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Listen to Black Agenda Radio on the Progressive Radio Network, with Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey

U.S and Britain to Blame for Congo Genocide

A recent United Nations report on Rwandan massacres of Hutus in the Democratic Republic of Congo has reopened discussions blocked by the United States and Britain more than a decade ago, said Maurice Carney, executive director of Friends of Congo. “We need to hold everybody accountable,” said Carney. “We have rebels in Congo, Rwanda and Uganda are the point countries, but they’re backed up by the U.S. and Great Britain. We have to follow the chain all the way to Washington and all the way to London.”

Need for a “Movement” to Stem Corporatization of Education

Last week’s “Days of Action in Defense of Public Education” showed that “young people want to see a change, they feel angry, the feel shortchanged,” said Shanta Driver, national chair of BAMN, By Any Means Necessary. While demonstrators around the country protested the Obama administration’s corporate educational policies, the president “was holding meetings to give the private sector far more control over community colleges.”

Michelle Rhee Brought Down DC Mayor

Washington, DC school’s chief Michelle Rhee, the darling of school privatizers and the Obama administration, was “absolutely” an albatross around the neck of Mayor Adrian Fenty, who was defeated in a Democratic primary election, last month, said community activist and writer Leigh Dingerson. Rhee is best known for her “negativity and disrespect for teachers.”


A cadre of young organizers fight gentrification and illegal evictions in Oakland, California. BAR speaks to Robbie Clark, of “Just Cause.”


The legacy of Nat Turner’s 1831 rebellion is made accessible to visitors to Southampton County, Virginia, where Khalif Khalifa is senior tour guide of the Nat Turner Trail.

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Rwanda Scrambles to Deny UN Report on Congo Massacres

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

Rwandan strongman Paul Kagame is threatening to withdraw his forces from United Nations peacekeeping operations if a UN report persists in blaming his army for massacres of Rwandan and Congolese Hutus. "The regime's defense is that it 'saved' millions from death in Rwanda, and then crossed into Congo to 'save' millions of Hutus there, too - presumably, from other Hutus.

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Rwanda Crisis Could Expose U.S. Role in Congo Genocide

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

Left writers have been reporting for years that U.S. allies Rwanda and Uganda bear primary responsibility for the deaths of as many as six million Congolese. Now a leaked United Nations report has confirmed that Rwanda’s crimes in Congo may rise to the level of genocide, since President Paul Kagame’s forces killed Hutu elderly, children and women without regard to nationality. Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s “mentors and funders in the U.S. government…must be held equally accountable.”

Paul Kagame: America's Genocidaire in Central Africa

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

Precisely like his predecessor, President Obama empowers a pro-western Murder Inc. in Black Africa, a roster that includes the most vicious mass murderers and assassins on the continent. One of them, Rwanda's Paul Kagame, who is culpable in the death of millions in Congo, recently held an election in which he got 93 percent of the vote. But you won't hear any complaints from the White House.

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U.S. Citizen Falsely Accused of Rwanda Genocide Rape Crimes

Rwandan wanted posterby keith harmon snow

On June 24, 2010, U.S. agents in Manchester, New Hampshire arrested Rwandan genocide survivor Beatrice Munyenyezi, a Hutu and a U.S. citizen since 2004. Charged with lying on her immigration documents to conceal her alleged major role in genocide in Rwanda, Ms. Munyenyezi is also charged with rape as a war and genocide crime. Meanwhile, a federal prosecutor for the case is known for misconduct, falsification of evidence and perjury. Is it a crime to have a FACEBOOK profile? Is it a crime to use a computer?

No Facts, No Peace in Rwanda, No More Free Elections in California, No Blacks on Juries in the South, & Prison Gerrymandering -- Listen to BA Radio on the Progressive Radio Network

Ralph Nader, Jacqueline Jones-Peace, Christan Davenport and Daniel Ho on BA at PRN

Nader: Proposition 14 Has Killed "Free Elections" in California

The passage of Prop 14 in California last week, Ralph Nader explains to BAR, locks down the electoral process for everyone but celebrities and the wealthiest business-backed candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties. It's the end of free elections in California.

Rwanda Regime is “Dictatorship, a Totalitarian State,” Says Colleague of Jailed American Lawyer

With Rwanda now a close ally of the US in East Africa, raising fact and evidence-based questions on the Rwandan genocide story can earn you prison or worse in that unhappy land, says Christian Davenport, a young black professor of Peace Studies at Notre Dame who has conducted research in Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Northern Ireland, Turkey and beyond. The “Hotel Rwanda” story doesn't begin to tell the whole tale of what went on in Rwanda in those days, Davenport tells BAR.

Black Exclusion From Juries is Endemic in the U.S.

Atty Jacqueline Jones-Peace outlines how the how Blacks are rejected from juries for reasons ranging from appearing “arrogant,” to having a goatee. Atty. One prosecutor rejected a Black juror because he “shucked and jived when he walked,” according to a study of eight southern states done by the Equal Justice Initiative,

NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Prison-Based Gerrymandering Resembles “3/5s Man” Rule

LDF attorney Dale Ho told BAR “the parallels between prison-based gerrymandering and the three-fifths compromise are strong and eerie.” The practice counts prison inmates as “residents” of the jurisdiction in which they are incarcerated, rather than their home cities.

Black Agenda Radio on the Progressive Radio Network is hosted by Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey.  Click the player below to listen.  About 50 minutes.

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The Rwanda Hit List: Revisionism, Denial, and the Genocide Conspiracy

Kivuby keith harmon snow
U.S. and European governments and Zionists deploy the charge of “genocide” in Rwanda to advance imperial and Israeli interests in Africa, and to make heroes out of America's most deadly mercenaries on the continent, Rwanda's Tutsi minority military dictatorship. The regime has put out a Hit List on its critics, including the author.

What Really Happened In Rwanda

rwandan victimsby Christian Davenport and Allan C. Stam

Does the simple story of Hutu on Tutsi genocide popularized by the movie Hotel Rwanda really tell us all we need to know about the Rwandan genocide? The cautionary tale of the Rwandan genocide is trotted out regularly to justify the militarization of US policy toward Africa. The US currently provides arms, military training and military aid to more than 50 of the 54 African nations. Rwanda's 100,000 man army in a country of only 11 million make it the most militarized countries on earth next to Israel and Rwandans now serve as US puppet troops elsewhere in the region. The following article, reprinted from McCune-Miller magazine outlines the findings of two US scholars who visited Rwanda several times over a decade of research to ask what really happened in Rwanda. Disturbingly, their answers don't match up with the Hutu – Tutsi genocide story US policymakers find so useful.

Belgian Paratroopers to Crush Rising Congo Rebellion?

campaigning in Congoby keith harmon snow
Rwandan Defense Forces are flown into the western Congo, to shore up another challenge to the regime in Kinshasa. President Kabila is under siege on multiple fronts. United Nations forces secretly intervene on side of Kabila and his Rwandan allies. The ten million death toll, rises.

Rwanda, the RPF and the Myth of Non-Intervention

rwandsThe Rwandan genocide was very real. But the myths woven around it, namely that its origins are strictly inscrutable African ethnic conflicts and that the West, especially the U.S. “allowed” it to occur because they refused to intervene are just that --- myths. We are happy to present here a concise and coherent overview of how the U.S. encouraged both sides and fueled the Rwandan civil war in its quest for the controllable client state it now enjoys in that unhappy East African nation. Evidently the Rwandan genocide was the product of too much, as opposed to not enough U.S. intervention.

Congolese People Sacrificed for International Games and Profits

by Roxanne Stasyszyn

The war that has already cost 5.5 million Congolese their lives has been rekindled, the ghastly product of "a rapacious international commerce that has descended on Congo." Amidst the carnage, displacement and starvation, international "humanitarian" outfits navigate, "intertwined with the ethnically fueled militia groups and big business from the USA, Europe and China."  At the vortex of the violence is rebel warlord Laurent Nkunda. "It is said that Nkunda even boasts the born-again Christian patch he wears on his fatigues as a badge of solidarity with President Bush and many other American Christians.

How We Fuel Africa's Bloodiest War

by Johann Hari

The 14-year-long conflict that has already killed 5.4 million Congolese - "the deadliest war since Adolf Hitler marched across Europe" - has been rekindled by Rwanda's surrogate Tutsi militia. Although the rationale is to safeguard Congolese Tutsis, "It is a lie."  The renewed war is "funded by Rwandan businessmen so they can retain control of the mines in North Kivu. This is the absolute core of the conflict." What's needed is an international system that prevents corporations from "abetting crimes against humanity" and "values the lives of black people more than it values profit."

Barefoot, Sick, Hungy and Afraid: The Real U.S.Policy in Africa

by BAR Executive Editor Glen Ford

This story was orginally published in Black Commentator on July 7, 2003



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