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First Baptist Church, Huntsville, AL
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 7

The Message: The Gospel - Part II

Review: There are four parts to this gospel presentation. We learned two last week. They were:

  1. God loves you and me so much that he desires to have a relationship with us.
    John 3:16

  2. God loves you and me even though we are sinful. Romans 3:23

Remember each phrase begins with God loves you and me . . . and that there are four key words to help you remember. Relationship - Sin - Answer - Receive. This week we continue with the last two parts which are the answer and receive.

3. God loves you and me so much that he has provided an answer for our sin problem.
The answer to this sin problem lies in the Son of God - Jesus - who lived a perfect life. Jesus died to pay for our sins and purchase a place in heaven for us which he offers as a free gift. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
Roman 5:8 - God demonstrated his own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Also read Ephesians 2:8-9) So how can we receive this gift of God?

4. God loves you and me so much that we can receive this gift from God if we believe in him. We receive this gift not for what we do but as an act of faith. It is trusting Jesus Christ alone for salvation and nothing else. God wants this for you more than you can know. Revelation 3:20a - Here I am! I stand at the door (of your life) and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him. (Read Acts 16:30b-31a) Jesus will do his part by providing eternal life if you do your part by believing in him.

Scripture - This scripture points out the wonderful fact that God loves us so much that he has provided a solution to the problem of sin. Roman 5:8 - God demonstrated his own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Action - Your action this week is to write out the four steps of the gospel. Take the time to write them out with your comments and scripture that come to mind as you write them down. After reading these steps you may come to the realization that you have not trusted God for salvation. I would hope that you would solve that dilemma right now. There should be nothing to keep you from taking care of this important matter. If you do accept Christ as your savior, be sure to tell someone that you have new life in Christ; we would love to know about that so we can celebrate with you.

Prayer -Lord, help me to remember these four gospel basics. I want to be ready when you lead someone to me who is missing. Lord, with your help I can remember these simple steps to salvation. Is this person that I have in mind the one you want me to build a relationship with? Show me for sure this week.

Next Week - The Importance of a Person's Testimony