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E-mail career questions for possible use in this column to Joyce Lain Kennedy at jlk@sunfeatures.com; use "Reader Question" for subject line. Or mail her at Box 368, Cardiff, CA 92007.

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Joyce Lain Kennedy

Joyce Lain Kennedy

Careers Now

  • Navigating the federal job jungle

    July 17, 2011

    Q. I am a college graduate and thought I knew how to write a resume, but I have to admit the challenge of putting together a federal resume is getting the best of me. It's so much work! And now I understand there's been a big change in the whole resume application process. Can you recommend a top guidebook on the subject that's up to date? -- B.B.

  • Tech forecast brightens, but clouds linger

    July 13, 2011

    Q. I continue to read about this year's big demand in information technology. I don't see that happening in the Midwest for a 51-year-old man who's been looking for a better job for four months. Yes, I'm employed but I'd like to take home a bigger paycheck. What are the hot specialties at this time? -- F.G.

  • Deflecting illegal job questions

    July 10, 2011

    Q. What should I do about illegal questions in a job interview? If I say the question is illegal, I'm afraid they'll think I'm a troublemaker and drop me as a contender for the position. What do you advise? -- H.V.H.

  • What are employers checking on Facebook?

    July 6, 2011

    Q. You mentioned that recruiters check out job seekers by looking them up online through LinkedIn, Google, Facebook and other social media. Exactly what information are they going after? -- S.R.K.

  • How to exit dead-end job rut

    July 3, 2011

    Q. I graduated last year with a drama degree and I'm still waitressing. We won't even talk about my student loan debt. My boyfriend, also a graduate with a master's degree, works a straight commission sales job. Several friends are in the same situation. What is the point of education if nonprofessional jobs are the result? -- T.T.

  • Think ahead for behavioral questions

    June 29, 2011

    Q. What should I expect in a "behavioral" interview? How does it differ from a regular job interview? -- B.T.P.

  • What you may not know about LinkedIn

    June 26, 2011

    Q. I read your column about the rise of social networking in job search and career management. I'm 44, employed, a manager in the hospitality industry and I've looked at the most logical network for me, LinkedIn.

  • Job-hunting boomers try letters of inquiry

    June 22, 2011

    Q. At 57, the age issue is biting me in the job hunt. When I answer a job ad, if I give dates on my resume, I look like an artifact. If I omit dates, I look like an evasive artifact. Both approaches are red flags, and I am screened out before I get to interview. What's your advice here? -- D.K.

  • Solving last question in job interview

    June 8, 2011

    Q. Can you help me out with a column you wrote some time ago that mentioned an unusually hard-sell approach at the close of a job interview. I've misplaced that clip. Can you repeat it? -- J.O.S.

  • Opening gambit lands summer job

    June 6, 2011

    Q.: My two teens say they've been looking but can't find summer jobs. I don't know how hard they've searched but I passed on a tip I heard from a friend: Stand outside stores and restaurants for half an hour before opening and try to talk to managers as they start their day. Have you ever heard of this technique? -- B.O.R.

  • Build new career in skilled trades

    June 4, 2011

    Q. I am a 36-year-old man being forced into finding a new career as my old one dries up. I have a liberal arts degree. If I choose advanced college study, I risk stacking up too much student loan debt. So maybe I should learn a skilled trade instead.

  • Career books for college grads

    May 30, 2011

    My grandson is graduating this year, and I'm still debating the selection of books with good advice for life and work I'll give him. (Along with a new car.) Suggestions? -- D.O.D.

  • Too late for an internship?

    May 28, 2011

    II am a college sophomore. Am I too late to get a summer internship? -- F.D.

  • Clearing a background-check roadblock

    May 26, 2011

    Recently you printed a desperate letter from an unemployed reader whose life is in free fall after many years of paying bills on time. Now background credit checks are killing her hiring chances because her recent credit history is bad as she loses her home. Your reader said:

  • Letter of inquiry: Smart strategy for older workers

    May 18, 2011

    At 57, the age issue is biting me in the job hunt. When I answer a job ad, if I give dates on my resume, I look like an artifact. If I omit dates, I look like an evasive artifact. Both approaches are red flags, and I am screened out before I get to interview. What's your advice here? -- D.K.

  • Best career guides for grads

    May 17, 2011

    What guidebook do you suggest I give to my granddaughter along with her graduation gift check? -- M.L.

  • Coping with a ranting boss

    May 16, 2011

    I am employed by a financially secure company where my job is interesting, my co-workers are a good bunch and my boss is out of control.

  • Technical jobs validate communication skills

    May 13, 2011

    My dad tells me that even though I'm finishing a degree in engineering, it's mastery of communications that will move my career ahead. Is he right? - P.O.S.

  • Listing degree from a past career

    May 12, 2011

    I have a bachelor's degree in a health-related field from over 20 years ago. I've recently finished an associate's degree in public relations and have worked in this field for more than 15 years. I now seek a new PR job.

  • Social networking for job haters

    May 12, 2011

    Do you remember the classic song, "Take This Job and Shove it?" That's how I feel, but I'm not going to quit before I get new employment. I've been very careful what I post on my Facebook public profile that could cause job trouble.

  • Listing a critical reference

    May 11, 2011

    I became odd man out when the staff was slashed at the company where I was a department manager. I'm not sure, but I think my immediate boss caused my separation, which makes me a bit queasy about listing her as a reference in my job hunt. Can I leave her out when I prepare my reference list? -- J.J.P.

  • Contact management for job hunters

    May 1, 2011

    DEAR JOYCE: You once mentioned a free website that helps people looking for a job to organize the details of their search. As of yesterday, when I lost my job, I became very interested. Can you repeat the name of the website? -- R.M.

  • Credit check for job? You've made the cut

    April 27, 2011

    DEAR JOYCE: The last two interviews I went on required me to give the employer permission to do a background check on my credit history. Is this a fairly new and legal practice? Why is it necessary? What percentage of employers actually runs credit background checks?

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