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Monday, July 18, 2011

This might be my last post bashing FOX, and Herman is at it again.

Guys, please remind me to stop f*&^%^g with Uncle Rupert and FOX NEWS.
"LONDON (Reuters) - A former journalist who told the New York Times that phone hacking at Rupert Murdoch's now defunct News of the World was more extensive than the paper had acknowledged at the time, has been found dead, media reported on Monday.

Police said they were not treating the death as suspicious.

Sean Hoare, a former show business reporter at the News International paper, part of News Corp, had also told the BBC he was asked by former editor Andy Coulson to tap into phones.

Coulson has denied being aware of any wrongdoing at the paper.

"The death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious. Police investigations into this incident are ongoing," Hertfordshire police said in a statement. They would not confirm the identity.

British media reported that Hoare, who was dismissed for drink and drugs problems, had been found at his home in Watford, north of London.

Coulson was taken on by David Cameron as his communications chief in 2007, before he became prime minister.

Coulson quit the paper in 2007 after one of its reporters was jailed for secretly listening to phone messages of royal household staff to get scoops on the Queen's family.

Coulson quit his job with Cameron in January this year.

A story in the New York Times last September said the practice of phone hacking was widespread, and Hoare told the BBC the former editor had asked him to snoop on phone messages." [Source]
"Not treating the death as suspicious"? WTF? I am looking at my man's pic and I am guessing that he didn't die from natural causes. Something stopped his ticker from ticking.  "Field, how dare you imply that the folks over at FOX are capable of murder? This is a new low, even for you."  (I just thought I would save the winguts the trouble of having to write that.) Yes, it would be low of me to think that Rupert and his cabal are capable of murder. Just as it would be for someone to hack the phones of 911 victims, dead soldiers, and murdered girls. Wait...oh never mind.
Finally, I see that my man Herman Cain is up to his old new tricks. Poor Herman, the guy is trying so hard to be relevant. I guess he figures that if he shocks our conscience we will have no choice but to pay attention to him. Not! Herman has become a running joke. And the longer he continues the more ammunition he will give to the anti affirmative action crowd. How could a nitwit like that ever become CEO of a neighborhood lemonade stand let alone a major A-merry-can corporation? 
Herman, instead of banning Mosques, we should be banning stupid people from running for president.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

No World Cup and no boyfriends.

I watched the women's World Cup soccer final today along with millions of other folks. As someone who considers himself somewhat of an aficionado of the "beautiful game", let me say for the record that those ladies can play.

Congrats to Japan on their stunning upset of the Americans. Their country has had a rough year and the poor folks needed a lift.

Still, I feel bad for the American goalie, Hope Solo. Girlfriend is a little field Negroish, (I know that's not a word, so spare me your e-mails) so I was hoping for the best for her.

Oh well ladies, better luck next time. We will see you again in four years.

Finally, I saw the following article over at The Fresh Express, and I wanted to get some of your opinions about it: (Especially the ladies.)

"Ok so as I was watching my girl Judy on TV the other day, you all may know her as Judge Judy, yeah her, she was dealing with a baby mama drama case where the girl wanted some money from her baby daddy. The girl was telling her side of the story and in the beginning said that she and her baby’s father had broken up and she put him out due to “marijuana usage”.

So later in the girl’s story she said that after they reconciled the guy cheated on her and I thank God that my girl Judy cut her up for that. She told her that that was a lie basically because for one, she kicked him out; secondly, they were not married, so there’s no way “cheating” took place.

What I’m getting to here is, what the hell is a boyfriend?! I know previously as a culture we decided that by like mid-20s that word should be abolished but I’m proposing it be abolished after high school. Please tell me what a boyfriend/girlfriend is and how it fits into your journey to become a man/woman because I don’t see it. I stopped believing in that boyfriend-girlfriend thing right after high school.

Boyfriend/girlfriend is a title. That’s it. In no way, shape, or form does it signify commitment. Y’all can keep getting tricked into being “wifey” or his “girlfriend” forever if y’all want to, but I’m taking a different route. We all know one too many “girlfriends” that wouldn’t be so self-righteous if they knew what their “boyfriends” were really up to.

The way I see it, getting a guy to commit to this title first does not, nor has it ever guaranteed that you will see a ring, so why commit yourself to someone that’s not going to be around ‘till death do you part?

Ain’t gone happen over here.

One day I was just thinking and was like, “Ok so I want a guy to kick it with all the time and maybe do a little bump and grind,” but then I was like, “I’m a busy girl. I don’t have time to maintain a real relationship right now,” and then I was like, “and even if I do get me a man, I’m not trying to be his girlfriend forever and ever, we’ll eventually have to break-up if he doesn’t propose around the time I’m ready to settle down or he’ll cheat or we’ll grow apart.”

Then it hit me, why should I even have to go through that for a maybe? This ain’t spades and I ain’t putting no money on no possibles.

To me, commitment is a guy going out and getting a ring, asking my friends if they like it, discussing it with his boys and our families, then nervously getting down on one knee in a super cute setting that he planned out on his own.

Anything other than that is redundant. Why should I ever be stressed about a relationship that isn’t recognized by anybody’s God, nor does it affect my taxes? I shouldn’t. Nobody should.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that you can’t control when you fall in love and I’m not suggesting that you postpone the feelings until marriage and I’m definitely not saying that slutting until then is acceptable but chill out.

What is the point in fully committing to someone you may or may not spend your life with? You can figure out if you want to marry that person without a title. As a matter of fact, that’s a better way to do it because there’s no reason to lie to each other about anything if you don’t “go together.”' [Full story]

I guess I want your opinions, because, now that I think about it, I really don't understand what girlfriend is trying to say.



Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Straight Outta Compton"?

If any of you Negroes are free on the 24th of this month you might want to head to Los Angeles to join a march led by my man Jesse.

'LOS ANGELES, July 14, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The newly formed black led South Central L.A. Tea Party group will hold a major rally to expose the lies and misinformation of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) during its102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The purpose of the rally is to bring attention to the failed liberal big government agenda of the NAACP and to expose their lies and hypocrisy on race issues.
Who: South Central L.A. Tea Party
What: Rally to expose the failed big government agenda and lies of the NAACP
When: Sunday, July 24, 2011, from 2-4 p.m.
Where:1201 S Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90015 (Outside the L.A. Convention Center- West Hall).

"The NAACP is a tool of the Obama administration," said founding member and President of BOND Action, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. He added, "For decades, this group has supported left-wing policies which have created dependency, destroyed black families, and hurt race relations." Rev. Peterson cited the following examples:

  • NAACP spreading lies about the Tea Party movement. NAACP has made numerous false allegations of 'racism' against the Tea Party movement, but has yet to provide a shred of evidence backing up their baseless claims.
  • Support for failing public schools and unions. The NAACP has aligned itself with the United Federation of Teachers to block 22 of the worst performing schools in New York City from being shut down. This has put them at odds with thousands of black parents in Harlem who support replacing these failing public schools with charter schools.
  • NAACP's hypocrisy on crime and race. The NAACP has remained silent while black thugs attack white Americans and commit crimes in flash mobs across the country -- but
    NAACP President Benjamin Jealous says he's "deeply concerned” with the lack of black news anchors on Television.
  • The NAACP supports black genocide. As an ally of Planned Parenthood and abortion on demand, the NAACP has aided and abetted in the death of some 15 million black babies since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion.
This event is open to all Tea Party supporters and like-minded patriots of all races."

Whoops, I think this is the wrong Jessie.

Wait, did they say South Central L.A. Tea Party? Oh Lawd! Now I done seen it all.
Isn't  that like saying a Jamaican ski club?

Anyway, it should be interesting. If any of you make it to the rally please holla at your boy. I would love to hear how it went down.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rupert's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment"

I can't believe that people in this country still believe that FOX News  is a legitimate news organization.

"As the U.K. phone-hacking scandal continues to engulf News Corp's British segment, one of the company's top-performing assets in the U.S. is enjoying a bit of unrelated vindication.

Rewind to October 2009: Fox News Channel and the White House were at war. In one particularly heated incident, Fox claimed the Obama administration had tried to oust the "fair & balanced" network from an interview with Treasury official Kenneth Feinberg, when the other four news nets in the TV coverage pool had been offered access. In the end, Fox was included, and a Treasury Department spokesman snarled: "There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. Much ado about absolutely nothing."

Emails that surfaced last week, however, through a public records request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, suggest otherwise.
"We'd prefer if you skip Fox please," a White House broadcast media staffer advised a Treasury Department public affairs secretary ahead of the interview. In other emails during the same time frame, deputy White House communications director Jennifer Psaki called Fox News anchor Bret Baier "a lunatic" and boasted that "I am putting some dead fish in the fox cubby--just cause." In yet another email, another White House press officer wrote: "We've demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews …"

Proof of an anti-Fox agenda in the Oval Office? Judicial Watch thinks so.
"These documents show there is a pervasive anti-Fox bias in the Obama White House," said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a statement. "The juvenile Mafioso-talk in these emails has no place in any White House. For the Obama administration to purposely exclude a major news organization from access to information has troubling First Amendment implications." [Source]

"News Organization"? Mr. Fitton,you are either being well paid by Rupert Murdoch or your organization has some very powerful illegal drugs hidden somewhere.

Sorry, but when I read articles like this and watch clips like this; I start to think that straight news is the last thing that FOX wants to give the public.

The FOX agenda is not to report the news to us in a straightforward fashion,it is to give the news they report a conservative slant and to influence and brainwash the A-merry-can people into their way of thinking. Goebbels would be proud.

So far, at least for 25% of the A-merry-can public, it seems to be working.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just another day in America.

"A Negro's body was found on the outskirts of a small Mississippi town. The victim had been bound hand and foot, stabbed seventeen times, and had six bullet wounds in his body. "What's your verdict, sheriff?" asked a reporter. "Worst case of suicide I ever saw!" replied the lawman."

The following story from Connecticut reminds me of the joke you just read.

"Stamford Connecticut police have identified the body of a young woman found naked and dead under a tree this past Saturday.
Jasmine Brown, 21, [IN PIC] moved to New York from New Orleans a year ago to attend the Art Institute of New York City. Police believe the aspiring designer either fell or jumped to her death from the tree." [Story]

Fell or jumped from a tree? WTF? Suicide by tree? Sorry, I think the po po might have a little more work to do on this one.

It seems that when all else fails the republiclowns are reverting to the angry black man meme. Poor O, he tried so hard not to seem angry and black to those folks. He tried so hard to fit in.  I swear that sometimes I thought that was Wayne Brady in the White House.

Eric Cantor said O got angry and stormed out of the debt ceiling talks.(Because we all know that you Negroes-even the half ones-can't keep your tempers in check.)

"The President lost his temper and abruptly ended the meeting by walking out of the room." Ahhhh, poor Eric. The mean black man walked out on you? Well stop interrupting him when he is trying to talk next time.

Anyway, it so happens that Cantor's account of what happened isn't even true.
(A republiclown lying. So what else is new?) "... a Democrat offered a different view to the Los Angeles Times: “Left abruptly is perfectly fair," said the official. "But the meeting was over—in no sense did he walk out on it." Hmmm, I wonder who I am going to believe? I will give you a hint; it ain't the people who got us into this mess in the first place.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Where is the beef?" In the garbage disposal.

Some people sure can be cruel. I have a confession to make: My man johnson has taken a direct hit on the chin a time or two in his life, and it hurt like hell. In fact, the pain was damn near unbearable.

Which leads me to Mr. Kieu: ( I think that's his name.)

"Kieu and her husband were still living together in a Garden Grove condo that he owned. He had filed for divorce in May, and they argued before the attack about friends staying at the condo, authorities said.

On Monday night, police say Kieu spiked a meal and served it to the victim.
The 60-year-old man started to feel sick and went to lie down, then awoke tied to the bed as Kieu attacked him with a 10-inch kitchen knife, police said.
She then put the penis down a garbage disposal, police said.
"It's hard to believe what would motivate a person to do this sort of thing," the district attorney's chief of staff, Susan Kang Schroeder, said outside court. "It's one of the worst things you could do to a person short of killing him."
Newly appointed defense attorney Lee Gabriel made no public statement after the hearing.

Police did not release the victim's name. He underwent surgery and was listed in good condition at University of California at Irvine Medical Center, hospital spokesman John Murray said.

Murray declined to say whether the penis was reattached or provide any additional details about the victim's condition, citing patient privacy laws.
Kieu was charged with one felony count of torture, one felony count of aggravated mayhem and sentencing enhancements for great bodily injury and personal use of a knife. If convicted of all counts, she could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Garden Grove Police Lt. Jeff Nightengale said Kieu called police Monday night to report a medical emergency and told arriving officers "he deserved it" before pointing to the room where the victim was found bleeding profusely. She was taken into custody without incident and refused to talk to officers further.

The couple was married in December 2009. When the victim filed for divorce, he cited irreconcilable differences, court records show. Kieu was slowly moving her things out of the condo, authorities said.

The victim declined to comment when he was reached by phone Tuesday by The Orange County Register.

"This is a private matter," he said.'[Story]

"Private matter"? I don't think so Mr. Kieu. With all due respect, this is a very public matter. Every one of us out here who share that particular body part with you.....wait, I take that back.... Everyone of us out here who share that body part that you used to have are affected by this story. It was painful just reading about it. I swear this adds a whole new meaning to the term ground beef.

I know that "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", but ladies, even you all have to admit that this was a bit much. Please tell me that girlfriend isn't starting a new trend. And why did she have to put the poor man's pleasure stick down the garbage disposal? I mean that's like adding insult to injury. Couldn't she have just thrown the damn thing away like Lorena Bobbitt? I guess she wanted to make sure my man never used it again. It's amazing what they can do with modern science these days.

I have some protective athletic cups around here somewhere. I think I will start wearing those bad boys to bed.

Finally, I loved this Harold Meyerson article on the republiclowns war on government. Make no mistake, it is a war,but it is one that they will ultimately lose. Why? Because at some point people will wake up and realize that they are being hoodwinked. Not all the people, just enough folks to vote their asses right back out.


I know it when I see it.

I see that Michele Bachmann and company are trying to save A-merry-ca from things such as porn and Gay Marriages. Nice. That's it Michele, keep fiddling while Rome burns.

Honestly, this s*&^ isn't even funny anymore. 

"This debt limit increase is his problem and I think it's time for him to lead by putting his plan on the table"

"His problem"!? No Mr. Speaker, it is all of A-merry-ca's problem. But this is what happens when a weasel plays politics and tries to appease the people on the fringes in his party. He didn't want to seem weak, and he wanted to stand up to the big bad beige man in the people's house. So rather than do what's right for the country, we get this "his problem" rhetoric.

“My message to the White House over the last several months has been real simple: The spending cuts have to be larger than the increase in the debt ceiling. Secondly, there are no tax increases on the table, and, thirdly, we have to have real controls in place to make sure this never happens again; real controls like a balanced budget amendment.”

"Never happens again"? Oh that's right, I almost forgot; it happened SEVEN TIMES under the last president, who was a...wait for it.....wait for it....Republican!

Anyway, we have until August 2nd before the s*&^ really hits the fan. That is when our esteemed Treasury Secretary, Timothy (I came from the Bartles & Jaymes charm school) Geithner, says that we won't have any more money available to pay our debts. Not good. So far we have been able to pay them by using "extra ordinary measures". (I think that means borrowing from pension funds and stuff) but for all of you who don't know; we already reached our debt limit back in May.

So here is what we can look forward to if the republiclowns don't get their act together:

The stock market will do a serious Greg Louganis.
There will be hyper inflation so our interest rates will go up and loans and credit will dry up.
Credit drying up is not a good thing. Business will have to lay off folks because they can't get loans from banks to carry out their day to day operations.
The interest rates in your credit cards will go up.
Grandma and grandpa won't get their social security checks.
The folks in the government (including the military) won't get paid.
Planning a vacation this summer? Forget it. Your dollar will be worthless in other countries.

In other words, it will all be just like the republicans want it. How else are they going to get control of the White House?

You know who would make a great porn star? John Boehner. He already knows how to f*&^ people.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Read two Playboy magazines and call me in the morning.

I know that from time to time it might seem like I am being flip when I post. But tonight I have a serious question for some of my republiclown friends: Do you really expect me to consider voting for Michele Bachmann for president when she signed on to a pledge that said black babies were better off under slavery because they were born to a two parent household? 

"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President." [Source]

Ok Ok, I know that when we were slaves we at least had jobs; but we didn't even get paid minimum wage back then.

And you wingnuts wonder why my cousins can't get under your tent with you. 

And, speaking of Ms. Bachmann, I see that her hubby is being called out for running a scam clinic where he says that he can cure Gays by praying for them. ---Because we just can't have those "Barbarians" running around with the rest of us good Christian folks. "Ex Gay Therapy" is what I think he calls it. (Hmmm, I wonder if it worked for him? )

I started this post with a question, and I will end it with one for Marcus and his crazy ass friends: Marcus, if you think that by praying you could actually change someone from being Gay to hetro, why don't you use your prayers for more important things like bringing us world peace and fixing our damn deficit problem?



Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ten things that would cause someone to vote republican.

Some writer over a Kos wrote the following:
"#10: I shall vote Republican next time because I am a white male. It does not matter if they are otherwise against me, but since I am a white male, and they say that they are for white males, I am for them too! Lies matter not to me. I am a white male.

#9: I shall vote Republican next time because I do not belong to any union. I have been told that unions are evil, and of course I believe it since Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity said so.

#8: I shall vote Republican because the President is not a United States citizen. I have been told that from the Tea Party, the conservative talkers, and Michelle Bachman. If they say it, I know those truths to be self evident.

#7: I shall vote Republican because I think that the deficit and the National debt is the most pressing problem that we face. Even though that I am living off of retirement savings, jobs for Americans are a secondary issue.

#6: I shall vote Republican because I think that tax breaks for large corporations, making billions of dollars, stimulate job creation. It worked well under G. W. Bush, as I am told by the Fox "News" Network.

Now to reasons that would make me vote for the Republicans. Unfortunately, those are all contrary to reality, but if I were in those situations, I might just vote that way.

#5: I would vote Republican because my Daddy died and left me $50 million. I do not want to give a cent of it to the Treasury! Let the little people pay.

#4: I would vote Republican because I am the head of a large corporation that pays no tax after my attorneys get done looking at the dodges. Hell, some of us even get a REBATE when the loopholes are properly exploited! And having my highest marginal bracket so low is not bad, either! Back when Eisenhower was President I would have been taxed at over 80%! Thank God for the New Republicans!

#3: I would vote Republican because I run a huge defense contractor corporation. Not only is it a LEGAL PERSON because of the recent Republican Supreme Court decision, I get lots and lots of money for my fatcat shareholders, and they in turn vote to give me a sinfully large salary and bonus, every year! I LOVE the current tax code, and give some to what to me is pocket change to the Republicans who keep me in power. Money is GOOD!

#2: I would vote Republican because they might give me a cushy job as a political appointtee, and since I have no real skills otherwise, that would be cool! A cushy job and low tax rate rules!

#1: I would vote Republican because I am a hedge fund trader, and not only do I not draw a salary (so no FICA nor Medicare withholding, although I will be eligible for them), I pay only 15% on my income! You idiots working for wages and salaries pay over 15% on FICA and Medicare, and then up to over 30% in income tax! Fools! Let us say that I had a bad year, and you had a really good one. The income is $10 million.

For me, I pay NOTHING in FICA and Medicare! Even if I had to pay both parts, which I do not, since I have no earned income, it gets better for me! Let us do the numbers!

Out of the $10 million, I pay only 15%! That comes to $1.5 million, so I walk away with $8.5 million! You jerks pay around 30% give or take, plus FICA at 7.2% (on your first $106,000) and Medicare at 1.2% on all of it! Fools! Now let us run these numbers for the same $10 million.

Your FICA comes to $7632, and your Medicare to $12,000. Now, let us assume that your top tax bracket is 30%, so you pay another $3 million! Let us add it all together:$10 million, minus the $7632, minus the $12,000, minus the $3 million. I walk away with $8.5 million, and you keep $6.98 million! What a deal for me!
That is why I will always vote for a Republican!" (Source)

(h/t Susan Porter)

Saturday, July 09, 2011

A sudden destruction.

"For when they shall say, 'Peace and Safety',
then sudden destruction comes upon them," ~St.Paul~

I bet if you live in central Wyoming the last thing you would expect is a triple quadruple homicide in your area.  But hey, such is live in A-merry-ca. These days you just never know.

"WHEATLAND, Wyo. (AP) — Residents of Wheatland, a quiet agricultural town in central Wyoming, plan a community barbeque to raise money for funeral expenses for victims of a shooting spree.

Authorities say a man opened fire inside a mobile home here Thursday night killing his three sons and a brother. The man's wife was wounded.
Mayor Jean Dixon says the killings are shocking to residents of Wheatland, a quiet, agricultural town of some 3,600.

Everett E. Conant III, who's in his mid-30s, surrendered without incident and was charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, battery and a weapons violation.

Prosecutors say Conant could face the death penalty. His lawyer declined comment." [Story] 

Sudden? Yes. Surprising? No.

And speaking of sudden. Here is more on Mr. One Punch. Seems my man is a teacher and an assistant football coach.  His wife works in a bank. Hmmm, hardly seems like a thug to me.

"Leticia Hawkins said the confrontation came during the first hours of a three-day visit to Las Vegas with her husband, a father of three, and their friends Jeremy and Kristina Brown of Monticello, Fla.

Benjamin Hawkins is a teacher and assistant football coach at Bradford County High School in Starke, Fla.

Jeremy Brown said later Friday he didn't think racial bias played a role in Hawkins' mind during the confrontation.

"Ben did not hit the other person just because he was white," Brown said. "Race may have been what motivated the other guy." [Story]

Race motivated the other guy? Noooo! He was just a "fashionista" trying to help a sartorially challenged man out.

Finally,all of you people out there in New Jersey creeping on your significant other; here is some news you might want to be aware of.

"Suspecting infidelity, a New Jersey woman, hired a private investigator to follow her husband. The investigator tried, but could not follow the elusive husband. So they put a GPS tracking device on the husband’s car, which is pretty tough to outrun. Needless to say, within a very short period of time, the GPS showed the husband’s car sitting in the driveway of a woman who was not his wife.
The husband sued his wife and the private investigator. The appellate court judge however ruled in favor of the wife and private investigator.

Appellate Judge Joseph Lisa, Jack Sabatino and Carmen Alvarez said Villanova (the husband) had no right to expect privacy because the GPS tracked his movements on public streets.

“There is no direct evidence in this record to establish that during the approximately 40 days the GPS was in the … glove compartment the device captured a movement of plaintiff into a secluded location that was not in public view, and, if so, that such information was passed along by Mrs. Villanova to (Leonard), Lisa wrote.” [Story] 

I don't live in New Jersey, but even if I did, I would say "bring it on Mrs. Field!"

Let me stop. The theme tonight is "sudden destruction". I don't need to experience that right now. 

Friday, July 08, 2011

Vengeance is mine sayeth the Governor.

Careful O, this is no time to be abandoning your most loyal constituents. Did you see the unemployment numbers today? Yeah, I know I know, the republiclowns are praying that you fail and that more A-merry-cans stay unemployed (which is sad and pathetic), and the folks with the ability to invest in the economy are sitting on their loot. But honestly, to steal a quote from "The Moments", I am not feeling like "I found love on a two way street" these days.

Anywhoo, I see that our god fearing governor down in that country we know as Texas decided to ignore a plea from the State Department --not to mention the U.N.-- and excecute a Mexican national. It must be nice to be governor big hair.

"Gov. Rick Perry rebuffed criticism Friday from the United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Texas' execution of a Mexican man whose lawyers said he was not informed he could have sought legal help from the Mexican government after he was arrested for the murder of a San Antonio teenager.

"If you commit the most heinous of crimes in Texas, you can expect to face the ultimate penalty under our laws," Perry's spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger said a day after convicted killer Humberto Leal was put to death in Huntsville.

In Geneva, the U.N.'s top human rights official said Leal's execution amounted to a breach of international law by the U.S.

The Texas governor has the authority in execution cases to issue a one-time 30-day reprieve, an authority Perry and other governors in the nation's most active capital punishment state rarely have invoked."

That a boy Gov. the wages of sin is death.

Finally, if you are a black woman in Pistolvania, you just might want to pay your parking ticket. If you don't you will be shackled and hauled off to jail....wait,this woman did pay her parking ticket, and she was still shackled and hauled off to jail.

Oh well, it could be worse, the poor lady could have been in Texas.