting

Hanging a painting is an art in itself, though you can hardly plead creative license when it's too high, crooked and resting amid a bed of misplaced nail holes. For the sake of your sanity — and your poor walls — home improvement expert Danny Lipford offered tips for hanging a painting right the first time.

Witnessing a crime

March 8, 2011

Life Skill #911

Life Skills: Witnessing a crime

When a crime happens, most folks will act like Clark Kent, not Superman. That's OK; dialing for help and reporting what you're seeing can be heroic too.

How to make a good sign

February 23, 2011

Life Skill #343

Life Skills: How to make a good sign

It's a mystery why somebody will clean signs,, price them, carefully display them, then announce the sale with a slapdash sign that looks like an afterthought. Similarly, a FOR SALE BY OWNER sign that looks like it was scribbled by a chimp isn't going to attract prospective buyers.

Lifeskills: How to grab a cab

January 12, 2011

Life Skills: How to grab a cab

Taking a cab might not seem to be that complicated. But as any taxi driver will tell you, there are ways to do it safely, quickly and cleanly -- and ways not to. So from the experts, we give you some tips for the road. The hail: Alfred LaGasse, CEO of the Taxicab, Limousine & Paratransit Association, says that there are actually two parts to the successful hailing of a taxicab.

Arrange flowers like a pro

September 21, 2010


Life Skills: Arrange flowers like a pro

Before launching her Web site, fearlessflowers.com, earlier this year, Annie Vanderwarker commissioned a survey. It found that 68 percent of people who bought cut flowers at the grocery store were afraid to arrange them.

Lifeskills: Snuff a kitchen fire

January 25, 2011

Life Skills: Snuff a kitchen fire

According to the National Fire Protection Association, four out of five fire-related deaths among civilians occur in the home. It makes sense to be prepared. Smoke alarms can alert you to a fire, and sprinklers can extinguish a blaze. Beyond that, fire extinguishers are a must, but even that might not be sufficient.

Lifeskills: Clean your desk

December 28, 2010

Life Skills: Clean your desk

Asking someone if they want a clean desk is like asking if they'd like to be fed chocolate ice cream by a model. "Um … wait … letmethinkaboutthatyes!" Yet the number of people who actually have clean desks is about as high as those model-fed fortunate ones. But getting (and keeping) a clean desk is easy.

Choosing an engagement ring

June 30, 2010


Life Skills: Choosing an engagement ring

Like wondering whether she'll say yes isn't stressful enough. You're also supposed to select and purchase a ring that fits her magnificent personality, her singular style and her, ahem, finger? Help! We called on the Engagement Experts.

How to read nutritional labels

August 25, 2010

Life skill #386

Life Skills: How to read nutritional labels

If you lose your train of thought somewhere between "servings per container" and "total carbohydrate," Sarah Krieger, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, is here to help with understand some of the key ingredients.

Life Skills: How to polish your nails

May 28, 2010

Life Skills: How to polish your nails

Cut: You decide what's too long for you. The darker or bolder the polish, the shorter the nail. File: Only in the direction the nail grows, so you don't weaken it. File sides straight, and corners round to match the cuticle's curve in reverse.

Life Skills: Tipping for services

May 13, 2010

Life Skills: Tipping for services

There is often a moment, after you get your car washed, or your furniture delivered, or your flat tire changed, when suddenly a wave of anxiety strikes. Are you supposed to tip? And if so, how much?

Lifeskills: How to iron a shirt

June 12, 2010

Life Skills: How to iron a shirt

It's not that hard -- all you need is an iron and a damp shirt straight out of the washing machine.

Lifeskills: How to end a relationship

May 22, 2010

Life Skills: How to end a relationship

There is no easy way to break up with a significant other, but you can be kind about it. Psychologist Linda Young offers a guide to a humane break up.

Life Skills: Summer first aid for kids

June 5, 2010

Life Skills: Summer first aid for kids

Worried about how to treat the little ones' warm-weather injuries? Here's what you should do -- and what you shouldn't.

Life Skills: Someone's fly is down

May 6, 2010

Life Skills: Someone's fly is down

It's an awkward moment. You see that someone's forgotten a step, but do you tell them? If so, how?

Life Skills: Door etiquette

April 3, 2010

Life Skills: Door etiquette

Who opens the door for whom? Even if your mom told you — and you actually paid attention — the old rules are evolving.

Life Skills: How to wash a dog

Life Skills: How to wash a dog

Inside or out, there are a few things to remember, including no human shampoo, and no water in the ears.

Life Skills: Give a wedding toast

April 24, 2010

Life Skills: Give a wedding toast

For the legions of best men and maids of honor stumped about what to say, Tom Haibeck — author of "Wedding Toasts Made Easy" — offers some tips for preparing and delivering a gorgeous toast.

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