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What Makes a Good Lawyer Website?

Tell a story of professionalism, clarity and expertise

It's what clients want in an attorney. Does your law firm website tell that story? These three hallmarks of effective websites will convey your practice's focus, image, and reputation effectively online.

Visibility. More than two-thirds of solo and small law firms have websites. Can prospects find yours among the crowd? Effective websites are optimized for search engine visibility through tactics including keywords, search-focused content, and link management.

Content and design. First impressions weigh heavily online. Use images, colors, and words that quickly tell who you are, what you do, and where you are, and make it clear how to contact you.

While design attracts visitors, content keeps them. Effective content increases your search-engine visibility, establishes you as an expert, and qualifies prospects. Short, scannable text helps visitors quickly find relevant information.

Connection and conversion. After a search engine does its job of directing qualified legal prospects to your site, does your lawyer website engage them? Do site visitors see themselves and their situations in your content, and understand what you do and what it will be like to work with you? Finally, do these connected visitors take the final, most important step: Do they "convert," or contact you and become a client? Visibility, design, and content all play a significant role in this last step in the law firm internet marketing ROI equation: Converting visitors into profitable clients.

Custom design and content set your practice apart

Your website should strongly reinforce your specific expertise in your area of specialty. Custom content about you helps potential clients understand why your practice is the right choice.