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Derelict jurors

The Casey Anthony juror who spoke to the press said that the prosecution never proved how the murder was committed or how Caylee died. Maybe...

Free trade or fair trade?

Steve Chapman's July 3 column, "Free trade, without apologies," misses the point. U.S. trade performance must be judged by the core...

Wrong place

Too bad Rod Blagojevich didn't have his trial in Florida.

New improved Tribune

I have been meaning to write to tell you how much I love the new and improved Chicago Tribune. More arts, more dining (the menu...

More pages, better Trib

Wow! The latest incarnation of the Tribune is just fantastic. To see the quality of the content actually increase in this digital age of...

Remember infant health

I was outraged to read the seemingly unpretentious but cynical editorial about birth rates and the economy at the bottom corner of the...

Social Security a 'perk?'

The article, "What does 65 Mean?" stated that Social Security was a "perk." It (and a portion of Medicare) is made up of retirement funds...

Do Navy Pier right

As I read Bob Sirott's column, I couldn't decide whether he was serious or it was a spoof of the proposed plan Navy Pier plan.

Get Bachmann on what counts

I'm not a Michelle Bachmann supporter, but I question why the media, most recently in the person of George Will, have been saying she...

Congressional salaries

Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling unless draconian cuts are made to domestic spending (read: Social Security and Medicare)....

U2 review

I was somewhat surprised by the review by Greg Kot that appeared in the July 7 edition of the Trib, "Safe, risk-free landing: Like Stones,...

Government doesn't give us freedoms

In a recent article, John Kass asked his readers to share something they like about government (Big brother still a pain, but little brother...

The real threat to marriage

Many conservatives are adamant that legalizing same-sex unions will undermine the institution of marriage in the United States. Marriage in...

Time for legal fireworks

To those who live in areas where the police enforce laws banning the use of fireworks, it may come as a surprise that no such attempts are...

Fluorescent bulb problem

Your editorial on the new light bulbs missed one thing. They are advertised to last seven years, but they are only guaranteed for two and...

Driving towards Armageddon

The lines are drawn and it is painfully evident the Republicans are willing to drive our country to the brink of financial peril and...

Justice not served

The Casey Anthony jurors dismissed what they didn't understand. This is nothing new. Remember, by the O.J. Simpson jurors' own admission,...

Moneybags Burke

Whenever I hear that Ald. Edward Burke needs bodyguards because he is the chairman of the City Council's Finance Committee, I have to wonder...

Real price of gun ownership

I am up early to go for a walk/run. First I check the local papers. An 18-year-old boy was shot dead yesterday in Elgin. Police are...

No justice for Caylee

Sadly this case may be a blueprint of how to commit a crime. Prosecution had to get everything right and the defense tried on reasonable...

President's partisan rhetoric

Vice President Joe Biden just delivered remarks to the National Education Association.

Presidential powers

A letter-writer (Voice of the People, June 28) wrote that "except for starting wars, the president really does not have much power."I...

Cigarette pack pictures

Regarding "Big brother gets ugly," (Commentary, June 26), Tribune columnist Steve Chapman is on the right track not to automatically...

The importance of cursive

The irony of me typewriting this letter is not lost, but the case for appropriate use of messaging and various forms of communication is the...

Housing reality

The recent editorial on the foreclosure crisis ("The housing clearance sale," June 29) makes some good points but underestimates the...

Hands off WXRT

I'm going to keep this quick and simple. I just finished the article in the Sunday Trib about how rock stations are lagging behind in...

Do-nothing Republicans

On June 30, the headline of Steve Chapman's column was "How Obama's Stimulus Failed." He missed one point, though, in which it succeeded...

Navy graduation

Although there was a story in Friday's Tribune about the graduation that day of the newest U.S. Navy sailors, we were disappointed to not...

Add Strauss-Kahn to the list

The Strauss-Kahn story is just another one added to the list of politicians who act with low morality standards ("Judge lifts Stauss-Kahn...

The government and fluorescent bulbs

As Texas Gov. Rick Perry told us last week, "government, get out of the way!" The concept of fluorescent bulbs is a good idea. They ARE...

Hospitals for veterans and the indigent

No one has publicly discussed the cost of maintaining special government operated hospitals for veterans and the indigent. Both are...

Remove those who mismanaged Illinois

Trying to think positive and follow Illinois politics is a contradiction. Being positive is a virtue, but remaining that way when looking...

Cable news nightmare

Awaking from a fitful sleep, I popped on MSNBC to catch up with the momentous events shaping our destiny, and there was a trial judge giving...

Saving your money

With the miniscule interested paid by our financial institutions for savings accounts, CD's and IRA's, it makes more sense to put the...

Presidential assasination speech not protected

To knowingly make false and malicious statements, in claiming that President Barack Obama or any U.S. president has been assassinated, is...

Eating contests a waste

America should ban all food eating and food fighting contests. We should be feeding people, not wasting food for the value of entertainment.

Republicans voted to raise debt limit before

Lisa Mascaro and Christi Parsons left out an important fact in their July 4 article "Deficit battle favoring GOP." In the past, Republican...

Humor spices up bad news

Thanks for adding Rex Huppke's "I Just Work Here" column to the Tribune's business section. He adds a lot of humor to his common sense...

Justice is served

Never, in the course of human events, has one person so richly earned the rewards that our justice system is about to bestow upon him. Mr....

Casey Anthony verdict

Casey Anthony: not guilty. America, land of disgrace, stupidity, crooks and money hungry scums. I hate this place.

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• Letters should be timely and should be addressed to the editor; no open letters to other people are printed.
• Letters must be signed, must contain contact information including letter writer's city and state, and must be fewer than 400 words.
• No more than four signatures per letter.
• We edit and/or trim letters as little as possible, but we reserve the right to do so as necessary.

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