The Eastern Sierra

Lifelong friends Jeff Winter and Los Angeles Times photographer Ken Hively meet for their 35th annual backpacking trip, this time along John Muir Trail, starting at Lower Pine Lake, which is north of Bishop, Calif. Journey with them as they trek through this stretch of the Sierra Nevada.

For more photo galleries, visit our photography page.

Tony Johnson of Pine Pack Station prepares for an early morning ride.

A close-up of Lower Pine Lake.

A sign marks the beginning of John Muir Trail.

Lower Pine Lake.

Snow at 12,000 feet.

French Canyon.

The moon rises over a peak near Lower Pine Lake.

Merriam Peak at 13,103 feet.

Granite Park at 12,542 feet.

Mt. Treasure.

Owens Valley.

Indian paintbrush flowers.

Lower Pine Lake with Mt. Tom in the background.

Jeff wades through a waterfall near Honeymoon Lake.

A gnarled pine near Honeymoon Lake.

Peru the dog with his owner.

Jeff at Lower Pine Lake.

Larry Lovelace of Pine Pack Station leads a mule pack.


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