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DorobekINSIDER: Kundra names Schlosser as deputy federal CIO

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Lisa Schlosser has been appointed the next deputy administrator in the Office of E-Government and Information Technology in the Office of Management and Budget. She will start in that post on July 5, sources tell the DorobekINSIDER.In that role, she effectively serves as the deputy federal CIO.

Schlosser has been at the Environmental Protection Agency since 2008, initial overseeing the Office of Information Collection and most recently as the principal deputy associate administrator for EPA’s Office of External Affairs and Environmental Education. Before that, she was the CIO at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. (NOTE: This information has been updated at of 06.02.2011.)

She will replace Mike Howell, who left the OMB post late last year to become deputy program manager for the Information Sharing Environment.

Schlosser is widely respected within the CIO community and she has an impressive resume having experience across a wide variety of issues, including cyber-security. She also served as a military intelligence officer for the Army. Her efforts have also been recognized with Federal Computer Week’s 2008 Fed 100 award and the Laureate Award by the Computerworld Honors Program.

Before HUD, she was the associate CIO and chief information security officer at Transportation Department and she served as the vice-president for Business Operations and Response Services for Global Integrity and a a senior manager for Ernst & Young.

Schlosser is a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves and did a tour of duty in the Middle East during the Iraq war.

Read her full bio after the break:

Schlosser’s bio:
Ms. Lisa Schlosser currently serves as the Director, Office of Information Collection, Office of Environmental Information, for the Environmental Protection Agency.She previously served as the Chief Information Officer (CIO), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as the Associate Chief Information Officer/Chief Information Security Officer, at the US Department of Transportation (US DOT), and as the Associate CIO for IT Security for the US DOT.

Before joining the Federal Government, Lisa served as Vice-President, Business Operations and Response Services, for Global Integrity, and as a Senior Manager for Ernst & Young LLP.

Before entering the commercial sector, Lisa served as a Military Intelligence Officer with the U.S. Army, and continues to serve as a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserves.  She recently completed a year long mobilization with the US Army Reserves, to include a deployment to the Middle East, where she served as the Operations Officer for the Regional Computer Emergency Response Team, Southwest Asia, supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom.

Lisa holds a B.A. degree in Political Science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and an M.S. degree in Administration from Central MichiganUniversity.

Written by cdorobek

June 1, 2011 at 4:15 PM

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