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Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - Last Update: 8:10 PM ET (01:10 GMT)

Protests in Ukraine Persist as Bid to Oust Leaders Fails

Demonstrators and political opposition leaders allied with them rallied in the streets saying they would not relent until they succeeded in removing the government, including President Viktor F. Yanukovich.

North Korea Strips Leader’s Uncle of Power, Reports Say

South Korea’s intelligence service reported that Jang Song-thaek, considered to be No. 2 in the Pyongyang government and a mentor to Kim Jong-un, has lost his positions of influence.

Economic Scene

Europe’s Erosion of Worker Protections

Desperate to restore a competitive edge, European nations are dismantling workplace protections that once supported labor.

Temporary parking on a vacant lot in Ho Chi Minh City.
Justin Mott for The New York Times

Cautious Optimism Over Vietnam Property

Vietnam’s property market is bottoming out, and the government is pledging to reform the banking sector, but doubts remain over whether it can hit pre-2008 peaks.

After Snowden, a Changed World for Journalists

The Guardian’s editor said before the British Parliament that the government had tried to intimidate him.

Panel Says Global Warming Risks Sudden Changes

A scientific panel’s report ruled out some doomsday notions but said dire climatic surprises seemed inevitable.

International Criminal Court Bends for Diplomacy

As the court takes up the case against President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, human rights groups warn that a category of privileged defendant has been created.

Protecting the Olympics From Avalanches

Using backhoes, explosive charges and a network of dams and piping, a team of experts is working to protect the Russian resort that will host the Sochi Games.

Books »

Books of The Times
Bach as a Mensch and an Imperfect Human Being

John Eliot Gardiner’s book is not intended as a straight biography so much as a thematic examination of Bach the composer as man and musician.

Books of The Times
Reeling in the Years With Sour Reflection

In “Eminent Hipsters,” Donald Fagen begins with tales about his early years in Steely Dan.

Op-Ed Contributors
Protest In Egypt

A new law restricting the right to demonstrate could squelch the most vital form of public expression left to citizens.

Op-Ed Contributor
How the E.U. Pushed Ukraine East

Ukraine was asked to forsake its oldest cultural and economic ally. Is it any wonder Kiev balked?


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