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Pawlenty slams Bachmann on experience: 'She doesn't have it'

Pawlenty slams Bachmann on experience: 'She doesn't have it'

Adding some fire to his rivalry with his home-state colleague, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said Tuesday that Michele Bachmann did not...

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Martin Sheen, former TV president, lobbies Congress on drug courts

Martin Sheen, former TV president, lobbies Congress on drug courts

Actor Martin Sheen, who portrayed a president on television and is the father of admitted drug user Charlie Sheen, testified before a Senate...

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Michele Bachmann says 'easily controlled' migraines don't slow her

Michele Bachmann says 'easily controlled' migraines don't slow her

Michele Bachmann says her migraine headaches are “easily controlled” with medication, that the episodes have not slowed her on...

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Obama endorses Feinstein bill to repeal Defense of Marriage Act

Obama endorses Feinstein bill to repeal Defense of Marriage Act

President Obama endorsed a bill Tuesday that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, a 15-year-old law denying federal benefits for same-...

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Janice Hahn takes seat in Congress

Janice Hahn takes seat in Congress

Janice Hahn was officially sworn in as California's newest member of Congress on Tuesday, one week after her special election victory in the...

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Bill Clinton would raise debt ceiling, bypass Congress

Bill Clinton would raise debt ceiling, bypass Congress

Bill Clinton says if he were president, he would not hesitate to raise the debt-ceiling himself under authority he argues is granted by...

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House set for symbolic debt ceiling vote, eyeing 'Plan B'

House set for symbolic debt ceiling vote, eyeing 'Plan B'

Even as the House of Representatives was set to vote on the Republican "Cut, Cap and Balance" plan to raise the debt ceiling, House...

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Palin

Harry Potter and the Order of the Palin

Sarah Palin’s documentary was defeated this weekend — by a kid wizard in glasses.

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Justice Department trying to shield officials in guns scandal, ATF chief says

The Justice Department is trying to protect its political appointees from the Fast and Furious scandal by concealing an internal "smoking...

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GOP accuses Obama of illegal fundraising video

GOP accuses Obama of illegal fundraising video

The Republican National Committee is charging President Obama with "an apparent crime" in connection with a contest conducted by his...

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Independent groups getting a head start on 2012 campaign

An early television war fueled by independent groups is poised to shape the focus and landscape of the 2012 presidential race much as "tea-...

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Republican candidates spent money to make money

The huge infrastructure that President Obama is putting together for his reelection effort was already visible in the first few months of...

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Campaign finance reports underscore GOP disparities

Campaign finance reports underscore GOP disparities

The first look at the campaign finance activities of the 2012 White House contenders underscored not only President Obama's huge cash...

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Michele Bachmann leans on small donors

Michele Bachmann leans on small donors

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s $4.2 million take for the year’s second fundraising quarter was buttressed by her strength with small-...

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Amid Fast and Furious probe, Democrats push new gun control bill

Amid Fast and Furious probe, Democrats push new gun control bill

The debate surrounding gun control laws has reignited following the Fast and Furious investigation, and the latest volley was launched...

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Inside the Pawlenty haul: 3 states boost GOP hopeful's coffers

Tim Pawlenty's presidential campaign raised $4.3 million and spent nearly $2.5 million in the second quarter of the year, according to...

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Michele Bachmann leaves church accused of anti-Catholic bias

Michele Bachmann leaves church accused of anti-Catholic bias

Taking a page from President Obama’s political playbook, Michele Bachmann has formally left a church in Minnesota accused of holding...

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Obama's base sends a warning about Medicare, Social Security cuts

A group of liberal voters who said they volunteered and donated to President Obama's 2008 campaign are threatening to pull their support...

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Outmanned Democrats score upset on the baseball diamond

Outmanned Democrats score upset on the baseball diamond

House Democrats, a somewhat luckless bunch that rarely gets to relish the taste of victory these days, finally got to do some relishing...

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U.S. formally recognizes Libyan rebels in bid to press Kadafi

U.S. formally recognizes Libyan rebels in bid to press Kadafi

The Obama administration on Friday formally recognized Libya’s leading rebel group as the country’s legitimate government, a...

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House Republicans plan vote linking debt limit increase with balanced budget amendment

House Republicans plan vote linking debt limit increase with balanced budget amendment

House Republicans emerged from a lengthy closed-door meeting Friday with plans to vote on legislation next week that would link a $2.4-...

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Ron Bloom backtracks in dispute over congressional testimony on auto bailout

Ron Bloom backtracks in dispute over congressional testimony on auto bailout

Ron Bloom, the Obama administration's former auto czar who orchestrated the bailout of General Motors Corp. in 2008, responded on Thursday...

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Giuliani's still not a candidate, but he sounds like one

Giuliani's still not a candidate, but he sounds like one

Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has been coy about whether he'll jump into the 2012 presidential contest. With one failed race...

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Senate leaders' plan for Obama to raise debt ceiling gains traction

Senate leaders' plan for Obama to raise debt ceiling gains traction

A plan by the Senate's two top leaders to allow President Obama to raise the debt limit without congressional approval is emerging as the...

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Cooler heads prevail in latest debt meeting

Cooler heads prevail in latest debt meeting

President Obama directed congressional leaders to meet with their respective caucuses Friday to gauge what kind of budget deal is...

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Common Cause accuses conservative group of lobbying, seeks IRS probe

The government watchdog group Common Cause has asked the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax status of the nonprofit American...

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FBI opens probe into activities of Murdoch's News Corp.

Responding to allegations from several Washington lawmakers, the FBI has opened an investigation into whether Rupert Murdoch's News Corp....

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For now, polling favors Obama in debt debate

For now, polling favors Obama in debt debate

As Americans more closely monitor the negotiations in Washington over the debt ceiling, new polling suggests that President Obama may have a...

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Rudy Giuliani: If I run again, 'I'd try to win'

Rudy Giuliani: If I run again, 'I'd try to win'

Arriving for his fourth visit to New Hampshire this year, former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani said he would decide by the end of the...

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Default risk widens rift within GOP

Default risk widens rift within GOP

The once-vaunted unity of congressional Republicans has become a distant memory, crumbling under the pressure of the deadline to raise the...

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As debt-ceiling crisis grows, McConnell warns default could 'destroy' GOP

As debt-ceiling crisis grows, McConnell warns default could 'destroy' GOP

As negotiators reconvened at the White House on Wednesday for another round of debt talks, House Republicans appeared to dig in even...

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Clemens lied about steroid use, prosecutors tell jury

In a Washington courtroom not far from where 11-time All-Star pitcher Roger Clemens testified before Congress, one of baseball’s...

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Pawlenty punts, Romney rips Iowa marriage pledge

Pawlenty punts, Romney rips Iowa marriage pledge

Presidential contender Tim Pawlenty declined Wednesday to sign a highly criticized marriage-themed pledge sponsored by an Iowa Christian...

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In California race, a test run for the Obama campaign

In California race, a test run for the Obama campaign

While the political community focuses on President Obama's record fund-raising haul -- all $86 million of it -- his reelection campaign is...

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RNC chairman says Obama is a great fundraiser, bad president

RNC chairman says Obama is a great fundraiser, bad president

The chairman of the Republican National Committee brushed off President Obama's record-fundraising announcement Wednesday, saying no...

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Is Obama winning the debt-limit fight?

Is Obama winning the debt-limit fight?

Has President Obama seized the upper hand in the debt-limit debate? Mark Salter, for years a top advisor to Republican Sen. John McCain of...

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Janice Hahn wins House seat

Janice Hahn wins House seat

In a hard-fought special congressional election marked by sharp divisions in ideology and even sharper personal attacks, Democrat Janice...

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House GOP fails to repeal light bulb efficiency requirement

House GOP fails to repeal light bulb efficiency requirement

Opponents of the federal phaseout of old-style incandescent light bulbs failed in the House on Tuesday to repeal the requirement for more...

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Conservative reviews mixed on McConnell debt-limit plan

Conservative reviews mixed on McConnell debt-limit plan

It didn't take long for conservatives invested in the debt-limit debate to take sides over Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's...

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Rep. Giffords' intern will throw out first pitch at All-Star Game

Rep. Giffords' intern will throw out first pitch at All-Star Game

Daniel Hernandez, the intern whose quick action was credited with helping save Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' life, will have a featured role at...

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Leroy Petry receives Medal of Honor

Leroy Petry receives Medal of Honor

President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Petry, lauding his "extraordinary heroism" during a solemn White House...

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Food fight! Huntsman and Romney jab over jobs

Food fight! Huntsman and Romney jab over jobs

Another sign that we're entering a more rough-and-tumble period in the 2012 presidential race: Jon Huntsman, seeking a way to energize his...

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Carly Fiorina named vice chair of GOP's Senate campaign committee

Carly Fiorina named vice chair of GOP's Senate campaign committee

Failed California GOP Senate candidate Carly Fiorina was named on Tuesday as the vice chair of the Republicans' effort to retake the...

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Ron Paul won't run for reelection, will focus on presidential race

Ron Paul won't run for reelection, will focus on presidential race

In terms of his presidential bid, Rep. Ron Paul is all in. He won’t run for Congress in 2012, he said Tuesday.

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Blaming Obama, Mitch McConnell says debt deal 'unattainable'

Blaming Obama, Mitch McConnell says debt deal 'unattainable'

Ahead of a third consecutive day of meetings on raising the nation's debt ceiling, Republican leaders signaled increasing pessimism about...

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Michele Bachmann under fire for 'gay therapy,' police reports, IRS work

Michele Bachmann under fire for 'gay therapy,' police reports, IRS work

As a consequence of her surge in the polls, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is now facing the kind of scrutiny that comes with being a major...

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Boehner-Cantor rivalry affecting debt talks

Boehner-Cantor rivalry affecting debt talks

A long-simmering rivalry between the top two Republicans in the House has tumbled into the open, with far-reaching implications for deficit-...

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