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Career advice

Features on job hunting and career strategies from the Chicago Tribune.

Talk yourself into a new job

4:35 PM CDT, July 8, 2011

Talk yourself into a new job

Talk too much? That's good. Striking up a conversation can lead to a new job.

How you quit makes difference in career

10:00 AM CDT, July 1, 2011

How you quit makes difference in career

With more job stress than ever resting on your shoulders, it may be tempting to leave – either quitting or being fired – in a blaze of glory, giving everyone who made you dread going to work a piece of your mind. But experts say that while it may feel good at the time, it's not your best career move.

Job hunt calls for details, not phone contact

3:03 PM CDT, June 24, 2011

Job hunt calls for details, not phone contact

You've likely seen the usual closing line on an online job posting: "No phone calls, please."

Take the work out of workplace attire

Take the work out of workplace attire

For recent graduates, looking for a job and entering the workforce is stressful enough without the added task of recycling student group t-shirts for blazers and dress pants.

Master plan: A career strategy can benefit you in both the near and distant future

June 11, 2011

Master plan: A career strategy can benefit you in both the near and distant future

A career plan can help you focus your time and energy and help you lead a more organized attack on your goals. It can even help you define those goals.

9 companies hiring now

June 4, 2011

9 companies hiring now

Targeting companies you want to work for can be an effective job-search strategy, particularly if you make connections with people who already work there. But which companies should you target?

Negotiating a salary offer

June 4, 2011

Negotiating a salary offer

For those employees who have been lucky enough to keep their jobs or get job offers during the recession, negotiating a higher salary or asking for a raise may not be top-of-mind.

Build new career in skilled trades

June 4, 2011

Joyce Lain Kennedy: Build new career in skilled trades

Q. I am a 36-year-old man being forced into finding a new career as my old one dries up. I have a liberal arts degree. If I choose advanced college study, I risk stacking up too much student loan debt. So maybe I should learn a skilled trade instead.

Life after layoff: Get finances in order, then move on

4:22 PM CDT, May 25, 2011

Life after layoff: Get finances in order, then move on

It's a scenario being repeated in offices and warehouses throughout the country. You've seen it on the news and heard about it from friends but figure it isn't going to happen to you. But then you get the call. You've been summoned to the boss's office and you know it isn't to discuss your golf game.

What makes a good reference letter?

2:06 PM CDT, May 20, 2011

What makes a good reference letter?

How does a job seeker help strengthen his or her credentials as a person of substance?

Frustration slows job search, but keep fighting

1:12 PM CDT, May 20, 2011

Frustration slows job search, but keep fighting

There's something missing in your life but you can't quite put your finger on it. Maybe it has something to do with those calls from Visa about your bill. Or it might be related to your firsthand knowledge of every case decided by Judge Judy since October. How about your unfamiliarity with the hours between 7 a.m. and noon? Still not getting it?

Job transfers: What you need to know

3:38 PM CDT, April 29, 2011

Job transfers: What you need to know

Whether it means a move around the block, across the country or to the other side of the world, employees should think long and hard about relocating for a job. While the temptation of a paycheck is enticing, problems are sure to arise if a move is made prematurely.

Simple note conveys enthusiasm, interest

6:00 PM CDT, April 20, 2011

Simple note conveys enthusiasm, interest

As the job market picks up, job seekers may suddenly find themselves struggling to keep up with sending out resumes, being poised for phone screens and having a suit pressed in time for the next interview.

When your dream company's hiring on Twitter

5:38 PM CDT, April 15, 2011

When your dream company's hiring on Twitter

As more companies warm to the idea of recruiting on Twitter, the world of tweets, at symbols, and hashtags is becoming populated with a new kind of handle: usernames created specifically to lure applicants. And for job seekers, that means opportunity.

Green days ahead in workplace

3:05 PM CDT, April 14, 2011

Green days ahead in workplace

The employee of tomorrow makes the morning commute sans fossil fuels. The employee of tomorrow works so efficiently, a four-day workweek is commonplace. And, finally, the employee of tomorrow goes green even when crunching numbers in a cubicle.

Slack is back: Benefits to a work break

10:38 AM CDT, April 7, 2011

Slack is back: Benefits to a work break

Whether it was a quick round of Angry Birds under the desk, an onslaught of e-mails from friends and family that needed answering or a lingering trip to the watering hole, most people are guilty of slacking off at work.

Lights! Cameras! Job interview!

March 29, 2011

Office Hours

Lights! Cameras! Job interview!

One of my husband's students recently interviewed for a TV journalism job several states away.

10 tips to ace your next job interview

March 21, 2011

10 tips to ace your next job interview

Given the late-winter thaw showing up in what has been an ice-cold job market, many workers are pondering a topic they haven't worried much about lately -- job interviews.

Pets unleashed at work

5:12 PM CDT, March 25, 2011

Pets unleashed at work

Some of the best workday pick-me-ups are a little slobber on the shoes and a wet tongue to the ankle.

Look beyond pay in considering job offer

10:35 AM CDT, March 21, 2011

Look beyond pay in considering job offer

Once upon a time, a great job offer equaled great stock options. Not today.

Green initiatives create new careers

1:25 PM CST, March 11, 2011

Green initiatives create new careers

Move over, white- and blue-collar jobs. Today's focus on the environment and sustainability has given rise to a new category: "green" collar.

Can you pursue business idea on the side?

5:41 PM CST, March 7, 2011

Can you pursue business idea on the side?

We're all aware that in today's business climate, gone are the days of graduating from college, getting a job with a good pension and staying for the next 50 years until retirement. People are increasingly working on the side of their 9-to-5 jobs, which the Internet makes all too easy.

Should online comments about work, boss be grounds for dismissal?

Should online comments about work, boss be grounds for dismissal?

Last year, Dawnmarie Souza was fired from an ambulance company, American Medical Response of Connecticut Inc., because she called her supervisor a "jerk" on Facebook. A few weeks ago, with a little help from the National Labor Relations Board, the company agreed to settle with Souza and make clear-cut rules so that employees could feel comfortable discussing work outside of the office without fear of discipline or termination.

Hot demand for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technicians

3:34 PM CST, February 17, 2011

Hot demand for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technicians

In a career culture where more and more people are earning four-year degrees and doing desk jobs, demand for skilled trade workers is increasing.

Previous jobs on resume can be good conversation starters

9:40 AM CST, February 11, 2011

Previous jobs on resume can be good conversation starters

Past employment experience doesn't make the cut of the resumes for the rich and famous. For example, Brad Pitt made a few extra bucks as the most handsome refrigerator mover ever, Jerry Seinfeld used to sell light bulbs over the phone and Fidel Castro practiced law in Havana.

Cell out: Mobile phones pose office distraction

9:35 AM CST, January 31, 2011

Cell out: Mobile phones pose office distraction

It's easy to forget where we were before the cell phone hit the mass market.

To whom it may concern: Get a name

January 22, 2011

To whom it may concern: Get a name

It seems that "To Whom It May Concern" is deemed acceptable for cover letters when you can't find out who is handling the resumes, but you should only use the above greeting as a last resort.

Make the connection with peers, forgotten contacts

Make the connection with peers, forgotten contacts

Krista Canfield, senior PR manager at LinkedIn, says it's a great time for professionals to start sprucing themselves up.

Video skills fit into marketing picture

January 11, 2011

Video skills fit into marketing picture

Online videos have brought a lot of laughter into our lives. Admit it. We're all guilty of scouring the deepest and darkest depths of YouTube to find the most hilarious and shocking videos the Internet has to offer. It doesn't matter if you're a fan of finger biting or watching the evolutionary steps of dance. The song remains the same. We've fallen in love with online videos.

5 tips to LinkedIn success

January 11, 2011

5 tips to LinkedIn success

Many professionals think the networking site LinkedIn is for people looking for careers in sales or marketing, but anyone working or looking for a job can benefit from the ever-growing site.

Craft a smart career profile on social media

January 6, 2011

Craft a smart career profile on social media

Getting hired means showing both your skill and your passion for a job.

Tech writers wired to many disciplines

January 6, 2011

Tech writers wired to many disciplines

Rapid technology advances are changing everything from how we make phone calls to programming the washer to clean a load of clothes as energy efficiently as possible. But making the best use of those advances still relies on some "old school" communication skills.

Online job applicants can face unexpected hurdles

December 26, 2010

Online job applicants can face unexpected hurdles

Job hunting has become considerably more convenient post-Internet. Prospective employees can find out who's hiring, as well as figure out job requirements and submit resumes, with the click of a button. But, as with most other things made easier with technology, this electronic advancement comes with its own set of rules and concerns.

Perfect office gift spreads the cheer

December 11, 2010

Perfect office gift spreads the cheer

Giving the perfect gift is daunting enough. It's even more of a chore when you face "the office gift dilemma." Should you buy your boss a gift? Which coworkers should receive a gift from you? How much should you spend? In addition, an office gift is stressful, since it has the potential to affect your career.

Creative resumes: Make your resume match your career

November 24, 2010

Creative resumes: Make your resume match your career

If you're looking to land a job in a creative field, it's going to take more than your run-of-the-mill cover letter and résumé. You need to fully express your creativity to a potential employer right off the bat.

Office etiquette: College grads will need quick lessons when joining working class

November 18, 2010

Office etiquette: College grads will need quick lessons when joining working class

Upon turning 16, high school students are taught the rules of the road and instructed to follow them ... or else. Back then, the threat of speeding tickets or parking violations was enough to keep one from straying from those sacred teachings. As those students get older and graduate college, one would think there would be a similar rulebook for life. Unfortunately there isn't. But the good news is a little common sense and courtesy will get you a long way on the corporate highway.

Resume keepers: Sometime the overlooked parts of your past are the most essential

November 18, 2010

Resume keepers: Sometime the overlooked parts of your past are the most essential

You might like to think you have the memory of an elephant but it's probably closer to that of a goldfish. And that's a problem when it comes to putting together a resume.

Frightful hair days are confidence killers

October 31, 2010

Frightful hair days are confidence killers

Don't look! Frightful hair days are equal opportunity confidence killers

Corporate workout: Exercise in the office

October 17, 2010

Corporate workout: Exercise in the office

We do a lot of our everyday routines in funny places. A few people drink coffee in the shower. Some eat breakfast when running out of the door. Others put on makeup as they speed toward work. So, what about exercising in the office?

Tap attitude, interests to land a temporary position

October 3, 2010

Tap attitude, interests to land a temporary position

Can't leave the house without a sweater? Then you know it's time to cozy up to the computer with a cup of tea and start applying for seasonal work.

Dress for less: Autumn provides new options for workplace attire

September 27, 2010

Dress for less: Autumn provides new options for workplace attire

Look around. The leaves are already changing colors and soon enough, they won't even be on the trees. Sun showers will become snow showers, dry pavement will be overrun by sludge and that welcoming breeze? It's just a chilling reminder that winter is on the way. And you know what that means? Time to pull out the cold weather clothing.

Resume not getting responses? Time for an overhaul

Resume not getting responses? Time for an overhaul

Even though you've been unemployed for several weeks now, you've been keeping yourself busy. You've sent out dozens, maybe hundreds, of resumes, and have been waiting diligently by the phone for responses.

Plastic surgery boosting careers?

February 17, 2010

Plastic surgery boosting careers?

The media, and its consumers, generally keep conversation about plastic surgery and careers pegged on a couple of figures: The aging Hollywood idol and the would-be Hollywood idol. Cosmetic surgery is de rigueur in the movie and TV business--pretty understandable given how much looks matter on-screen and in career trajectories.

Get ready for your first job while you’re in school

Get ready for your first job while you’re in school

One day, you're playing on a jungle gym and drinking juice boxes. The next, you're graduating from college with your sights set on a career.

Physique could show employer shape of things to come

August 26, 2010

Physique could show employer shape of things to come

You have an interview at a company you really like. Congratulations. But before you walk into that office, there's a lot you'll do to make that lasting, first impression. Buy a new outfit. Get a haircut. Maybe even whiten your teeth. What about getting in better shape?

How teachers transfer job skills beyond classroom

August 23, 2010

How teachers transfer job skills beyond classroom

Times are tough if you're a teacher, but if you're unfortunate enough to lose your job, don't lose hope. As an educator, you have gained skills that can easily be transferred to another position.

Office feng shui:  Desktop eases job-related stress

August 12, 2010

Office feng shui: Desktop eases job-related stress

The workplace is autonomous. After trudging through similar morning commutes, employees file into an office building, one after the other, to complete comparable tasks as they wait for the day to end. For many, the office is a gray place where people's interests blend together, not letting anyone's identity shine through. But in these grim surroundings, there is a single sanctuary, where you can be you--your desk.

Marketing me: The origins of personal branding

August 5, 2010

Marketing me: The origins of personal branding

Extend your brand. Figure out ways to build your brand. You are a brand.

Social media for job hunters

Social media for job hunters

Social media has rapidly become an essential tool in the world. Sure, Facebook might be a good place to look at pictures of your friends engaged in drunken, weekend antics and you can quickly tell people about how hungry you are on Twitter, LinkedIn has established itself as the platform where business professionals can powerfully extend their brands.

April 29, 2010

Thought process: A decision to look for a new job is important. Be sure to think it through

It's not hard to imagine yourself in a job in the field of health care these days. After all, more money and more responsibility seem like natural improvements. But it's important to really consider what you want to do with your future before you start re-arranging your life to accommodate those dreams of life as a doctor or nurse.

Make your expenses count when job hunting

April 29, 2010

Spending smart

Make your expenses count when job hunting

When you're out of work, the last thing you need to do is waste money.

Job hunters show taste in lunch interviews

April 11, 2010

Job hunters show taste in lunch interviews

Lunch interviews are great for the interviewer. Company recruiters and direct managers get to see their prospective employees in an everyday setting.

The job of finding a job

January 6, 2009


The job of finding a job

5 tips for the hunt

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