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Paul Street's blog

Black History is American History and It Lives On


by Paul Street

The saga of the United States is incomprehensiible – worse than a lie – without the story of one of the nation’s founding peoples, African Americans. “The unpleasantness of Black History and American History’s intersection is not over,” contrary to many Black History presentations. “The mid-term electoral triumphs of the racist and ever more rightwing Republican Party and its Tea Party front show that ‘white backlash’ is alive and well.”

Note to “the Left”: Obama Hates You

by Paul Street

Despite oceans of evidence, many self-described “progressives” still refuse to recognize Barack Obama as the warmongering servant of Wall Street that he is. They continue to hover like flocks of groupies, eager to debase themselves for a politician that despises them. The Left – or what’s left of it – is held in deepest contempt by this president and his handlers. “It is long past time for serious lefties to leave” Obama and his fellow corporate Democrats, “once and for all.”

Freedom Restored: "We've Come to Take Our Country Back" - a Tea Party Satire

by Paul Street

The future is bright – for the rule of capital! With the Election Day triumph of Palin-Beck-Limbaugh-Paul Thought, “Private ownership of core economic institutions and their operation for investor profit will be restored at once.” No longer will Che, Marx and Mao rule from the Oval Office. Henceforth, “This is one free market nation under God."

“Despite the Power of Money”: Reflections on the Vapid Obama Commentary of Professor Angela Davis

by Paul Street

Angela Davis recently told television audiences that Barack Obama won the presidency “despite the power of money.” Any knowledgeable person – much less a learned academic and activist heroine – should know better. The reality, which is not in serious dispute, is that Obama “set new corporate fundraising records, receiving many millions of dollars from powerful Wall Street firms and other profit-based economic giants.” Prof. Davis is spouting discredited 2008 campaign propaganda, as a cover for the collapse of Left opposition to Obama’s pro-war and pro-Wall Street policies.


Is Barack Obama Bad for Racial Justice?

by Paul Street

For a long list of reasons, the answer is Yes, the net effect of Obama’s presidency has been to weaken the forces for racial justice in the United States. A prime example: “The Obama presidency has convinced a significant number of black Americans – long the leftmost ethno-cultural segment of the U.S. citizenry and electorate – to turn a blind eye to persistent harsh and worsening race disparities.”


War Crime Whistleblower in Obama’s Sights, War Criminals Not


The Obama administration is even more fixated on secrecy than its Republican predecessor, whose crimes go unpunished and in many case, repeated. The continuity of the two war-making regimes is obvious. As it turns out, there are only so many ways to run “the world’s greatest killing machine” – and they are all mass murderous.

Reparations…for Present Injustice

by Paul Street

The author’s problem with African American reparations is that some of the demands seem to stop with the demise of Jim Crow. “Why stop with the 20th century?” Racist crimes that cry out for repair are constantly committed in the United States. “The very distinction between past and present racism ought to be considered part of the ideological superstructure of contemporary white supremacy.”


“Felony is the New ‘N-Word”: Michelle Alexander on Mass Incarceration as “The New Jim Crow” in the Age of Obama

by Paul Street

The author – himself a renowned Left, anti-racist scholar and activist – calls Alexander’s work “as close to being a perfect book as you are going to see.” While established Black leadership spent most of its political capital defending affirmative action programs that never reached the masses of Black people, the U.S. was busy establishing a “new racial caste system” based on mass Black incarceration and “unimpeded by the Fourteenth Amendment and federal civil rights legislation”


A Comeback for Chattel Slavery? Remarkable Revelations from a Top Obama Aide

by Geraldine Winstanley, AN political writer
Hot off the presses: slavery is about to stage a return engagement, by presidential decree. “This and the president’s repeated visits to Africa have helped him develop a sense of slavery’s rich contribution to the development of what he calls ‘this magical place the United States.'”

Killer Obama, Dr. King, and the Triple Evils

warmonger and peacemakerby Paul Street
Dr. Martin Luther King's ideas on the nature of peace and social justice bear no resemblance to those of the current occupant of the White House, yet another in a long line of presidential killers on an industrial scale. MLK, the social democrat, would have recoiled in horror at the trillions lavished on Wall Street Obama's first year in office, believing as he did that “the evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.”

“You Can’t Be President”: Race, Class, and Memories of Obama

by Paul Street
No one should claim they were fooled by candidate Barack Obama – least of all, Black people. “Obama’s political team has always taken an official position of cowardice on race.His avoidance of racial realities is long-standing. The president's supporters simply ignored the evidence of their own eyes and ears, and let their imaginations do the thinking.

Perverted Priorities: Obama, One Year Later

the faceby Paul Street
Barack Obama's presidency was almost scripted by the corporate interests that backed his candidacy. A year after his election, his political trajectory is remarkably consistent with the requirements of late stage capital. “It was and is foolish, childish even, to expect progressive change from a carefully corporate-choreographed bourgeois election in the headquarters of world imperialism.”

True Crime: White Privilege and a Police Killing in an Obama-Mad College Town

Iowa cityby Paul Street
Iowa City, Iowa went wild for Barack Obama in '08, earning a reputation among it's more conservative neighbors as “The People’s Republic of Johnson County.” But when a white deputy sheriff shot to death a homeless Black man at the urging of a local white drunk, the “liberal” oasis behaved much like any racist backwater town.

“In Cold Blood”: White Deputy’s Killing of Homeless Black Man Sparks Mild Protest in Obama-Mad Iowa City

homelessby Paul Street
In what might be called “White Obamaland,” places like Iowa City, Iowa, “middle class 'liberals' and 'progressives' are proud of the support they gave to the nation’s first black president during the election last November.” But when a Black man was shot down without apparent provocation by a white policeman, most whites refused “to acknowledge and confront the continuing power of deeper, state-of-being societal and institutional racism in American life.”

“Skip” Gates: A Curious Martyr in the Struggle Against Racism

gates in studyby Paul Street
President Obama’s “friend” Dr. Henry Louis Gates has been richly rewarded for arguing “that poor African-Americans are largely to blame for the fact that blacks stand at the bottom of the nation’s steep socioeconomic pyramid.” Presumably, and by the same logic, Gates must now blame himself for getting arrested in his own home by a Cambridge policeman. Actually, Gates’ first impulse was to cash in on the experience with a “PBS special” on Blacks and the criminal justice system – a subject that never previously crossed his mind.
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