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Academic journals
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ABA Banking Journal
ABNF Journal
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal
Academy of Strategic Management Journal
Accounting and Business Research
Accounting Historians Journal
Accounting History
Accounting Horizons
Administrative Science Quarterly
Administrative Theory & Praxis
Adolescent Psychiatry
Adult Learning
Adultspan Journal
Advances in Competitiveness Research
Advancing Women in Leadership
Africa Today
African American Review
African Arts
African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies (AJCJS)
African Journal of Legal Studies
African Research & Documentation
African Studies Quarterly
African Studies Review
Afro - Americans in New York Life and History
Afro-Hispanic Review
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
Agricultural Economics Review
Agricultural Education Magazine
Air & Space Power Journal
Air Power History
ALAN Review
Alcohol Research & Health
Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political
American Annals of the Deaf
The American Biology Teacher
American Criminal Law Review
American Economist
American Indian Quarterly
American Jewish History
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
American Journal of Health Education
American Journal of International Law
American Journal of Law and Medicine
American Journal of Psychotherapy
American Midland Naturalist
American Notes and Queries
American Review of Canadian Studies
American Secondary Education
American Statistician
American Studies International
American Transcendental Quarterly (ATQ)
Americas (Berkeley)
Anarchist Studies
Anglican and Episcopal History
Anglican Theological Review
Annals of Dyslexia
Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association
Annual Review of Gerontology &GERIATRICS;
Annual Review of Psychology
Annual Review of Sociology
ANQ (American Notes and Queries)
Anthropological Quarterly
Applied Developmental Science
Applied H.R.M. Research
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Applied Measurement in Education
Applied Neuropsychology
Arab Studies Quarterly
Archaeology in Oceania
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Architectural Science Review
Argumentation and Advocacy
Arizona Quarterly
Arkansas Historical Quarterly
ARSC Journal
Art Bulletin
Art Journal
Arts Education Policy Review
ASEAN Economic Bulletin
Asian Affairs, an American Review
Asian Development Review
Asian Folklore Studies
Asian Perspective
Asian Perspectives: the Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific
Asian Theatre Journal
ATEA Journal
ATQ (American Transcendental Quarterly)
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association
Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal
Australasian Drama Studies
Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)
Australian Aboriginal Studies
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Australian Feminist Law Journal
Australian Health Review
Australian Journal of Early Childhood
Australian Journal of Education
Australian Journal of Environmental Education
The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies
Australian Journal of Labour Economics
Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
Australian Journal of Outdoor Education
Australian Journal of Politics and History
Australian Journal of Social Issues
Australian Literary Studies
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Beethoven Newsletter
Behavior and Social Issues
Behavior Research Methods
Behavioral Disorders
Bilingual Review
Black Music Research Journal
Brigham Young University Law Review
British Journal of Canadian Studies
British Journal of Community Justice
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Buddhist-Christian Studies
Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
Bunche Research Report
Business Communication Quarterly
Business History Review
Business Renaissance Quarterly
Byron Journal
California School Psychologist
Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal
Canadian Foreign Policy
The Canadian Geographer
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Canadian Journal of Criminology
Canadian Journal of Education
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Canadian Journal of History
Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy
Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Canadian Journal of Regional Science
Canadian Journal of Sociology
Canadian Journal of Urban Research
Canadian Psychology
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology
Canadian Slavonic Papers
Canadian Social Science
Canadian Social Work Review
Canadian-American Public Policy
Capital & Class
Care Management Journals
Career Development Quarterly
Career Planning and Adult Development Journal
Caribbean Quarterly
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Catholic Education
Catholic Historical Review
The Cato Journal
Central European Journal of Public Health
Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America
Chicago Fed Letter
Chicago Journal of International Law
Chicago Review
Child Study Journal
Child Welfare
Childhood Education
China Journal
China Review International
China: An International Journal
Chinese America: History and Perspectives
Christianity and Literature
Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association
Church History
Church History
Civil Rights Journal
Civil War History
Climate Policy
Cognition and Instruction
Cognition, Brain, Behavior (Cognitie, Creier, Comportament)
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience
College and University
College Literature
College Student Affairs Journal
College Student Journal
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems
Communication Disorders Quarterly
Communication Reports
Communication Studies
Communications and the Law
Community College Enterprise
Community College Review
Comparative Civilizations Review
Comparative Drama
Comparative Literature Studies
Competition Forum
Composition Studies
Conradian: The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.)
Constitutional Commentary
Contemporary Drug Problems
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession
Contemporary Pacific
Contemporary Southeast Asia
Contributions to Music Education
Counseling and Values
Counselor Education and Supervision
Creative Nursing
Creativity Research Journal
Criminal Justice Ethics
Critical Survey
Cross-Cultural Communication
Cultural Studies Review
Culture, Society and Masculinities
Current Musicology
Defense Counsel Journal
Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
Delta Pi Epsilon Journal
Demographic Research
Design for Arts in Education
Development and Society
Developmental Neuropsychology
Dialogos Latinoamericanos (Aarhus)
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum
Duke Law Journal
Early Childhood Research and Practice
East European Quarterly
Ecological Psychology
Economic and Labour Relations Review
Economic Perspectives
Economic Policy Review - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Economic Quarterly - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Economic Record
Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Ecumenical Review
Education and Treatment of Children
Education Next
Educational Assessment
Educational Forum
Educational Foundations
Educational Leadership and Administration
Educational Psychologist
Educational Research Quarterly
Educational Studies
Eighteenth Century, The
Eire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies
Electronic Green Journal
Emergence: Complexity and Organization
Energy Law Journal
English Literature in Transition 1880-1920
Entrepreneurial Executive
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental History
Environmental Law
Estonian Journal of Archaeology
Estonian Journal of Ecology
et Cetera
ETC.: A Review of General Semantics
Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry
Ethics & International Affairs
Ethics & Medicine
Ethics and Behavior
Ethics and the Environment
Ethnic Studies Review
European Comic Art
European Journal of Comparative Economics
European Journal of Social Quality
European Judaism
European Management Review
Exceptional Children
Family Business Review
Family Process
Family Relations
Family Therapy
Faulkner Journal
Federal Communications Law Journal
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Economic Commentary
Feminist Studies
Fifteenth Century Studies
Film & History
Film Criticism
Financial Counseling and Planning
Financial Services Review
Finnish Economic Papers
Fletcher Forum of World Affairs
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics
Folk Music Journal
Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law
Fordham Urban Law Journal
Foreign Language Annals
The Forensic Examiner
Forensic Science Communications
Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy
Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table
French Forum
French Politics, Culture and Society
Frontiers of Health Services Management
The Future of Children
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review
Gender & Behaviour
Genetic Counseling
Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs
Geographical Analysis
Geographical Journal
Geographical Review
George Washington International Law Review
German Policy Studies
German Politics and Society
German Quarterly
Germanic Review
Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal
Global Governance
Global Media Journal
Global Perspectives on Accounting Education
Global Virtue Ethics Review
Goethe Yearbook
Gothic Studies
Harvard International Review
Harvard Journal of Law &TECHNOLOGY;
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
The Hastings Center Report
Health and Social Work
Health Care Financing Review
Health Communication
Health Sociology Review
Hemingway Review
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Historical Journal of Massachusetts
Historical Methods
Historical Studies
History and Memory
History in Africa
History of Education Review
History Review
History Today
Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry
Houston Journal of International Law
Hudson Review
Human Architecture
Human Ecology
Human Factors
Human Organization
Human Performance
Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics
Human Resource Planning
Human Rights &HUMAN; Welfare
Human-Computer Interaction
Humanities Research
I.D.E. Occasional Papers Series
Ibero-americana (Stockholm)
Ife Psychologia
Independent Review
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice
International Education
International Family Planning Perspectives
International Fiction Review
International Forum of Teaching and Studies
International Journal
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
International Journal of Action Research
International Journal of African Historical Studies
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
International Journal of Business
International Journal of Business and Management Science
International Journal of Business and Society
International Journal of Business Studies
International Journal of Case Studies in Management
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
International Journal of Digital Accounting Research
International Journal of Early Childhood
International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society
International Journal of English Studies
International Journal of Entrepreneurship
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
International Journal of Humanities and Peace
International Journal of Instructional Media
International Journal of Management
International Journal of Men's Health
International Journal of Pedagogies &LEARNING;
International Journal of Psychoanalysis
International Journal of Public Administration
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
International Journal of Sport Finance
International Journal of Strategic Property Management
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
International Journal on ELearning
International Journal on World Peace
International Labour Review
International Management Review
International Social Science Review
International Studies of Management and Organization
Intersections: Canadian Journal of Music
Intervention in School and Clinic
Iowa Review
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry
Iranian Journal of Public Health
Irish Journal of Management
Islam & Science
Islamic Studies
Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
Israel Studies
Issues in Accounting Education
Issues in Law & Medicine
Issues in Teacher Education
Italian Culture
IUP Journal of Applied Economics
IUP Journal of Behavioral Finance
IUP Journal of Monetary Economics
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
Jewish Political Studies Review
Jewish Social Studies
JITTA: Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
John Clare Society Journal
JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation &DANCE;
Journal for East European Management Studies
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Journal of Adult Education
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of African American History
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education
Journal of Allied Health
Journal of American Culture
Journal of American Drama and Theatre
Journal of American Drama and Theatre
Journal of American Folklore
Journal of Applied Finance
Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College
Journal of Australian Studies
Journal of Band Research
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management
Journal of Biblical Literature
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Journal of Business Administration and Policy Analysis
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
Journal of Business and Management
Journal of Business Communication
Journal of Business Forecasting
Journal of Business Logistics
Journal of Business Strategies
Journal of Canadian Studies
Journal of Chickasaw History and Culture
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing
Journal of Church and State
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology
Journal of Cognition and Development
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
Journal of College Admission
Journal of College Counseling
Journal of College Reading and Learning
Journal of Community Health Nursing
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
Journal of Corporation Law
Journal of Correctional Education
Journal of Counseling and Development
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Journal of Cultural Diversity
Journal of Cultural Geography
Journal of Cultural Geography
Journal of Cuneiform Studies
Journal of Developing Areas
Journal of Disability Policy Studies
Journal of Drug Issues
Journal of East Asian Studies
Journal of Ecological Anthropology
Journal of Economic and Social Research
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of Economic Issues
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research
Journal of Economics and Finance
Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Journal of Educational Research
Journal of Educational Thought
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Journal of Engineering Education
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
Journal of Environmental Education
Journal of Environmental Health
Journal of European Studies
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Journal of Experimental Education
Journal of Faculty Development
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences
Journal of Family Studies
Journal of Film and Video
Journal of Folklore Research
Journal of Folklore Research
Journal of Forensic Economics
Journal of General Education
Journal of General Psychology
Journal of Genetic Psychology
Journal of Geoscience Education
Journal of Global Business and Technology
Journal of Global Business Issues
Journal of Government Financial Management
Journal of Haitian Studies
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
Journal of Higher Education
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education
Journal of Housing Research
Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development
Journal of Instructional Psychology
Journal of Interactive Learning Research
Journal of International Affairs
Journal of International Business Research
Journal of International Women's Studies
Journal of Labor Research
Journal of Law and Education
Journal of Law and Health
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
Journal of Leadership Studies
Journal of Legal Economics
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues
Journal of Leisure Research
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Managerial Issues
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Mass Media Ethics
Journal of Media Economics
Journal of Men's Studies
Journal of Mental Health Counseling
Journal of Modern Literature
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
Journal of Music Therapy
Journal of Narrative Theory (JNT)
Journal of Negro Education
Journal of Negro History
Journal of Nursing Measurement
Journal of Organizational Computing
Journal of Organizational Culture, Communication and Conflict
Journal of Pan African Studies
Journal of Parapsychology
Journal of Performance Management
Journal of Personality Assessment
Journal of Physical Education New Zealand
Journal of Physical Therapy Education
Journal of Political and Military Sociology
Journal of Popular Film and Television
Journal of Population Research
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Journal of Power and Ethics
Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health
Journal of Private Enterprise
Journal of Professional Counseling, Practiceory, & Research
Journal of Psychiatry & Law
Journal of Psychiatry &NEUROSCIENCE; (JPN)
Journal of Psychohistory
Journal of Psychology
Journal of Psychology and Christianity
Journal of Psychology and Theology
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Real Estate Literature
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Journal of Real Estate Research
The Journal of Rehabilitation
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
Journal of Research Administration
Journal of Research for Consumers
Journal of Research in Character Education
Journal of Research in Rural Education
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Journal of School Health
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education
Journal of Sex Research
Journal of Singing
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Journal of Small Business Management
Journal of Small Business Strategy
Journal of Social History
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Social Studies Research
Journal of Social Theory in Art Education
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies
Journal of Sociology
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Journal of Southern History
Journal of Southern Legal History
Journal of Special Education
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Journal of Special Education Technology
Journal of Sport Behavior
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Journal of Teacher Education
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
Journal of Technology Studies
Journal of the American Oriental Society
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Journal of the Community Development Society
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies
Journal of the Learning Sciences
Journal of the Medical Library Association
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
Journal of the Southwest
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Journal of Theory Construction &Testing;
Journal of Third World Studies
Journal of Thought
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Journal of Transport History
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness
Journal of Women's History
Journal of World History
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe (JEMIE)
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator
Journalism and Communication Monographs
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Journalism History
Justice System Journal
Kappa Delta Pi Record
Korean Studies
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri
Labor Law Journal
Lahore Journal of Economics
Language, Learning &Technology;
Latin American Politics and Society
Law and Contemporary Problems
Law and Policy in International Business
Law and Society Review
Learning & Behavior
Learning Disability Quarterly
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers
Library Philosophy and Practice
Library Trends
LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal
Linguistica Uralica
Literature/Film Quarterly
LSE Gender Institute. New Working Paper Series
MACLAS Latin American Essays
Management Accounting Quarterly
Management Dynamics
Management International Review
Management Quarterly
Management Revue
Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues
Mankind Quarterly
Marvels &Tales;
Mass Communication and Society
Mathematics and Computer Education
McGill Journal of Education
McKinsey Quarterly
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
Measurement in Physical Education & Exercise Science
Media Psychology
Medical History
Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England
Medium Aevum
Melbourne Journal of Politics
MELUS (journal of The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.)
Memory & Cognition
Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Michigan Historical Review
Michigan Journal of Counseling
Michigan Law Review
Michigan Quarterly Review
Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology (MCJA)
Middle East Journal
Middle East Policy
Middle East Quarterly
Middle School Journal
Military Psychology
Military Review
Millennium Film Journal
Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military
Mississippi Quarterly
The Modern Language Review
The Monist
Monthly Labor Review
Multicultural Perspectives
Multinational Business Review
Multivariate Behavioral Research
Music Library Association. Notes
Music Therapy Perspectives
Muslim World, The
NACTA Journal
National Institute Economic Review
National Women's Studies Association Journal
Nature, Society, and Thought
Naval War College Review
Negro Educational Review
New England Economic Review
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship
New England Reading Association Journal
New England Review
New Formations
New Left Review
New Zealand Economic Papers
New Zealand International Review
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
New Zealand Journal of Psychology
Newspaper Research Journal
Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film
Nineteenth-Century French Studies
Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art
Nomadic Peoples
North American Actuarial Journal
North American Journal of Psychology
Northwestern University Law Review
Notes on Contemporary Literature
Notre Dame Law Review
Nursing Education Perspectives
Nursing Forum
Nursing History Review
NWSA Journal (National Women's Studies Association Journal)
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
Oral History Review
Organization Development Journal
Pacific Rim Law &POLICY; Journal
Papers on Language and Literature
Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature
Parnassus: Poetry in Review
Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research
Peabody Journal of Education
Peace and Conflict
Peer Review
Perception and Psychophysics
Personality and Social Psychology Review
Personnel Psychology
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
Perspectives on Political Science
Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal
Phi Delta Kappan
Philological Quarterly
Philosophy East and West
Philosophy Today
PIDE Lectures in Economics
PJE: Peabody Journal of Education
Plains Anthropologist
Planning and Changing
Planning for Higher Education
Policy and Practice of Public Human Services
Policy Review
Policy Studies Journal
Policy Studies Review
Political Research Quarterly
Presidential Studies Quarterly
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Professional Educator
Professional School Counseling
Psychoanalytic Quarterly
Psychological Inquiry
Psychological Record
Psychology Science
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Public Administration and Management
Public Administration Quarterly
Public Administration Review
Public Finance and Management
Public Health Reports
Public Manager
Public Personnel Management
Public Relations Quarterly
Qualitative Report
Quality Management Journal
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics
Quarterly Review of Distance Education
Rand Journal of Economics
Reading Improvement
Reading Teacher
Real Estate Economics
Reclaiming Children and Youth
Remedial and Special Education
Renaissance Quarterly
Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature
Research &Teaching; in Developmental Education
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice
Research in African Literatures
Research in Education
Research on Language and Social Interaction
Research Technology Management
Resources for Feminist Research
Review - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Review of Business
Review of Contemporary Fiction
Review of Litigation
Review of Metaphysics
Review of Religious Research
Review of Social Economy
Rhetoric & Public Affairs
Rhetoric Society Quarterly
Risk Management and Insurance Review
RMLE Online
Roeper Review
Romance Notes
Romance Quarterly
Romani Studies
Romanian Journal of European Affairs
Romanic Review
Rural Educator
Rural Society
Rural Special Education Quarterly
S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal
SA: Sociological Analysis
Sartre Studies International
Scandinavian Studies
School Community Journal
School Libraries Worldwide
School Psychology Review
School Science and Mathematics
Science Educator
Scientific Studies of Reading
Shakespeare Bulletin
Shakespeare Studies
Sign Language Studies
Singapore Management Review
Slavic and East European Performance
Sleep and Hypnosis
Small Axe
Social Alternatives
Social Behavior and Personality
Social Education
Social Forces
Social Justice
Social Research
Social Security Bulletin
Social Studies
Social Theory and Practice
Social Work
Social Work Research
Sociological Analysis (SA: Sociological Analysis)
Sociological Focus
Sociological Viewpoints
Sociology of Religion
SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia
South Asian Journal of Management
South Carolina Historical Magazine
Southeast Asian Affairs
Southeastern Archaeology
Southern Economic Journal
Southern Journal of Philosophy
Southern Quarterly
Southern Rural Sociology
Spanish Journal of Psychology
Sport Marketing Quarterly
St. John's Law Review
St. Thomas Law Review
Stanford Journal of Law, Business &FINANCE;
Stanford Law Review
Studia Musicologica
Studies in African Linguistics
Studies in American Fiction
Studies in American Indian Literatures
Studies in Art Education
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900
Studies in Romanticism
Studies in Short Fiction
Studies in the Humanities
Studies in the Literary Imagination
Studies in the Novel
T.H.E. Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)
Tamara: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science
Teacher Education Quarterly
Teacher Educator, The
Teaching History: A Journal of Methods
Teaching of Psychology
Teaching Science
Technical Communication Quarterly (TCQ)
The Technology Teacher
Texas International Law Journal
Texas Journal of Women and the Law
Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights
Texas Law Review
Texas Review of Law & Politics
Texas Studies in Literature and Language
Theatre History Studies
Theatre Notebook
Theological Studies
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Town Planning Review
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
Twentieth Century Literature
Ufahamu: Journal of the African Activist Association
University of Pennsylvania Law Review
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development
Violence and Victims
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Virginia Quarterly Review
Visible Language
Volta Review
Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies
Washington Law Review
West Virginia University Philological Papers
Western Criminology Review
Western European Stages
Western Folklore
Western Journal of Black Studies
Western Journal of Communication
Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations
William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal
William and Mary Law Review
Yale Economic Review
Yale Journal on Regulation
Yale Law Journal
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Yearbook of English Studies
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