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When politics head toward crisis mode

Former first lady Betty Ford's funeral Thursday reminded many of us what a great person she was. She also left some timely reminders of...

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The dangers of 'Caylee's Law'

It was once suggested, as a general rule of staying alive, never to fly on an airline named after a state or the owner. As a general rule of...

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Growing up 'Potter'

Growing up 'Potter'

I mourn the loss, which comes with age, of the world of make-believe. Or is supposed to. I feel a loss that I can't, at my age, a recent...

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Get in that corner. NOW!

With the fiscal fate of the nation hanging in the balance, it's hard to fathom why congressional legislators are acting like kindergartners....

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"Enough is enough. … This shouldn't be about positioning in politics, and I'll see you all tomorrow."

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Look, now even the air show's being scaled back due to budget cuts.

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Jaycee Dugard and the feel-good imperative

To watch Diane Sawyer's interview Sunday night with Jaycee Dugard was to wonder at times if that was Dugard herself on screen or an...

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Republican show-and-tell

A lot of conservatives are having fun at President Barack Obama's expense after his latest gaffe. In the midst of testy debt-limit...

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Do not resuscitate … do not feel remorse

Do not resuscitate … do not feel remorse

It's amazing what you can get over the Internet — even a DNR. I live 1,500 miles away from my 95-year-old mother, yet I can access the...

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The death penalty and the costs of an obsession

The unseemly love affair some American politicians have with the death penalty is bad for justice and bad for our country's standing in...

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Kody Brown and his 'wives'

Kody Brown and his 'wives'

When it comes to sexual relationships and cohabitation among consenting adults, Utah takes a permissive approach. If a guy wants to shack up...

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Quotable: Hillary Rodham Clinton

"President (Bashar) Assad is not indispensible, and we have absolutely nothing invested in him remaining in power."

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Cartoon caption contest

Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis will create an original sketch each Wednesday...

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Crazy like a GOP fox

President Barack Obama needs to get Eric Cantor out on a golf course — and bury him up to his chin in a sand trap.

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Voters won't ignore new economic stats

You can relax now, America. The Obama administration would like you to know that unemployment won't be a factor in your 2012 presidential...

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"Dammit, make a decision."

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Britain's tabloid scandal sounds familiar

It is with a mixture of outrage and envy that an old-school newspaper veteran like me views Great Britain's newspaper hacking scandal.

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Don't let the space program die forever

If Americans had regarded frontier exploration in the early 1800s with the same indifference that they view the manned space program,...

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Stop searching for an Obama Doctrine

Every few months, commentators find a new grand strategy that animates Barack Obama. First he was the antiwar candidate, because his rise in...

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Defense cuts?

Politicians often rail against government spending, except when it goes to the military. Conservatives believe there is no such thing as too...

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Secret adviser has a nose for what Blago should say

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, like many convicted felons awaiting sentencing, is in a box: When addressing the court he will need to...

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Sometimes justice is hard to take

As much as I tried to avoid being taken in by the drama of the Casey Anthony trial, I was jerked alert by its conclusion, the most...

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One city block club vs. thug life

One city block club vs. thug life

Whatever you do, don't use my name, said the 83-year-old widow, and the fear in her voice was palpable.

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Plugging the loophole

So how much did you enter on Line 22 of your IL-1040 state income tax return?

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Quotable: Casey Anthony juror Jennifer Ford

"I did not say she was innocent. I just said there was not enough evidence."

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Who will bat against 'Alibi' Obama?

"If he popped up in the pinch he should of made a base hit and the reason he didn't was so-and-so. And if he cracked one for three...

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'That's racist' as a punch line

It is the sort of thing those darn kids today say to make fun of their aging Gen X and baby boomer parents.

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Best Tweets Obama didn't answer

Best Tweets Obama didn't answer

Why is so little being done for the 6.2 million long-term unemployed? Why have 99ers been abandoned by Congress and White House?

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Romney fumbles the economy

Any candidate for president can fall victim to occasional stumbles, lapses, gaffes and clunkers. But Mitt Romney has a shot at raising...

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A teacher's view of a gathering storm

After discussing feudalism with my class one day, an inquisitive fifth-grader asked me: "What kind of government do we have?" I told him...

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A freebie: Keeping Navy Pier afloat

One more thing, about the Navy Pier makeover. There are good ideas in the $155 million plan, but I've got some better ones that are a lot...

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The 'Twitter Town Hall' that so really wasn't

Barack Obama is the cool president. He listens to Jay-Z, you guys! He fist-bumped Michelle!

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At the hands of predators

In some dusty book of legal lore there must be mention of a principle in danger of being overlooked in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case....

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Back-seat driving in the name of safety

Now that Gov. Pat Quinn and his accomplices have enacted legislation to require passengers in the back seat of vehicles to buckle up, as...

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Some scandals won't sit still

It's hard for a social commentator to keep up with all of the legal, moral and political lessons offered up by the still-unfolding Dominique...

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"I'm so sick and tired of being in the system. I'm not going to play the game anymore."

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Gay marriage across the land: Not so darn fast

Gay marriage across the land: Not so darn fast

The recent legalization of same-sex marriage in New York proves that it's no longer an issue in the United States, right? Gay marriage...

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Bin Laden's efforts to rebrand al-Qaida

One thinks of that scene from "The Wizard of Oz" where Toto pulls back the curtain and the "great and powerful Oz" is revealed to be only an...

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Michele Bachmann the believer

Michele Bachmann the believer

If I had a dollar for every time a Sarah Palin supporter accused me of not taking her seriously because I'm jealous of attractive women who'...

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A marriage unraveled

One afternoon in the late winter of 1961, while Hadley Richardson was vacationing at a ranch in Arizona with her second husband, she got a...

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"You need to be here. I've been here. I've been doing Afghanistan and (Osama) bin Laden and the Greek crisis. You stay here. Let's...

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Supreme Court's continuing defense of the powerful

The U.S. Supreme Court now sees its central task as comforting the already comfortable and afflicting those already afflicted.

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How Obama's stimulus failed

How Obama's stimulus failed

Mired in excruciating negotiations over the budget and the debt ceiling, President Barack Obama might reflect that things didn't have to...

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Greece ties Europe in knots

 How did a marginal, misgoverned little nation push all of Europe to the brink?

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"President Chavez is recovering well from his surgery. His enemies should stop dreaming and his friends should stop worrying. "

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Another whack at Illinois' culture of corruption

A federal jury appeared to end former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's long-running drama when it found him guilty Monday on 17 of 20...

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Mommy, Daddy, am I really bipolar?

In the autumn of 1994, a novel idea was afoot in my profession. At the annual conference of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent...

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Cartoon caption contest

Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis will create an original sketch each Wednesday...

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Teacher training days a boondoggle

Sorry, but CTA buses and trains won't be running tomorrow.

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Who takes us to war?

WASHINGTON — Is the Libya war legal? Under the 1973 War Powers Resolution, it is not. President Barack Obama has exceeded the 90-day...

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Big Brother gets really ugly

Big Brother gets really ugly

It's not unusual for the federal government to provoke widespread retching among its citizens, but it rarely does so intentionally. The...

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Breaking up

It just felt so cliche. You would think it would be more dramatic, like catching him in bed or discovering a hidden letter in an overstuffed...

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Anti-gay bullies are no joke

Americans seem to find a lot of entertainment value in watching celebrities destroy themselves. Witness, for example, the initially brisk...

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Onward, you citizens of the world

Now, as you have explained to your grandparents, my name is Stephen Colbert, but I also play a character on TV who is named Stephen Colbert....

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Fans and The Passion of LeBron James

On a recent episode of the NPR show "Fresh Air," documentarian Liz Garbus discussed her new work, "Bobby Fischer Against the World." At...

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Dressed for public distress

Like other women before her, Huma Abedin is quiet about her husband's scandals — but says much with her wardrobe.

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Another Texas Republican for president?

The Republican presidential field looks less like an assemblage of candidates than a collection of fatal mistakes and irreparable flaws,...

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Failure is now fashionable

Failure is now fashionable

Nothing succeeds like success, but don't sell failure short.

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All sex offenders are not equal

I wish I could tell Walt Teichen not to worry, that common sense will surely prevail in the sad, scary story of his son.

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An experiment too expensive for consumers

Last month, as the Illinois General Assembly's spring session rushed to a close, ComEd, Ameren and their army of lobbyists were able to...

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Resolving our fiscal disaster

Last November, voters went to the ballot box with a message to Washington: Stop the spending binge that's driven our national debt to record...

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"I was duped into leaving Tunis."

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Game changer vs. time to do a name changer

One might think my last name would have been ripe for a change at Ellis Island. The clerks there could have easily changed it to Gardner...

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10 things you might not know about fictional fathers

10 things you might not know about fictional fathers

From "King Lear" to "Leave it to Beaver," works of fiction have featured memorable dads. Here's a Father's Day sampler:

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The obsolete alliance

Defense Secretary Robert Gates went to Europe recently to announce that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization may have a "dismal future"...

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Life after Weinergate? It happens

Life after Weinergate? It happens

Hope is still alive for former Rep. Anthony "the Twitter" Weiner. In today's America, failure is only the first step to your next success,...

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When trust goes out the window

I grew up in a family of teachers. My parents both taught in the Chicago Public Schools system, and they taught me early on that there's...

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The heartbreaking sight of a WWII icon in flames

I was dumbfounded and grieved to see news photos of the Liberty Belle, the B-17 bomber that force-landed and burned near Chicago last week.

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Are you smarter than a scam artist?

To judge from my inbox, London is a perilous place. In the last several years, I've received dozens of anguished emails from friends...

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Republicans vs. the environment

Kicking off her recent bus tour, Sarah Palin attended a motorcycle rally and took a deep breath. "I love that smell of the emissions," she...

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Dump the war on drugs

When David Simon, creator of HBO's late dramatic crime series "The Wire," heard that Attorney General Eric Holder wanted to see the...

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Who wouldn't want a drug-free neighbor?

 The idea of testing Chicago Housing Authority tenants for illegal drug use is drawing the usual, tiresome objections from the usual,...

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Guess what? So far, so good

The new top cop is — guess what? — striking the right tone.

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Keeping it simple for the Blagojevich jury

Keeping it simple for the Blagojevich jury

Last year, critics complained that the case against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich was too complicated. Jurors got lost in the legalistic...

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She's just not that into to you. Really.

An Australian demographer has found a malady that makes some middle-aged men think they are more attractive to women than they actually are.

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Inside Blago's mind — hypothetically

There's some sentiment out there, even among some of my friends in the media, that it looked like former Gov. Rod Blagojevich held up OK...

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Elections via the Madigan Way

It's time to revive the idea of a constitutional amendment that will defang House Speaker Michael (The Real Governor) Madigan and his...

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What the indicted John Edwards has already lost

What the indicted John Edwards has already lost

Hard cases make bad law, an old legal saying goes. So, I suppose, do sad cases. The sad case of John Edwards could lead to sadder law.

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Gambling myths

Illinois is on the verge of a major gambling expansion, and citizens are being pelted with competing claims. The advocates envision a gusher...

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Men behaving badly

Men behaving badly

Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York is a very busy man. He sits on several important committees. He's newly married to a high-powered wife. He's...

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A Libya war fit for a king

Remember back in your high school civics class when you were taught about the constitutional division of authority in matters of war? When...

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Weeding out some of the GOP hopefuls

It's too soon to engage in the media fetish of covering the 2012 Republican presidential campaign, but it's never too early to tell the...

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Busting water myths by the gallons

NEW YORK — In a slender essay titled "Here Is New York," E.B. White wrote about the implausibility of the great city, mentioning among...

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Why is the president belittling Israel?

Why is the president belittling Israel?

WASHINGTON — Every Arab-Israeli negotiation contains a fundamental asymmetry: Israel gives up land, which is tangible; the Arabs...

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Fast brain versus uh, uh, uh

Apparently, a lot of people consider President Barack Obama to be bumblingly inarticulate. "The guy can't talk his way out of a paper bag!"...

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Gay marriage gains, but fight isn't over

America now has a gay-rights majority. Gallup reports that for the first time ever, most people — 53 percent — favor...

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Run, Paul Ryan, please run

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' announcement that he can't play in the presidential primaries because his wife and daughters say he's not...

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