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Rodent of the Week: Ritalin and Prozac -- a troubling combo for children?

Rodent of the Week: Ritalin and Prozac -- a troubling combo for children?

Four in 10 kids who get a diagnosis of either depression or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) end up getting both diagnoses...

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Can bad driving be diagnosed? Chinese doctor thinks risky and clumsy drivers should be barred

Can bad driving be diagnosed? Chinese doctor thinks risky and clumsy drivers should be barred

If bad driving is a disease, some people should be locked up in deep quarantine. Turn signal phobia, red light blindness, tailgate-itis,...

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Head to the front of the cycling pack with training tips from top coach Joe Friel

Head to the front of the cycling pack with training tips from top coach Joe Friel

A good training program can take a cyclist from the middle of the pack to the front. Get tips on improving endurance, speed and strength...

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There are options for penis repair after mutilation

There are options for penis repair after mutilation

The actions of a Southern California woman who allegedly cut off her husband's penis has horrified men throughout the country, perhaps...

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Is the World Wide Web becoming our external memory drive?

Is the World Wide Web becoming our external memory drive?

Whether our laptops, tablets and smartphones have made us smarter or dumber is a matter of endless debate and of scant but ...

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Stem cell clinical trials to treat eye diseases begin at UCLA

Stem cell clinical trials to treat eye diseases begin at UCLA

After more than 20 years of research, doctors at UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute have begun treating the first patients in clinical...

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Campbell's to add salt back into Select Harvest soups: Good health doesn't sell

Campbell's to add salt back into Select Harvest soups: Good health doesn't sell

Reducing salt may be healthy for consumers, but it doesn't seem to be going down well for business.

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Positive thinking makes for happy old people

Positive thinking makes for happy old people

Older people are, well, old. They are in declining health, confronting death and may already be losing some of the people closest to them....

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Demi Lovato talks about eating disorders -- but why are they so hard to shake?

Demi Lovato talks about eating disorders -- but why are they so hard to shake?

Admitting you have an eating disorder after living with it for years is no easy task -- but that's exactly what Demi Lovato told Ryan...

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Drinking six to eight cups of water called 'nonsense' in editorial

Drinking six to eight cups of water called 'nonsense' in editorial

Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day is healthful, most health experts agree. But apparently not everyone is on the same page.

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'Carmageddon' can be motivation to get out and move

'Carmageddon' can be motivation to get out and move

Trapped in your neighborhood this weekend due to "Carmegeddon," or just afraid to venture out in an automobile? No worries -- consider using...

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Genetics: Scientists seek diversity in genome study subjects

Genetics: Scientists seek diversity in genome study subjects

Genomics research, in which researchers scan subjects' DNA in search of the genetic basis of many diseases, has focused too narrowly on...

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Asthma study reveals the power of the placebo effect

Asthma study reveals the power of the placebo effect

The placebo effect is alive and well, at least for patients with acute asthma.

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Men more likely to die from cancer than women

Men more likely to die from cancer than women

Cancer kills more men than women -- some forms more than others, finds a new study.

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Michelle Obama splurges on burgers, fries and shake, and that's OK

Michelle Obama splurges on burgers, fries and shake, and that's OK

First Lady Michelle Obama is a champion for healthful eating and exercise, home gardens and salad bars at school lunches. Now she’s...

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Fertility researchers can predict which pregnant women are at greatest risk of miscarriage

Fertility researchers can predict which pregnant women are at greatest risk of miscarriage

Fertility scientists gathered in Stockholm last week to present their latest research on in vitro fertilization, high-risk pregnancies and...

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Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of a wide range of birth defects, major study finds

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of a wide range of birth defects, major study finds

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of a wide range of birth defects, including skull defects, missing or deformed limbs, clubfoot,...

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Japanese crops can be safe to eat despite radiation from nuclear plant, scientists say

Japanese crops can be safe to eat despite radiation from nuclear plant, scientists say

Japanese scientists have some good news for farmers (and eaters) near the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant: The soil can be made...

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No shopping district nearby? You may be more at risk of dying in a heat wave

No shopping district nearby? You may be more at risk of dying in a heat wave

As a heat wave sweeps eastward through much of the United States, residents of the affected cities are bracing for the worst. A few words of...

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Hypoallergenic dogs might not be as sneeze-proof as was thought

Hypoallergenic dogs might not be as sneeze-proof as was thought

If you're counting on a hypoallergenic dog to keep the household free from sneeze-inducing allergens--don't. Levels of dog allergens don't...

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Even infants can exercise, say new guidelines in U.K.

Even infants can exercise, say new guidelines in U.K.

Young children have no excuse not to exercise—even if they can’t walk yet.

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Texas baby weighs in at 16 pounds, 1 ounce: There are health risks for big babies

Texas baby weighs in at 16 pounds, 1 ounce: There are health risks for big babies

This one’s big, even for Texas. The birth of a 16-pound, 1-ounce baby boy in Longview, Texas, on Friday may be the largest bundle of...

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PET scans for detecting Alzheimer's disease appear accurate

PET scans for detecting Alzheimer's disease appear accurate

PET scans to diagnose Alzheimer's disease will be available someday soon, according to accumulating research showing the scans can...

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Family history of cancer can be an evolving story

Family history of cancer can be an evolving story

Family history is an incredibly helpful tool for doctors trying to determine a patient's risk of cancer. But one family history intake...

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Salt plus potassium is an equation to ponder

Salt plus potassium is an equation to ponder

The salt content of your diet is important -- we've heard that from health experts over and over again. But a new study suggests that it's...

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Kate Hudson, Victoria Beckham and the C-section question

Kate Hudson, Victoria Beckham and the C-section question

Kate Hudson and Victoria Beckham both gave birth this weekend -- Hudson to a second son and Beckham to the first daughter after three boys.

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Doctors in Spain perform the first double-leg transplant

Doctors in Spain perform the first double-leg transplant

Spanish surgeons said Monday that they had performed the world's first double-leg transplant, giving an accident victim two new legs....

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New  'superbug' strain of gonorrhea resistant to all available antibiotics; researchers fear global outbreak

New 'superbug' strain of gonorrhea resistant to all available antibiotics; researchers fear global outbreak

Japanese and European researchers have identified a new strain of Neisseria gonorroeae that is exceptionally resistant to...

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Secondhand smoke linked to chance of ADHD, learning disabilities in kids

Secondhand smoke linked to chance of ADHD, learning disabilities in kids

Here’s another reason not to light up around little ones: Not only are children who are surrounded by secondhand smoke at greater risk...

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It may be free Slurpee day, but those calories will cost you

It may be free Slurpee day, but those calories will cost you

Hey, boys and girls, it's free Slurpee day at 7-Eleven stores! To celebrate the company's sort-of birthday (check the date — it's 7/...

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Are Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell truly 'Horrible Bosses'?

Are Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell truly 'Horrible Bosses'?

The madman, the manipulator and the maneater -- three managers from hell call the shots in this weekend's new dude-centric comedy, "Horrible...

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Moderate exercise can go a long way in managing diabetes

Moderate exercise can go a long way in managing diabetes

With diabetes rates rising, it's important to learn how to prevent the disease as well as help control symptoms. Learn how exercise can...

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Obese people can handle heavy exercise after bariatric surgery, study finds

Obese people can handle heavy exercise after bariatric surgery, study finds

Having bariatric surgery doesn't mean you have to take it easy on exercise. A study finds that after surgery, exercising regularly at a...

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Derek Jeter may reach 3,000 hits -- but is he a clutch hitter?

Derek Jeter may reach 3,000 hits -- but is he a clutch hitter?

As Derek Jeter inches ever-closer to 3,000 hits, sports commenters are heaping praise on the Yankee shortstop who has, over the years,...

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Medtronic warns of battery issues with drug delivery pump

Medtronic warns of battery issues with drug delivery pump

Not every electrical device can keep going and going. Take Medtronic’s SynchroMed II Implantable Drug Infusion Pump, for example....

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Adult stem cell's successes don't eliminate need for embryonic stem cells

Adult stem cell's successes don't eliminate need for embryonic stem cells

Angina relief and an artificial windpipe. No doubt about it: Stem cells have had a big week.  But any time stem cells show up in the...

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Stem cells show promise for patients with severe angina

Stem cells show promise for patients with severe angina

Some severe forms of angina, chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart, can make light jogging or even walking...

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Atrial fibrillation trial halted; Multaq linked to other heart problems

Atrial fibrillation trial halted; Multaq linked to other heart problems

A trial of the drug Multaq, used to treat abnormal heart rhythm, has been halted over concerns of other heart-related side effects,...

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Chantix, painkillers and the lessons learned

Chantix, painkillers and the lessons learned

The stop-smoking drug Chantix and common-as-candy pain relievers are both making headlines this week. And they both offer a reminder of...

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Women less likely than men to fake soccer injuries, study finds

Women less likely than men to fake soccer injuries, study finds

Faking injuries is a time-honored — albeit widely frowned-upon — way to slow down an athletic event, catch a breather or disrupt...

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Men like cuddling, sure, but more important: Couples like each other

Men like cuddling, sure, but more important: Couples like each other

Sex, satisfaction and cuddling.  For a lot of middle-aged couples around the world, familiarity seems to be breeding the exact opposite...

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Personality disorders category is likely to be dramatically revised for next psychiatry textbook

Personality disorders category is likely to be dramatically revised for next psychiatry textbook

Several types of personality disorders will be dropped from the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders....

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Death in the neonatal ICU is increasingly peaceful, study suggests

Death in the neonatal ICU is increasingly peaceful, study suggests

Most of the infants who die in neonatal intensive care units are ending their short lives peacefully, a new study suggests.

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