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Business Day

Thursday, June 23, 2011 Last Update: 9:40 PM ET

F.T.C. Is Said Near a Move On Google

The Federal Trade Commission is reportedly preparing to issue subpoenas in a wide-ranging civil investigation into practices in Google’s search engine business.

Google has been the subject of repeated antitrust probes in recent years, most of them involving proposed acquisitions.
Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters

Google has been the subject of repeated antitrust probes in recent years, most of them involving proposed acquisitions.

Stocks Fall Sharply, Then Cut Losses

The Dow Jones industrial average ended a dramatic day a bit lower than where it started on slow growth, Europe’s debt crisis and the use of oil reserves.

Global Oil Reserves Tapped in Effort to Cut Cost at Pump

To replace some of the oil production lost during the Libya conflict, 60 million barrels will be released, with half coming from America’s reserves.

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British Police Charge Teenager in Connection With Hacking Attacks

Authorities linked Ryan Cleary, 19, to LulzSec, a hacking group that has attacked Web sites including those of United States Senate, the Central Intelligence Agency, PBS and Sony.

Drug Companies Win Two Supreme Court Decisions

One of the Supreme Court rulings limits suits from people injured by generic drugs and another strikes down a law on prescription data.


Court Says Ex-Wife May Retain Money From Ponzi Scheme

New York's highest court ruled that a woman could keep proceeds from a divorce agreement, even if they came from a financial fraud perpetrated by her former husband.

As Greece Ponders Default, Lessons From Argentina

The effects of Argentina 2001 debt crisis still linger, and the country’s default at the time is still keeping it away from the global credit market.


Lawmakers Challenge Derivatives Rules

The lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats alike, argue that some proposed rules could force Wall Street's derivatives business overseas.

For Many in Britain, Being a Homeowner Is a Fading Dream

With tighter banking lending and higher rents, first-time buyers in Britain are finding it much harder to save money and purchase a home.

Panel to Scrutinize Causes Behind Weak State Budgets

The former lieutenant governor of New York as well as other former government officials will examine the hidden debts of states.


Playing It Close in Wireless, With an Eye for Satellite Deals

Charles Ergen, chairman of Dish Network and EchoStar, has been on a takeover spree this year, making more than $2 billion in acquisitions.

Insight & Analysis

State of the Art

Apple’s Final Cut Is Dead. Long Live Final Cut.

Apple substituted one Final Cut video-editing program for another, and the upgraded version covers nearly all the bases.

Green Blog

Is Fukushima a Roadblock, or Just a Speed Bump?

Three energy experts suggest that the nuclear accident in Japan will have a more modest impact on reactor construction than some expect.

Gadgetwise Blog

How to Know if You've Been Hacked

A new site lets you check whether your information is in 13 publicly available stashes containing more than 800,000 stolen records.

Economix Blog

Fiscal Contraction Hurts Growth

Finding a way to reduce health care costs and tax reform are more likely to solve America's deficit problems than cutting spending, an economist writes.

App Smart

Using a Smartphone to Help Find a Place to Pitch a Tent

These days, iPhones and Androids may soon join the Swiss Army knife as the requisite accessories for the outdoor life.

Gadgetwise Blog

Using a Mac to Turn a Windows Laptop Into a Linux Machine

A three-way PC process to turn a Windows machine into a Web and e-mail-only Linux PC.


Wall St.'s Dinner With Obama: Hold the Scorn

President Obama's top Wall Street supporters hosted a $35,800-a-plate dinner at Daniel in Manhattan. That price is a bit more than the $213.15 for the normal tasting menu.

Accelerate Android With Tips and Tricks

The array of Android mobile phones share many useful features that are just a tap or scroll away.


Building a Buzz in Social Media Ahead of Traditional Marketing

UP2U, the new stick gum from the maker of Mentos, is establishing its brand in social media like Facebook before it begins a television campaign.

In Tech We Trust

Video: Hope and Dread in Tech I.P.O.s

DealBook's Evelyn M. Rusli talks to Nelson D. Schwartz about fears of a tech bubble focused on a narrow sector of social media companies.

News Videos From CNBC
Postal Service Bailout Coming?
Jun 23 7:55 PM EST
Will US Default Before Greece?
Jun 23 7:42 PM EST
Top GOP Pull Out of Budget Talks
Jun 23 7:33 PM EST
Obama Woos Donors in NYC
Jun 23 7:30 PM EST
Which Way is the Market Headed?
Jun 23 7:15 PM EST
Did the EIA Just Deliver QE3?
Jun 23 7:10 PM EST

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