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Impossible DREAM? Dems push DREAM Act again

Democrats have packed the hearing room for the first-ever DREAM Act testimony. More than 200 people are in the room, including many students, who say they are undocumented and pushing for the passage of the bill. The bill would grant a path to citizenship for children brought to the United States illegally.

The bill has little chance of passing the Senate, but Democrats' theory might as well be if at first (or second or third or fourth) you fail, try, try again. It failed in December 2010, 55-41, unable to garner enough support to overcome a filibuster.

And that was when Democrats had a wider majority. Yet Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), an Obama ally, has reintroduced it and has 34 sponsors. Democratic leadership aides acknowledge it has little chance at passage, but today's hearing was congressional Democrats' and the Obama administration's latest push to bring attention to the issue, one they believe benefits them politically.

A large number of those undocumented students are Hispanic, and 2010 Census data shows them to be the largest-growing group in the country. They are vital to President Obama's 2012 reelection chances.

Testimony today became snippy at times, particularly between Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) -- who opposes the bill -- and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, a former border-state governor.

At one point, Cornyn interrupted Napolitano, accusing her of not answering his question.

"I thought I was answering your question," she responded.

"Well, you're not," Cornyn shot back with a smile.

He moved on to Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who argued passing the DREAM Act would help decrease U.S. debt and deficits -- based on the Congressional Budget Office's analysis -- and that, "We need as much talent as we can get."

The administration's argument today on this issue is three-fold: economic, educational, and security.

“This is an investment, not an expense," Duncan contended.

Napolitano argued that Homeland Security would be better served, redirecting their resources on criminals, not students who are trying to learn.

"Over the past two years," Napolitano said in her opening statement, "we have focused enforcement resources on identifying criminal aliens and those who pose the greatest security threats to our communities. The DREAM Act supports these important priorities because only individuals of good moral character who have not committed any crime that would make them inadmissible to the United States would be eligible for DREAM Act relief."

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It's all about votes. Our country is broke. We cannot afford to take on more bills (10 million new citizens with costs), but they will push so the country will go bankrupt and they can rebuild the country the way they want. Be careful what you wish for.

  • 9 votes
Reply#1 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:50 AM EDT

The Dream Act is a Republican nightmare!

  • 9 votes
#1.1 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:54 AM EDT

MAW - I disagree, this isn't about votes. It's about humanity. Here in America. The country of immigrants. I'm afraid this won't pass, but like Domenico reports, tenacity has a tendency to sometimes bring success. Maybe not today or this year.

But someday. I hope so. I have seen so many of these people on tv and they love America. It is not these people who are on tv hating everybody.

When they are on tv, they are lovely and are just asking for support. They are in such a horrible predicament. I wish them well. Thank you Sen. Durbin for not giving up. Giving up only slows progress.

  • 7 votes
#1.2 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:59 AM EDT

There you go again Pat; caring about people and being optimistic. But you are right as usual. It will someday pass and it will be the Democrats who will support the children, who at this time have no advocate.

  • 6 votes
#1.3 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:08 PM EDT

it will be the Democrats who will support the children, who at this time have no advocate.

So sad Ron. So sad.

  • 5 votes
#1.4 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:17 PM EDT

I so disagree Ron. The Dream act is great. I love that the dems just keep running up that hill.

1. it'll never pass. DWS might not understand or know this, but illegal = illegal;

2. by bringing it back up it just highlights how little Obama has done for the Hispanics.

Win, win.

Pat - billions of people live terribly. Shall we let them all in? How about you, you got any living with you? Why I bet you have a lock on your front door Pat. Not very hospitable, but does raise the question - why do you get to lock you house and control entry therein, yet we as a country do not?

  • 13 votes
#1.5 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:40 PM EDT


Yet another case that blows a hole in the argument that illegals only take jobs that Americans don't want. Tell me Pat, Ron et al, where is your compassion for American kids who can't get job after college. Where is your compassion for unskilled workers that can't get jobs because they are being undercut by illegals?

Where is your compassion for Americans?

  • 12 votes
#1.6 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:41 PM EDT

These great illegals also suck the blood out of our colleges and K-12.

But Pat and Ron have no compassion - they both lock their doors every night. Heck I bet neither allow random strangers in their houses.

I wonder why not? Pat, Ron.

  • 10 votes
#1.7 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:50 PM EDT

Wow, another "Hot Button Issue" eh, Noid? About 790 days and counting since the Dems have proposed a budget, how about they get their priorities straight?

  • 7 votes
#1.8 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:08 PM EDT

In the years between 1996 and 2006, one quarter of the technical and engineering businesses started in the US were founded or co-founded by immigrants, like Yahoo and Google.

Figures show that newcomers are twice as likely, regardless of sector, to create jobs.

Are we about the US going forward? Or not?

  • 3 votes
#1.9 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:14 PM EDT

Backhouse... I think the key here is that they were LEGAL immigrants. LEGAL!

  • 7 votes
#1.10 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:37 PM EDT

Yes. DREAM Act.

  • 1 vote
#1.11 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:39 PM EDT

If the only requirement for trying to address issues with legislation is whether it will pass both houses, then why could it be said that the House wasted its time passing the Ryan budget?

Perhaps this legislation and idea could be submitted and addressed at another time because Congress should be addressing jobs; ie. by not signing on to more unemployment insurance and reducing government employee paychecks - snark.

I thought the idea was that government couldn't affect employment unless they kept the taxes low. Funny but I thought that tax cuts were extended for two whole years.

As someone who actually is concerned about the immigration issue in its totality, I am willing to say that Congress should be working night and day on the most important issue facing us today. They need to come to a fair/reasoned/bipartisan agreement that will allow the country to raise the debt ceiling.

Other issues while I can support need to take a back seat. After the debt ceiling recess then this and other important issues can come back into the discussion but IMO behind dealing with the unemployment rate, improving our infrastructure, getting out of Afganistan and ending the involvement in Libya. Unfortunately I'm sure they will get out for recess very soon. Why does it seem that these guys get more vacation time then my middle schooler?

  • 1 vote
#1.12 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:13 PM EDT

So why were the "students" who were admitedly undocumented, and all in this "room" giving testimony, not arrested and deported immediately??

They openly admitted their guilt. They commit a crime each day that they remain on U.S. soil. This makes them all criminals, every day. Anyone who aids or abets their criminal activity should be also arrested, and thrown into jail.

  • 1 vote
#1.14 - Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:22 PM EDT

DREAM Act. Gay Marriage. Minority-rights. Abortion. All the things the Democrats love to legislate.

How about a budget Democrats? How about reducing the deficit Democrats? How about coming up with an answer to the bankrupt entitlements Democrats?

The DREAM Act. This is what the Democrats want to spend their time on. Unbelievable.

Bunch of losers.

  • 18 votes
Reply#2 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:53 AM EDT


How about republicans, t-nuts & wing-nuts do their job and legislate "an answer to the bankrupt entitlements" and "reducing the deficit..."?

President Obama seems to be the ONLY one doing his job in Washington:

"Among Obama’s proposals are an end to tax breaks for big companies and the
richest and taxing equity and hedge fund managers on income tax rates rather
than capital
gains tax rates.

Other changes include changing depreciation
rules on corporate jets, limiting itemized deductions for the wealthy and
repealing a tax benefit that companies use for inventory accounting.

the Republicans were making it clear that such tax increases are the only point
on which there can be no negotiation..."

Read more on Newsmax.com: Obama
Pushes $600 Billion in New Taxes in Debt Talks

Can you and your supporters on this blog please tell us American people why 1.)"tax breaks for big companies and the richest" should NOT end? 2.)subsidies for big oil companies who keep setting new record quarterly profit every 3 months should NOT end? 3.)those best in a position to address these problems shoud NOT instead of wanting to take away the precious little [necessity] of the lower/middle class people? 4.)you, the House, McConnell, Boemer and the Republicans don't want the wealthiest to pay more to solve this nation's economic problems and remain willing to allow HARM to this country in order to hold on to more of their dollars...

I could go on and on, but if you would PLEASE just answer these 4 questions honestly and without the old, tired rightwing rhetoric and talking points that have been thrown at us since turn of the century, a whole lot of people would like to hear.


  • 4 votes
#2.1 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:53 PM EDT

nasayu: How about republicans, t-nuts & wing-nuts do their job and legislate "an answer to the bankrupt entitlements" and "reducing the deficit..."?

The GOP led House passed their FY2012 budget and entitlement reform bill months ago.

nasayu: President Obama seems to be the ONLY one doing his job in Washington:

Today he's on the road campaigning, again. So what's Obama's plan for the budget? Gotta a website we all can go to and look at it? If he's "doing his job" as you state, this should exist, correct?

  • 8 votes
#2.2 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:24 PM EDT

nasayu: How about republicans, t-nuts & wing-nuts do their job and legislate "an answer to the bankrupt entitlements" and "reducing the deficit..."?

The GOP led House passed their FY2012 budget and entitlement reform bill months ago.

nasayu: President Obama seems to be the ONLY one doing his job in Washington:

Today he's on the road campaigning, again. So what's Obama's plan for the budget? Gotta a website we all can go to and look at it? If he's "doing his job" as you state, this should exist, correct?

  • 7 votes
#2.3 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:25 PM EDT

Where is the jobs bill the House Republicans promised us when they got elected. Also, I find any Republican posturing on cutting the deficit while taking ANY AND ALL tax increases off the table just posturing and should not be taken seriously. Tell me again, in what year does Rep. Ryan's plan actually balance the budget?

  • 4 votes
#2.4 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:25 PM EDT

Al: Where is the jobs bill the House Republicans promised us when they got elected.

What do you suggest? Perhaps a $840 billion stimulus bill? That should create a lot of jobs. How about a few hundred billion for unemployment benefits? Pelosi said that was a big job creator. And we have ObamaCare - Pelsoi said that would create 400,000 jobs, "almost immediately", and create 4 million jobs total. How's that working out?

Tell us again how wonderful those "jobs bills" worked out?

  • 7 votes
#2.5 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:29 PM EDT

Here in America. The country of immigrants...

PAT: You left out one important word: The country of LEGAL immigrants. Or did you hop the fence, too?

  • 7 votes
#2.6 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:37 PM EDT


I did include the link source: go to today's Newsmax.com " Obama pushes $600 billion in new taxes"

A conservative right-wing news blog that I was directed to by a staunch Republican; the article is right leaning so you should enjoy reading it. BUT, read what is reported, without the wingnut sunglasses like my Repub-nut friend did, and understand what is reported in the article.

p.s. I notice you didn't address the 4 questions. That is okay; it was expected.

  • 1 vote
#2.7 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:42 PM EDT

In a way... the Republicans HAVE introduced a 'jobs bill'.

You see... the budget proposal that the House approved and the Republican stance regarding NO TAX INCREASES is that bill.

Now I know its not a real bill... dont go there. But the theory is that by not increasing taxes you leave the money in the hands of the private sector, where it will be spent (stimulating business) and subsequently resulting in business hiring more employees to meet the increased demand. (job creation)

Now I also understand that the Democrats dont buy that theory... they dont believe that leaving the money in the private sector will result in business growth or hiring. They beleive that the government must legistlate growth.

Sorry... but that is never going to happen. Govenment cannot force growth. Growth is a private sector thing... always has been... always will be.

  • 5 votes
#2.8 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:45 PM EDT

WOW Sick!

What a concept! "you leave the money in the hands of the private sector, where it will be spent (stimulating business) and subsequently resulting in business hiring more employees to meet the increased demand. (job creation)"

Man! Then it can trickle down to us poor American citizens. Great idea (Reagan would be proud of you for grasping the principle.)

But, are you saying that the private sector WILL result in business growth & hiring exclusively to having Government involvement? Do you guarantee that the "private sector" will throw some drippings to the rest of us if we only allow them to keep all the money?

American citizens were sold that bill of goods back in the 1980's and nothing has happened yet!! To quote you, "...never going to happen." Sorry.

  • 1 vote
#2.9 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:06 PM EDT

nasayu: I did include the link source: go to today's Newsmax.com " Obama pushes $600 billion in new taxes"

Oh, that's nice. $600 billion you say? Did Obama say who he's going to tax? When he's going to tax them? You know, like, did he provide any details? And what legislation has anyone on congress submitted to support this $600 billion in taxes? Has the CBO scored Obama's suggestion of $600 billion in new taxes? Or is that the total of Obama's "plan", to "push for $600 billion in new taxes"?

Obama says a lot of things. None of it means much.

  • 4 votes
#2.10 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:11 PM EDT

Actually... based upon your comments... you ARE as stupid as I think you are.

YES. I do believe that the private sector (which you are part of you fool) will spend extra money when they have it. It is called discretionary income. Spending of that income is done with... that's right... BUSINESSES! (WOW!)

SO... the private sector (made up of businesses and households) spends money with businesses.... and businesses grow. Go figure!

What a dolt!

  • 3 votes
#2.11 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:15 PM EDT

nasayu: Can you and your supporters on this blog please tell us American people why 1.)"tax breaks for big companies and the richest" should NOT end?

You mean like GE, who worked a deal with then House Ways and Means chairman Charlie Rangel so they would get a tax break where they didn't pay any taxes? You know GE, whose CEO is Jeffrey Immult, and who is on every advisory panel Obama creates. GE, who gave a lot of money to Obama's campaign. That GE? I'm all for it.

2.)subsidies for big oil companies who keep setting new record quarterly profit every 3 months should NOT end?

And the Ethanol subsidies too. And why stop there, those farm subsidies need to go too.

3.)those best in a position to address these problems shoud NOT instead of wanting to take away the precious little [necessity] of the lower/middle class people?

Please put this in the form of a sentence. And in English if you could.

4.)you, the House, McConnell, Boemer and the Republicans don't want the wealthiest to pay more to solve this nation's economic problems and remain willing to allow HARM to this country in order to hold on to more of their dollars...

The wealthy pay most of the taxes today. How much more do you want them to pay?

  • 4 votes
#2.12 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:23 PM EDT

JoAnna -

Okay, I'll try to clarify and answer YOUR questions; I'll even type slowly in case you can't real quickly.

1. Yes - I mean just as I stated, big companies, INCLUDING G.E.

2. Where to "stop" would be negotiated by the bi-partisan legislators, so if the substities went beyond oil companies, I am unable to answer

3. Okay: Why should the wealthiest 4% of the population (in conjunction with the big corporations) NOT "divvy up" more for the sake and well being of America instead of adamantly insisting that the poorest 40% give up the precious little they receive for existence to reduce our deficit? Is that clear enough for you? Simple question really, and it leads directly into

4. How much will it take? Whatever is required to keep the country strong and healthy is the amount that should be willingly given. It only makes sense; economically, morally and patrioticly, to insure a future United States of America.

Now that you have clarification, would you please address the inquiries, or will you insist on the reflection, diversion, and right wing talking points alluded to above? This is not Panmunjom; simple, concise, relevant answers will do.

Or do you and your ilk even have any answers devoid of the wingut rhetoric and same tired overused sales pitch you keep spouting over and over and over and over and.....

We (the people) would truly like to hear your rationale for your actions, thoughts and pledge to Norquist. See, it REALLY does not make any sense, and we'd like some information.

  • 1 vote
#2.13 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:47 PM EDT

nasaut, it is pretty sad that any one thinks the government spending money will bring us out of this. They spent over $800 billion of our money in the stimulus and it did almost nothing, but fraud and corruption. obama wants $600 billion in tax increases? What a job killer and corporation killer. Almost every single economist and a lot of democrats have stated that raising taxes in a recession is a terrible idea. obama has not taken any lead in these discusions. Do you realize that in 2010, the dems never proposed a budget for 2011? That is the first and only time in our nation's history that this has ever happened.

  • 2 votes
#2.14 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:55 PM EDT

The Dream Act is dead. If it weren't the President wouldn't be wasting political capital by circumventing the existing laws.

  • 10 votes
Reply#3 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:54 AM EDT

Any one who is willing to serve this country in the armed forces should get automatic citizenship. The rest should be debated. Those that have completed at least two years of college are unlikely to end up on welfare or in prison. More tax paying citizens is a good thing, right?

  • 5 votes
Reply#4 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:36 PM EDT

Sorry to disagree with you What part of Illegal don't you understand. We should bring our military home and use them to seal our borders and the rest to round up all the illegals and deport them I don't care how long they have been here they are still illegal. We also need to do away with this anchor baby crap

  • 3 votes
#4.1 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:50 PM EDT

I live in Texas. Got a pretty good idea about the definition of illegal. For the record...'that anchor baby crap' you refer to is in the Constitution. Thought we were all about defending the Constitution, right?

  • 4 votes
#4.2 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:01 PM EDT

Interesting compromises on the Dream Act, Social Worker. I think the thing people forget when talking about the Dream Act is that it is meant to offer a path to younger people who are here illegally but came here as small children with their families (so didn't intentionally come here illegally). Now as young adults, they know only this country and may not even have family in their native country.

  • 3 votes
#4.3 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:01 PM EDT

Let's drag the Constitution out when it works for us other than that lets just walk all over it. The anchor baby crap was put in there for the slaves not just anyone that wanted to drift across the border and drop a baby thats BS. As for as the kids being brought here at a young age who cares they are just as much an illegal as their parents. Round them all up and send them packing

  • 3 votes
#4.4 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:08 PM EDT

Sir, I always revere the Constitution. Period.

  • 3 votes
#4.5 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:10 PM EDT

openmind266 - Hmm....you sure don't have an open mind now do you? Intersting you would use that tag line. Good luck "rounding 'em all up and sending them packing". We have a budget deficit remember? It's not worth increasing our budget deficit tracking down millions of illegals. Secure our borders...yes, but then find a way to legalize those that are here already. It's a no-brainer to offer a path to citizenship to the youngsters brought here as children who never have a voice in coming here. The US has a stake in making sure these children are educated and assimulated into society. Otherwise we are going to have a very high crime rate in this country.

    #4.6 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:38 PM EDT

    We already have a high crime rate in this country and it isn't our responsibility to educate the illegals

    • 2 votes
    #4.7 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:01 PM EDT

    laurie... We ALREADY have a high crime rate in this country and some of these poor little kids are the reason. Head down to East LA and tell me otherwise.

    You want to educate someone... how about educating the children of LEGAL citizens FIRST!

    You probably take in every stray dog and cat too!

    • 4 votes
    #4.8 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:06 PM EDT

    If ICE was doing it's job they would be waiting outside that hearing room and grab everyone of those illegals and send them back where they came from

    • 4 votes
    Reply#5 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:40 PM EDT

    I totally agree. And it should be filmed and broadcast on every news report tonight.

    • 2 votes
    #5.1 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:42 PM EDT

    Could any rational person explain the sheer logistics of trying to arrest and deport 11 million people even if you knew where each one of them were? I say it can't be done. Not enough busses or planes to do it.

    • 3 votes
    Reply#6 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:08 PM EDT

    I'll bet we could make a big dent in them. The best way to do this is cut off the jobs they get. Fine the employers 10 of thousand of dollars and they won't hire them and then they will self deport

    • 3 votes
    #6.1 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:12 PM EDT

    Could any rational person explain the sheer logistics of trying to arrest and deport 11 million people even if you knew where each one of them were? I say it can't be done. Not enough busses or planes to do it.

    By using the same logistics they used to get here. Dry up the jobs and they'll leave. We have 15m legal Americans out of work why are we attempting to find ways of legalizing another 11m+ (as its an estimate). Fine the employers, I'm all for that, but its time to be tough and take care of our own.

    • 4 votes
    #6.2 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:26 PM EDT

    I think busting employers is the only solution. Self deportation is the only logitically possible way, regardless of political persuasion. Do we bust lawn and garden companies? Construction companies? Farmers/ranchers? All of the above? Sonds good to me. But they aren't going to be happy with the additional government interference in their way of 'doin' bidness' as they say here.

    • 1 vote
    #6.3 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:38 PM EDT

    So we just forget about it? Bet you'd love that.

    • 1 vote
    #6.4 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:39 PM EDT

    Alan, they're not illegal immigrants, they're unregistered demwits. While we're throwing people out, get rid of the bleeding heart, knee jerk social workers who perpetuate the whining for these criminals.

    • 3 votes
    #6.5 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:42 PM EDT

    Huh? reality check? I didn't advocate doing nothing. I just advocated remaining within the realm of the possible. How we do this is important. As for securing the border...I could not agree more. I have seen the border though. That's going to be tough...and expensive.

      #6.6 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:46 PM EDT

      "The best way to do this is cut off the jobs they get."


      Trying that here in GA. Farmers are having a dickens of a time getting their crops picked for the rates they can pay.

      • 1 vote
      #6.7 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:48 PM EDT

      How many millions or billions a year are we currently spending to educate these people that don't speak English that pay no taxes to support our schools, don't pay for health care, bleed the welfare system and the Churches dry? Lets use that money to secure the borders and deport everyone of them. If these children are not American citizens they should not be allowed in our public school system and when the school finds out that they are here illegally they should be required by law to report them to the authorities who should be required by law to arrest them and send them back where they came from

      • 3 votes
      #6.8 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:57 PM EDT

      In US for 2009 approximately 809 million people have taken a flight in that one year. According to the Greyhound website (www.greyhound.com), they have a fleet of 1,250 buses, with an average age of a little over than 7 years, serving over 1,700 destinations in the US. They report carrying over 19 million passengers in a year.

      • 2 votes
      #6.9 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:28 PM EDT

      You're being silly here, aren't you? ICE does not have access to anywhere near the whole of private air and bus transport for the 48 states! LOL. They have a much smaller fleet. And nowhere near enough officers to arrest 11 million. No place to hold them, the list goes on! I am talking within the realms of the possible here...

        #6.10 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:24 PM EDT

        Nice one Not As Stupid. I'm sure you'll never get the answer but it was nice to see someone calling the BS out for what it is.

          Reply#7 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:28 PM EDT

          I agree OpenMinded. So I admit I haven't tried to pin your position on republican or democrat but can we agree to the facts that Obama has done more to crack down on Companies than Bush did in 8 years? It is the one slam against Obama that hispanics have when it comes to immigration. As for using ICE to do the job...We would need more federal enforcement. Where does this revenue come from? The richest who have the companies tha hire the illegals would be my suggestion, but it seems the republicans in congress do not favor enforcement because it costs revenue and affects big business. I can agree with conservatives and disagree with libs on many things but if you have no real way of contributing to the solution other than to scream from the pulpit and attack legitimate attempts before they occur then I have a problem with either party.

          • 1 vote
          Reply#8 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:37 PM EDT

          Any democrat (including the president) or republican who supports the dream act should be voted out of office.

          Dream act is an affront to LEGAL immigrants and rewards illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants follow the laws of US, waited in line for their turn to become permanent residents and become US citizen.

          • 6 votes
          Reply#9 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:16 PM EDT

          Well said, TexasMike.

          • 1 vote
          Reply#10 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:25 PM EDT

          What always appears to get lost during these type of discussions is that most reasonable people would say "Once the border is "SECURED" they would most certainly support a measure to provide some sort of amnesty for those here now". If you fail to do that as we have, then all you accomplish is to essentially wave a big welcome to all future illegal immigrants....come to America. When ever you want, in whatever numbers you want, regardless of education, criminal past, or whatever. Just keep coming, and coming, and we'll provide free education, free health care, and eventually we'll give you citizenship.

          That makes absolutely zero sense, and is unsustainable. We're going broke now, where will we be if we have virtually an open door policy of "come on in" forever ?


          • 2 votes
          Reply#11 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:03 PM EDT

           I have a dream; that the feds will round up all the illegal aliens and get them the HELL out of my country!!

          • 2 votes
          Reply#12 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:15 PM EDT

          "He moved on to Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who argued passing the DREAM Act would help decrease U.S. debt and deficit"


          HAHAHA.........are these Obama administrators all high on something????   There are people from every country in the world on a list to become a LEGAL US citizen. There is a list and a quota for a reason.  Why are we talking about allowing millions of illegals to have amnesty?! These are the same people who are destroying state budgets and are here illegally. When did that stop being a crime? As a tax payer, I resent it. This country has too many problems and NO money left.

            Reply#13 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:34 PM EDT

            "only individuals of good moral character who have not committed any crime that would make them inadmissible to the United States would be eligible for DREAM Act relief."


              Reply#14 - Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:52 PM EDT
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