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Keith Harmon Snow's blog

U.S. Citizen Falsely Accused of Rwanda Genocide Rape Crimes

Rwandan wanted posterby keith harmon snow

On June 24, 2010, U.S. agents in Manchester, New Hampshire arrested Rwandan genocide survivor Beatrice Munyenyezi, a Hutu and a U.S. citizen since 2004. Charged with lying on her immigration documents to conceal her alleged major role in genocide in Rwanda, Ms. Munyenyezi is also charged with rape as a war and genocide crime. Meanwhile, a federal prosecutor for the case is known for misconduct, falsification of evidence and perjury. Is it a crime to have a FACEBOOK profile? Is it a crime to use a computer?

AFRICOM Backs Bloodshed in Central Africa

this worksby Keith Harmon Snow
When the U.S. corporate media bothers to cover the genocidal conflict in eastern Congo at all, they focus on “rape as a weapon of war” and other such examples of African “barbarity.” But never do they shine a light on the causes of the wars – U.S., European and Israeli machinations to steal the regions resources.

The Rwanda Hit List: Revisionism, Denial, and the Genocide Conspiracy

Kivuby keith harmon snow
U.S. and European governments and Zionists deploy the charge of “genocide” in Rwanda to advance imperial and Israeli interests in Africa, and to make heroes out of America's most deadly mercenaries on the continent, Rwanda's Tutsi minority military dictatorship. The regime has put out a Hit List on its critics, including the author.

Belgian Paratroopers to Crush Rising Congo Rebellion?

campaigning in Congoby keith harmon snow
Rwandan Defense Forces are flown into the western Congo, to shore up another challenge to the regime in Kinshasa. President Kabila is under siege on multiple fronts. United Nations forces secretly intervene on side of Kabila and his Rwandan allies. The ten million death toll, rises.

The Crimes of Bongo: Apartheid & Terror in Africa's Gardens of Eden, Part II

bongoby keith harmon snow
When Gabon President Omar Bongo died of a heart attack at age 73 in early June, multinational corporations and neocolonial leaders in Europe and the U.S. mourned his passing. He had served them well as the longest-running dictatorship in Africa.

The Crimes of Bongo: Apartheid & Terror in Africa's Gardens of Eden, Part One

bongo againby keith harmon snow
American and European imperialists mourned the recent death of Gabon President Al Hajji Omar Bongo Ondimba, the longtime dictator and servant of western corporations and governments. It is fitting that Paris, London, Brussels and Washington miss him, since Bongo was largely their creation, especially the French secret services. Far from a benign strongman, Bongo and his thugs “have killed a lot of people with no one knowing about it. People just suddenly disappear or turn up dead.” Part One of Two.

Over Five Million Dead in Congo? How Truth is Hidden, Even When it Seems to Be Told

by keith harmon snow


Genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC) - and on the entirety of the Africa continent - is the direct result of
deliberate policies by American and European governments and the multinational
corporations they serve. So-called "relief" agencies that make a pretense of
counting the dead are often themselves creatures of the very corporations that
have set countless militias and neighboring client states on successive
rampages of slaughter and ethnic cleansing - all to protect the business of
extracting the riches of Congo. Many, many Nuremburg courts could be filled to
capacity with American and European luminaries guilty of crimes against
humanity in Central Africa, yet the corporate, racist political culture insists
African "savagery" is to blame for the ongoing holocaust.

The US’s War In Darfur

by Keith Harmon Snow darfur_peacekeepers

The Darfur region of Sudan possesses the third largest copper and the fourth largest uranium deposits on the planet, in addition to strategic location and significant oil resources of its own.  Is the US-based "Save Darfur" movement  snowing the US public on the fundamental nature of the conflict in Sudan?  Are "Save Darfur" and the prevention of genocide the covers of convenience for the next round of US oil and resource wars on the African continent?

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