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American Spring

I, as an independent voter am concerned like many other voters are that the conservatives are going to sacrifice our Social Security for...

Tea Party defending billionaires

The tea party claims they represent working people like me. How are they working for me when they're defending tax cuts for billionaires and...

End tax cuts for wealthy

I am so furious at the Republicans of Congress, I could spit.

Americans first

We hear about all the cuts the government has to make because of the $14 trillion debt. Obama talks of Social Security, Medicare and...

Budget scare tactics

I feel that President Obama is resorting to scare tactics by threatening no Social Security checks if the GOP doesn't come around to his way...

Sharing the budget pain

Our representatives must remember that "divided we fall." Cuts to entitlement programs will make life for many who depend on this money even...

Two parties, one right choice

In the recent negotiations over the raising of the debt limit and the looming fiscal crises, two narratives have emerged from the two ruling...

Don't forget Independents

I am an independent voter and I believe we got into this economic mess because both parties refused to be realistic about the economy....

Missing Marshall Field's

I have been a shopper at Macy's at Northbrook Court for numerous years. Now, however, Macy's has closed its door to me. Why? Because I...

Political self-interest

None of the politicians in Washington care about the people they represent. They are looking out for their future, not ours.

Debt ceiling lies

On July 12, 2011, President Obama made statements that checks to recipients of the Social Security retirement program may not go out in...

Preventative storm solutions

Straight-line winds exceeding 75 miles-per-hour raked the region recently, causing an estimated million homes and business to lose...

Report all the facts

The Tribune argues for Medicare and Social Security reform ("Fix them while you can," July 13), but ignores some of the main reasons for our...

Where's World Cup coverage?

The U.S. is going to the finals in the World Cup! I was so excited to read about it in the sports page this morning. But, the 3rd place...

D.C. Nonsense

I wish our elected representatives in Washington would stop acting like children and step up to the plate on the debt limit issue.

Obama's temper tantrum

For over two years Congress has not passed a budget, just spent money. Congress was "owned" by the Democrats. Did the president chastise...

America's appetite

Let's face it: we're an addictive society that's hell-bent on destroying itself. We have allowed our federal, state, and local governments...

Government Ponzi?

President Obama is starting to act like Bernie Madoff with the threats that Social Security payments won't go out if the GOP does not...

Buying American

When will Americans realize that the crisis in this country is not about the debt cap but about the trade gap?

Independent ideology

As a well-educated person, I try to take time to listen, learn and understand our country and world. I am sure that I, like many, could...

Society should put kids first

As millions of fans anticipate the release of part two of the final installment of the Harry Potter saga, parents and teachers all over...

Robbing the fools

A fool and his money are soon parted. Gov. Quinn is betting on video poker to prove we have a lot of fools in Illinois.

Children still being left behind

According to the article, "Test goals too strict, education officials say," Education Secretary Arne Duncan wants to use "executive...

Coach to the rescue

Lucky students at Hinsdale Central! Terrifying storm on Monday morning, June 11 results in hysterical grandmother and 2-year-old grandson...

Speedy clean-up in the 31st

We want to thank the office of Alderman Ray Suarez of the 31st Ward for clearing the debris after Monday's storm. I called the 31st Ward...

High-speed chase repurcussions

In light of the tragic death of EMS dispatcher Marciea Adkins during a high-speed Chicago Police pursuit of a stolen SUV on Sunday morning...

Republican aims unpatriotic

The Republican politicians are at it again. Since President Obama took office they publicly proclaimed that their goal was to bring him down...

Charge for concealed carry permit

Letters to the editor about concealed carry argue about Second Amendment rights. I am addressing another side of the argument overlooked by...

Not the time for foreign aid

A somewhat low-key story in today's Tribune noted that the U.S. was moving to withhold $800 million in foreign aid to Pakistan. This is...

Anthony case jurors

The Chicago Tribune's editorial rendition of a kindergarten once again proves one thing and one thing only; never send a boy to do a man's...

Tools in office

Thank God Barack Obama is president! If he had lost the election, I would have clung to the belief that he would have been a great...

Derelict jurors

The Casey Anthony juror who spoke to the press said that the prosecution never proved how the murder was committed or how Caylee died. Maybe...

Free trade or fair trade?

Steve Chapman's July 3 column, "Free trade, without apologies," misses the point. U.S. trade performance must be judged by the core...

Wrong place

Too bad Rod Blagojevich didn't have his trial in Florida.

New improved Tribune

I have been meaning to write to tell you how much I love the new and improved Chicago Tribune. More arts, more dining (the menu...

More pages, better Trib

Wow! The latest incarnation of the Tribune is just fantastic. To see the quality of the content actually increase in this digital age of...

Remember infant health

I was outraged to read the seemingly unpretentious but cynical editorial about birth rates and the economy at the bottom corner of the...

Social Security a 'perk?'

The article, "What does 65 Mean?" stated that Social Security was a "perk." It (and a portion of Medicare) is made up of retirement funds...

Do Navy Pier right

As I read Bob Sirott's column, I couldn't decide whether he was serious or it was a spoof of the proposed plan Navy Pier plan.

Get Bachmann on what counts

I'm not a Michelle Bachmann supporter, but I question why the media, most recently in the person of George Will, have been saying she...

From the paper

Classroom voices

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• We edit and/or trim letters as little as possible, but we reserve the right to do so as necessary.

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