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Minnow7 at 6:01 PM July 20, 2013

It's about Time!!!!!Stunning Revelation! Obots are in a TIZZY over this one! Obama Fraud Exp...: http://youtu.be/Rr9yO7TZyG8 via @youtube

curtis6823 at 11:23 AM March 8, 2013

Here's some free advice to the next mayor of LA,You tell us we need more public safety personel and to some degree I agree, First let's look at the Fire dept what is the percentage of calls do they recieve for fires? let see 80% NO,70%NO,50%NO,40%NO,it's closer to 15-20% the rest are medical aid 75% and the other 5%are rescue/accident. We should do what the County saw coming decades ago and contract out our medical/ambulances services so that we wouldn't have the pension burden that we are faced with in hiring and paying firemen to do medical triadge,and so we can hire more police. I am not attacking our beloved fire dept but someone has to look at the high cost of public safety pensions, at the cost of other city services we can save. I have alot more free advice so give me a call Mr or Mrs mayor.

steveirvin at 6:13 AM March 5, 2013

Someone please tell me why or how in the world stuff like TJ Simers' latest article can get published in your paper. by "comparing" the papal drama to the Clippers and Lakers drama, he's sunk to a new low in creativity, and by invoking his wife in his last few pieces has sunken to a newer low in inappropriateness.  we don't need, or never wanted to read about his wife! Get a clue. Do something. This is most unprofessional and uncouth. 

demkogs1 at 7:10 PM November 13, 2012 Economy adds 171,000 jobs in October, says report

Today is Nov 14 and this headline article was first posted on Nov 2. How many more days are you going to keep this as news?

mrfree4 at 8:00 PM August 24, 2012

Hi this is  mike. I am really upset that there has been no coverage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). I rely on your reporters to get me the news that is important. I do not understand how you could be missing this story. The TPP is an international agreement that has been under negotiation for three years with the US and 11 other countries. It could be finished this year. It threatens to offshore millions of U.S. jobs, increase medicine prices, flood us with unsafe food imports, and empower corporations to challenge our environmental and consumer safety laws in international tribunals. There have been 600 official corporate advisors who have access to the draft text of this massive deal, but the public and Congress have been locked out. This thing is like “NAFTA on steroids” with a bunch of Asian countries. The next round of negotiations will take place from September 6th-September 15 in Landsdowne, VA. Please send a reporter to these negotiations, this agreement is too important to not be covered!

steveirvin at 12:25 PM April 16, 2012

Martin can you please get this to the sports desk:

Friday's schedule said the Laker game would be coverd on kcal. it wasn't.

MartinBeckLAT at 9:40 AM April 17, 2012

Hi Steve,

I'll do that. And if you want to make sure I see your messages, email me at martin.beck@latimes.com



steven.irvin at 11:01 AM March 10, 2012

In one relatively insignificant money-grabbing move, the LAT has changed the landscape of it's online identity.  After the FB partnership, and this repugnance, I'm done.

steven.irvin at 10:14 AM March 10, 2012

and you guys are now CHARGING us for this enlightening experience?

where does it end?

steven.irvin at 10:12 AM March 10, 2012

"Sports Illustrated BIKINI MODEL sparks a debate..."

no duh, and keeping this fluff at the top of your headlines does too...

what a rag....

steveirvin at 9:50 AM March 7, 2012

RE: more from the Times....

i think the kate upton sparking a debate can go now.....

steveirvin at 11:10 AM February 1, 2012

 CA puclic records box...now it is Rizzo and his cohorts. you know i really don't have time to waste on this but it seems like such a bad choice, like using FB on your comment space. get with it LAT! i'm outta here, you guys offer no response where there is overwhelming support or outcry, or a simple common sense decision goes awry like a bad headache. it is a shame to have just you, one person trying to handle all the outpouring over the silly decisions the Times makes. best of luck to you, you're tough as nails and they are lucky to have you but what a bunch of losers you represent! best,


MartinBeckLAT at 4:35 PM February 8, 2012

Hi Steve (assuming you are still hanging around),

We've removed the full-face Rizzo mug again. Thanks for alerting us to its reappearance. As for comments (Facebook and otherwise), we are still working out our long-term solution. Clearly, many people are wary of commenting via Facebook, but many others believe the system has improved the quality of discussions. And the majority likely don't care one way or the other.

Regardless of our ultimate decision about comments (or the photos in our promos), I hope you and everyone else reading this can agree that there are many other reasons to stick around and consume our journalism.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment.



steveirvin at 6:22 PM February 22, 2012

thanks Martin. keep up the good work.

 i wish there were a simple box on the sports page that said TODAY'S GAMES, and listed them (the games), what times, and where they can be viewed online, on the air or wherever. this info is buried too deep somewhere (?) and I don't think LA sports fans should have to go other websites to find the pertinent information. just sayin....

MartinBeckLAT at 4:21 PM February 28, 2012

Hi again Steve,

Good idea re: Today's games. There is a daily calendar on http://latimes.com/sports (on the right-hand side of the page) but it could be better.

steveirvin at 2:10 PM January 30, 2012

HI Martin, 

the photo of Rizzo is back on the Public Records box. what

s that about?

MartinBeckLAT at 10:57 AM February 1, 2012

Hi Steve,

I noticed that too. Checking into it.

werterrific at 6:16 PM December 5, 2011

I too don't trust Facebook and their weak apology isn't enough to satisfy me! Keep up the great work on Sheriff Baca and the corruption. We citizens would have never found out without you guys staying with this story

mrxexon at 5:47 PM December 4, 2011

When are you going to take care of the Facebook issue? This has been going on sometime now and you've promised to fix it.

Where's the fix?

I do NOT like being funneled into Facebook just to leave a comment, okay? They have issues with their ability to maintain privacy and you know this to be true. Yet, you persist.

Who's side are you on exactly? I'll remind you it's your readers that pay the bills here. You best take care of us.


SFDEAN at 7:30 PM December 1, 2011



steveirvin at 9:33 PM November 20, 2011


how about dumping that awful photo of Rizzo on the Public Records box?  What on earth is the relevance now? Nobody wants to see him!!

MartinBeckLAT at 1:36 PM November 29, 2011

Point taken. We've switched out that photo (for one of Rizzo and other Bell figures during a court appearance). We'll aim to refresh our promos more often.

steveirvin at 11:32 PM January 16, 2012

Martin, nobody wants to see ANY of those clowns! What about a nice nature photo, or a public utility building in the sunset or something nice?? i can take it.

republicansareracistwhiners at 10:40 AM November 20, 2011

The Times continues to allow blatant racist comments in stories related to Latinos. Seems like there are no moderators to prevent it. I go less and less to the comments section when Latinos are the focus of the story.

MartinBeckLAT at 1:44 PM November 29, 2011

Most comments on our site go live without human moderation and therefore innappropriate comments are published. But we don't allow them to remain. We rely on our community of readers to help us police the discussions. Please flag for abuse any comment that you believe is racist or otherwise offensive and we will investigate.


Martin Beck, reader engagement editor

no1netfan at 5:44 PM November 19, 2011

From what i've seen Fox News will turn on their own moms.I was luky enough to fool them once and get on their radio station and talk about the guy's that built an apparatus that made their cars get 100 to 150 miles to the gallon.Over a hundred mil people heard these claims on their local news stations at one time or another,but the following days they heard no more about it.One of the guy's was from the 50's and the other i heard on our local tv station was just a couple of years ago.This last one had a 396 SS Chevel super sport that got a hundred mile to the gallon.He is a million aire now,the other guy got killed.Fox news got so made at me i though they were going to have a heart attack.They asked me how i got on their station.That day they were for the oil companys.Two days later they will be for the consumer.You never know which way they are leaning.I told them to watch Gas Hole on Hula or Youtube and i bet they did after they got home.To much information to be made up.

newageblues at 10:56 PM November 5, 2011

I don't understand what this newspaper has against weed. It seems like all you have to do is read your own news reporting, or Centers for Disease Control statistics, to see that there is no comparison between marjuana and alcohol when it comes to causing catastrophe.

Or just take the comments of your readers seriously, they are overwhelmingly against the war on cannabis users.  

JoeSexPack at 5:45 PM November 1, 2011

Mr Beck,

Not sure if you're aware, but the LA Times has patterns that erode your professionalism & readership.

1) Crime reports. A distinct lack of describing suspects, via text, sketches or photos, unless they're white or Asian. Here's a story about a man shot in south central LA, 'the suspect first punched the victim's girlfriend, and when he came to her aid, the suspect shot him.'


Obviously the witnesses saw enough to offer descriptions, but the LA Times refuses to print them. If your intent is to sway (white) readers that black & Hispanic males do not commit more crime than others, you failed, since most whites left LA. The effect is to let these criminals roam free, where they most often victimize others of their same races. Happy now?

2) Political/Election stories. Stop the Lefty smear campaign. Every story you write about a Repub or that party is framed negatively, also Libertarians & conservative Independents.

Conversely, Obama & most Dem's have halos over their heads, to your writers, who bend over backwards to spin away Dem problems of union corruption, illegal alien pandering, incompetence (Obama), mis-statements (Biden) & policy disasters (Fast & Furious), etc.

The LA Times is bankrupt because of leftist groupthink that slants info. I'll be surprised if this comment lasts a week.

JoeSexPack at 5:18 PM November 1, 2011

I created a fake Facebook account to post at the LA Times, the same way I created a fake e-mail address to register.

The LA Times is the only large paper in the US using the FB requirement, that I've seen. Most articles using the FB requirement get less than 10% the comments that other articles get, without the FB requirement.

Methinks the PC LA Times is using FB social protocol to stop negative comments about politically PC stories (crime reports), since most FB users prefer to keep politics off that site, & also keep their real names anonymous. In this age of internet stalking & common ID theft, that is obvious.

Keep it up, LA Times, stubbornly spinning hard left while in bankruptcy court. Your Spring Street building will make nice condo's.

mrxexon at 5:59 PM October 13, 2011

I want to comment on this:http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/world_now/2011/10/us-iran-central-bank-sanctions.html

But it's a Facebook only club. How long is this going to take before it's changed exactly?


MartinBeckLAT at 11:40 AM October 17, 2011

To be clear: We plan to continue using the Facebook comment system for the foreseeable future. We recognize that some of our readers are wary of using Facebook for commenting on our site, but on balance we believe that the system has improved the level of discussion on our blogs.

Thanks for your feedback,


SoCal_Bozo at 1:15 PM October 17, 2011

Boo hiss. bad decision.  I have to use Facebook to comment. Yuck.  Cancel my subscription.

mrxexon at 6:24 PM October 12, 2011

xexon taps toe in anticpation of change...


hypatia08 at 5:00 PM October 11, 2011

LA Times is WAY out of line, demanding that readers post on Facebook.  Believe or not, Times editors/publishers, not all of us are on social media.

Some with deeper pockets than mine ought to sue you!

newageblues at 11:05 PM November 5, 2011

Sue them? It's their fricking newspaper. I wish they weren't using facebook too, but it is their call. It sure does limit the discussion drastically, I can't see them being pleased about that.

mrxexon at 6:32 AM October 7, 2011

I've got a bone to pick about the Facebook only posts as well.

I feel like I'm being funneled into something I just want no part of.

Other than that, I think you folks are doing a great job.


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