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Posada Verdict: Like Charging Hitler With Disturbing the Peace, and Then Acquitting Him


A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

There was certainly no justice in an El Paso jury’s acquittal of the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles – but then, a just outcome was impossible. This mass murderer, bomber of a civilian Cuban airliner, drug runner for the CIA and the Contras, and attempted assassin of Fidel Castro, was charged only with telling lies to U.S. immigration authorities. It was an insult to Posada’s victims to try him at all on such insignificant counts – a sick joke that showed the U.S. has no respect for the opinions of mankind.

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March 23: Anniversary of the Beginning of Apartheid's End: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Bruce Dixon

Apartheid South Africa responded to Angola's 1974 independence from the Portuguese with a US-backed military invasion.  Declaring that "the blood of Africa" flowed through Cuban veins, Fidel Castro dispatched the Cuban armed forces to confront the armies of racist South Africa in Angola.  Between 1974 and 1988 more than 1100 Cubans laid down their lives in Africa to hasten the end of apartheid.  This week is the anniversary of the historic battle of Cuito Cuanavale, in which Cuban, Angolan and Namibian forces routed the supposedly invincible land and air forces of white-ruled South Africa, eventually making possible the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, and the end of apartheid in South Africa itself, and earning for Cuba the lasting enmity of the United States. If we in the U.S. were serious about racial reconciliation, we too would celebrate the March 23 anniversary of Cuito  Cuanavale. 

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The Latin American Revolution, Part 4 of 4: Toward Integration

By Asad Ismi and Kristin Schwartz

After being bled for 500 years by the colonial and neocolonial empires of the North, the nations of Central and South America are defying their former masters and shaking off imperial domination. They are proceeding toward multinational cooperation and integration, forging their own ties in finance, resource sharing, media, economic development and medical research. Asad Ismi and Kristin Schwartz explain how and why despite clouds of lies, threats, bribes, coups and rumors of war , Uncle Sam is powerless to stop them.

About 30 minutes.

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The Latin American Revolution, Part 3 of 4: Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador -- Shaking Off The U.S. Empire

The US waged bloody wars in the 1970s and 80s to confine Nicaragua and El Salvador to its colonial "back yard."  Although the victories of popular revolutions were partially rolled back, new governments with deep ties to popular forces have allied themselves with Cuba, which extricated itself from US empire half a century ago.  In the third installment of this series by the producers of the groundbreaking "Ravaging of Africa" Asad Ismi and Kristin Schwartz bring us voices from Cuba and Central America as they endeavor to build new relationships that will enable them to prosper despite the unremitting hostility of the US to their aspirations.

To download the MP3 of this file, click here.

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Cuba’s Fight Against Racism in Health Care

by Don Fitz

The best evidence for the Cuban revolution’s strides in dismantling institutional racism is found in medical data, which show both Black and white Cubans living as long and at least as healthily as the average American. Cuba’s health care system recognizes that social inequities lead to bad health outcomes. “Since poverty creates bad health, the Cuban health system is intertwined with reducing differences in housing, income and education.”

Why Defame Cuba? A Congregant’s Plea to Rev. Jeremiah Wright

by Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture
Lots of unexpected names turned up as signatories to a letter charging the Cuban government with systematic discrimination against Blacks. Among those who committed the foul injustice against Cuba, and shamed themselves, was Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s former pastor. A fellow member of the United Church of Christ asks, respectfully, that the minister explain himself.

One of the World's Best Kept Secrets: Cuban Medical Aid to Haiti

Cuban doctors in Haitiby Emily J. Kirk and John M. Kirk
Consumers of U.S. corporate media were given the impression that the American invasion/disaster relief action was the primary foreign benefactor to Haiti’s hundreds of thousands of earthquake victims. Not so, not by a long shot. Cuba, Venezuela and the neighboring Dominican Republic were first on the scene with the most help, and have committed to building a comprehensive health care system for Haiti.

Insanity: Cuban Exile Proposes That U.S. Negotiate on Behalf of Cuban Blacks

Cuban exile Carlos Moore has convinced a number of African American luminaries that the U.S. government should negotiate with Cuba over the status and treatment of the island nation's Black population, as part of talks to normalize relations between the two nations. It is, therefore, only fair that Cuba be empowered to negotiate with Washington on behalf of Blacks in the United States, says Glen Ford (Video courtesy of www.WBAIX.org, Don DeBar

Amiri Baraka on Carlos Moore: Five Decades in the Garbage Can of History

Poet, activist and esteemed elder Amiri Baraka was one of those who showed up in Harlem last month to greet a delegation of Cuban visitors.  He took the occasion to express profound reservations about the letter and petition circulated by Carlos Moore and signed by a number of prominent American blacks who, given Moore's fifty year career as an anti-Cuba  stooge, really should have known better. (Video courtesy of www.WBAIX.org, Don DeBar.)

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Ashaki Binta on Charges of Racism in Cuba

The record of Cuba since that country's 1959 reolution on race and racism, both at home and on the world stage is one the US should envy, not deprecate, says Ashaki Binta of the Black Left Unity Coalition.  It was Cuban intervention that played a major role in ending the apartheid regime in South Africa.  Cuba, with about the population of Illinois, has more doctors on the ground providing care in Haiti than the U.S.  Cuban blacks live longer than American blacks and have better health indicators all around.  When it comes to denunciations of other countries for supposed racism, Uncle Sam is in a poor position to point out anybody's faults.

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The Insanity of the African American Racial ‘Critique’ of Cuba

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
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The 60 signatories to a letter denouncing racism in Cuba seem to consider themselves extensions of Barack Obama's State Department. The logic of their action, as articulated by Dr. Ron Walters, is to encourage the United States to “make the Black condition in Cuba 'part of any negotiations on the normalization of relations between the U.S. and Cuba.'” Then maybe the Cubans can negotiate with the U.S. on behalf of African Americans.

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Barack Obama and Langston Hughes on “Grumblers” and “Merry Christmas”

When US presidents offer us their holiday greeting messages, do we know what are they really saying?  How hard can it be to figure that out?  Langston Hughes died in 1967, but he knew what every US president, including Barack Obama is really saying, underneath and behind the mask.  


Reverse Images: The Acrimonious Debate on Race in Cuba

by Jean Damu
Cuba is racist, says a letter signed by 60 African American and Afro-Latin notables. Undoubtedly, “racism exists in Cuba, just as it does in every other country on the planet, especially the United States.” And just as surely, those who signed the letter have put their reputations in service of the same U.S. government and Miami (white) Cuban exile crowd that has always plotted against the Cuban revolution. The author poses the question: “Is there really a civil rights movement in Cuba or is the petition merely a grandiloquent expression of Afrogringoism?”

Freedom Rider: Assassination

wilkins and king meet bobby kennedyby BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley
President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 was rooted in previous crimes and created a cascade of subsequent crimes. Indeed, none of the high profile political killings of the Sixties can be understood apart from the larger matrix of official criminality. Even “the American mafia owes its very existence to the CIA, which protected and promoted the illegal drug trafficking responsible for so much loss of life and destruction of entire communities.”
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