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Steaming Through Africa

One hundred years ago a French expedition struggled from the mouth of the Congo to southern Sudan, only to have their plans thwarted by the British. Sarah Searight revisits the Fashoda incident.

New Lessons in South Africa’s History

Iain Smith looks at how teaching history is being turned upside down in South Africa today.

Death and Politics: West Africa in the 1940s

Missing person or ritual murder? Richard Rathbone probes a cause célèbre from an age of colonial and tribal transition.

West Africa’s Mary Kingsley

‘England… requires markets more than colonies.’ Mary Kingsley’s espousal of the African cause was founded on the empathy between second-class citizens in a white, male-dominated society, as Deborah Birkett reveals.

Diamonds and Migrant Labour in South Africa, 1869-1910

The 'pass laws' and migrant labour of apartheid in South Africa today have their origins in the policies designed to control the black workers in the diamond mines a century ago.

Untold Histories; The Price of Emancipation
Siân Rees reviews two books on the history, and commerce, of slavery.
After the Bicentenary: The Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Recent History

Emma Christopher analyses the recent treatment of the sensitive issue of slavery and abolition, both by historians and popular culture at large.

Carthage: The Lost Mediterranean Civilisation

Little remains of the great North African empire that was Rome's most formidable enemy, because, as Richard Miles explains, only its complete annihilation could satisfy its younger rival.

Abyssinian Crisis

1935/36 Italy invaded and conquered Ethiopia in the Second Italo-Ethopian War. The League of Nations was unable to halt Italy’s aggression. In 1936, Emperor Haile Selassie I was forced into exile and Ethiopia was annexed to Eritrea and Italian Somaliland to form Italian East Africa.

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