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"I hope they lose every dollar they have. If our core PBR drinker knew what they were drinking is owned by guys like these, it'...

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Inside Blago's mind — hypothetically

There's some sentiment out there, even among some of my friends in the media, that it looked like former Gov. Rod Blagojevich held up OK...

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She's just not that into to you. Really.

An Australian demographer has found a malady that makes some middle-aged men think they are more attractive to women than they actually are.

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Elections via the Madigan Way

It's time to revive the idea of a constitutional amendment that will defang House Speaker Michael (The Real Governor) Madigan and his...

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A Tim Pawlenty plan for recovery

How did you enjoy your economic recovery last summer? Well, that's what President Barack Obama said we were having. He wrongly thought the...

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10 years later: A costly tax cut for rich

Today is the 10th anniversary of the Bush tax cuts passed in 2001. In observance of this day, we should raise taxes on millionaires and...

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America's salutary debt-ceiling scare

WASHINGTON — As the sun rises in the east, the debt ceiling will be raised. Getting there, however, will be harrowing. Which is a good...

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What the indicted John Edwards has already lost

What the indicted John Edwards has already lost

Hard cases make bad law, an old legal saying goes. So, I suppose, do sad cases. The sad case of John Edwards could lead to sadder law.

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Gambling myths

Illinois is on the verge of a major gambling expansion, and citizens are being pelted with competing claims. The advocates envision a gusher...

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Men behaving badly

Men behaving badly

Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York is a very busy man. He sits on several important committees. He's newly married to a high-powered wife. He's...

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A Libya war fit for a king

Remember back in your high school civics class when you were taught about the constitutional division of authority in matters of war? When...

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Citizen Cain: He's able but unelectable

To all of those readers who say I should give my attention to the rising presidential campaign of Republican Herman Cain, I am happy to...

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Weeding out some of the GOP hopefuls

It's too soon to engage in the media fetish of covering the 2012 Republican presidential campaign, but it's never too early to tell the...

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Busting water myths by the gallons

NEW YORK — In a slender essay titled "Here Is New York," E.B. White wrote about the implausibility of the great city, mentioning among...

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The truth about fake military 'heroes'

Rick Duncan was a captain in the U.S. Marine Corps in Iraq. Wounded in battle, he received a Purple Heart and a Silver Star. Then he came...

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Why is the president belittling Israel?

Why is the president belittling Israel?

WASHINGTON — Every Arab-Israeli negotiation contains a fundamental asymmetry: Israel gives up land, which is tangible; the Arabs...

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Fast brain versus uh, uh, uh

Apparently, a lot of people consider President Barack Obama to be bumblingly inarticulate. "The guy can't talk his way out of a paper bag!"...

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Run, Paul Ryan, please run

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' announcement that he can't play in the presidential primaries because his wife and daughters say he's not...

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Gay marriage gains, but fight isn't over

America now has a gay-rights majority. Gallup reports that for the first time ever, most people — 53 percent — favor...

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Free advice on life

Free advice on life

It's as if they are joined at the hip — diplomas and advice. Good advice, bad advice, stupid advice, guest-speaker advice, mom-and-dad...

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Apocalypse, oops: Again

Apocalypse, oops: Again

Harold Camping, the religious broadcaster who said Judgment Day would come last weekend, now says he doesn't want to talk about that...

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Judicial filibusters: Partisanship run amok

If anyone needs proof of how destructively polarized national politics has become, one need only consider last week's vote in the Senate on...

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Obama adopts the Bush Doctrine

WASHINGTON — Herewith President Barack Obama's May 19 Middle East speech, annotated:

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What price America's principles?

What price America's principles?

"I would find myself trussed up and left for hours in ropes, my biceps bound tightly with several loops to cut off my circulation and the...

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Make college worth the cost

It's hard to say which is more remarkable about Kayla Heard, that she is graduating from Washington State University at age 16 or that she...

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A tangled mess

I have a world-class collection of electronic chargers. I don't want a world-class collection of electronic chargers, but I have to maintain...

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Who is a saint?

A year ago, a friend of mine, Janine Denomme, died of cancer. We were members of the St. Gertrude Roman Catholic parish in Edgewater. We...

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Moralizing against McDonald's

Now that Osama bin Laden is dead, we can turn our attention to another remorseless enemy who for years has sown death and destruction...

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Running mates

Running mates

I mean this in the nicest way: When John first ran for Congress, I did not know what I was getting into. And that was probably a good thing.

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Obama wins!

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe.

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Poisonous in Pakistan

Poisonous in Pakistan

"It's a mess, ain't it Sheriff?

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Can this party get its groove on?

Donald Trump departed from the 2012 presidential race, which he never actually entered, in typical Trump style, supremely confident that...

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Thanks for the memories, Oprah

Thanks for the memories, Oprah

I love Oprah Winfrey. OK. There. I said it.

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The Chicago Way got kicked to the curb

The Chicago Way got kicked to the curb

Mayor Rahm Emanuel's recipe for "change" is so unlike The Chicago Way it's hard for this native to believe in it as much as I would like to....

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Where do we sign up for that extra cash?

Dear Gov. Quinn and Illinois legislators,

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Demagoguery 101: The Obama touch

Demagoguery 101: The Obama touch

"I'm going to do my part to lead a constructive and civil debate on these issues."

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The budget debate we all deserve

The budget debate we all deserve

Despite Washington coming to grips with the fact that the debt threat is real, policymakers still are not having the debate Americans...

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10 things you might not know about elephants

10 things you might not know about elephants

The popularity of the movie "Water for Elephants" provides an excuse for this parade of powerful pachyderm facts:

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An un-Common culture war

How delighted the Chicago-based rapper Common must be to find that someone still views him as controversial.

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Gingrich could pull an 'Obama'

Newt Gingrich deserves the candidacy he launched in a tweet Wednesday.

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An ode to fuddy-duddies

For all the foreboding of the conservative blogosphere, the Republic still stands in the wake of rapper Common's gig at a White House salute...

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A strike against economic sanity

In 1977, Boeing was the target of a strike by the International Association of Machinists, which represents its workers in Puget Sound,...

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Does Citizen Daley deserve a security detail?

Does Citizen Daley deserve a security detail?

Mayor Richard Daley's request for a security detail after he leaves office creates a golden opportunity for Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel to...

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Clearing the air: When opposites actually agree

Environmental advocacy organizations and major electric utilities don't always see eye to eye on government standards. But the Environmental...

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Unfounded fears

Gas is going for $4 a gallon, gold is riding a boom, and the Federal Reserve is seemingly complacent about these developments. Among critics...

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NATO, Russia coming to an agreement on missile defense

When I took office in 2009, many were surprised that I devoted my first keynote speech to Russia. And some may be surprised again that...

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A plea for better junk on television

A plea for better junk on television

Fifty years ago this week, then-Federal Communications Commission Chairman Newton N. Minow famously skewered the nation's daily television...

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Overdue reform: Signs of the times

It's taken more than five years, but Illinois is now poised to outlaw the brazen use of state property for self-promotion that came to...

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The rules are for Father Pfleger too

The rules are for Father Pfleger too

You'd think that they weren't on the same side.

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Evil does not go away for good

Two months and a day before 9/11, terrorism expert Larry C. Johnson published "The declining terrorist threat," a New York Times op-ed...

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Pakistan must be held accountable

The killing of Osama bin Laden by American special forces debunks the most profane myth in the war inaugurated by al-Qaida's attacks on 9/...

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Lessons for al-Qaida — and us

Here's what the world learned in the decade between the 9/11 attacks and the killing of their mastermind: Americans are good at war and...

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Welcome to Paybackistan

Welcome to Paybackistan

It was a bit startling to watch crowds of mostly college-age youths raucously celebrating in front of the White House after President Barack...

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Obama birther issue: Remember when we were reasonably sane?

NEW YORK — If you really, really dislike Barack Obama, his long-form birth certificate, finally proffered in exasperation, is quite...

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Taking the public for a ride

It's often been said of Barack Obama that his policies are "data driven" — meaning that whatever his ideological inclinations, he pays...

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Racing form for 2012

WASHINGTON — Unified Field Theory of 2012, Axiom One: The more the Republicans can make the 2012 election like 2010, the better...

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Unwelcome surprises

Unwelcome surprises

Is it too early to declare our intervention in Libya a failure?

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Love of Medicare chills tea party fever

Surprise, surprise! Faced with the prospect of Medicare cuts, even tea party folks find griping about "big government" to be a lot more...

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Posturing against pornography

We all know that pornography is offensive and destructive, so we can guess that wherever X-rated fare gains popularity, social decay will...

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How we still fight the Civil War

Fort Sumter surrendered to the rebels again last week with what one observer called "measured enthusiasm," compared to the Civil War...

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Duck, it's The Donald running for president!

At this point, there's at least one thing you can't blame Donald Trump for: being Donald Trump.

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Bad government deals all around

When President Barack Obama was in Chicago last week, he candidly told campaign contributors he had challenged Republicans to repeal...

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Scaling back the federal government

The most serious charge against House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan's budget is not the risible claim, made most prominently by...

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A conservative defense of Obamacare

A conservative defense of Obamacare

Opponents of President Barack Obama's health care program lost the legislative battle, but they have high hopes of stopping it yet. That...

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Obama's re-election budget

After hearing President Barack Obama's robust response to their budget-cutting proposals, Republican leaders seemed shocked to hear that the...

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10 things you might not know about royal weddings

10 things you might not know about royal weddings

Time to buy your souvenir refrigerator magnets and toilet seats — Britain is having a royal wedding. Prince William marries Kate...

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Photos of stuff keep memories alive (and storage areas clear)

I took a picture of the kids' lunch boxes last week. I've been packing and helping to pack them, washing them out every so often and...

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Campaign of misinformation

In the ongoing rancor surrounding federal funding of Planned Parenthood, misinformation has a starring role. There have been, of course,...

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The farmer on the dole

If you don't mind sweat, dirt or the smell of manure, this is a great time to be a farmer. Incomes are up, land values are high and global...

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Demonizing the GOP, losing the budget war

So why do Republicans hate art, the elderly and children?

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NAACP, right-wing foes get friendly

Can prominent right wingers like Newt Gingrich and Grover Norquist get along with the very liberal NAACP? Yes, they can, at least on the...

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Free speech vs. Qurans

"Since American liberals don't have the guts to say it, allow me: The Rev. Terry Jones hasn't done anything wrong. Nothing."

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Take a close look

Take a close look

Points for honesty to the Catholic Conference of Illinois.

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Paul Ryan's great leap of courage

WASHINGTON — In 1983, the British Labor Party under the hard-left Michael Foot issued a 700-page manifesto so radical that one...

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Reaganomics? Meet 'Ryan-omics'

What would America look like if the tea party movement ran it? You can get a good glimpse in Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's budget-balancing...

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Imperial leader at war

After the 2008 election, Barack Obama was pondering the growth of presidential power. So, ABC News reported, he met with former...

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Reforming Medicare for the real world

After House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., unveiled a plan to overhaul Medicare, Democrats announced that despite its minor...

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The freedom to snoop

The freedom to snoop

Conservatives express shock and horror over political correctness, which they roughly define as the Orwellian suppression of any frank...

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The problem with income taxes is us

What better time to take a shot at Big Business for "paying no taxes" than when we're struggling to complete our own income tax returns?

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A 'reverse beauty pageant' for tyrants

"What if they gave a war and nobody came?" So goes a bumper sticker from the Vietnam War era. I've got an update in mind: What if they...

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Did Obama avert a bloodbath in Libya?

Did Obama avert a bloodbath in Libya?

Remember when a crusading president, acting on dubious intelligence, insufficient information and exaggerated fears, took the nation into...

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10 things you might not know about the unhinged

10 things you might not know about the unhinged

As actor Charlie Sheen brings his "Violent Torpedo of Truth" show to Chicago on Sunday, we won't perform any diagnosis but simply state that...

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False fears about concealed guns

False fears about concealed guns

"Experience is a dear teacher," said Benjamin Franklin, "but fools will learn at no other." Give some credit to fools: At least they...

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Why liberals are lovin' the birthers

Why liberals are lovin' the birthers

Donald Trump has joined the "birthers," the odd movement that questions President Barack Obama's Hawaii birth certificate. That's a good way...

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Obama's budget mess and coming out on the side of bureaucrats

And now, a few sympathetic words for government bureaucrats.

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Figuring out professor Obama's war

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is proud of how he put together the Libyan operation. A model of international cooperation. All...

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New benchmarks of social change

So you think we Americans know ourselves? New census numbers reveal that a lot of our 20th century racial and ethnic assumptions are overdue...

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Obama, Libya and the ghosts of '68

Obama, Libya and the ghosts of '68

In 2008, Democratic voters had their pick of many candidates for president — from Hillary Clinton to John Edwards to Joe Biden. Why...

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Survey says …

One year after the health insurance overhaul bill became law, you'd think public opinion would be easy to read.

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Obama's missed opportunity with Gadhafi, Libya

As someone who supported a Libyan no-fly zone from the earliest days of what once seemed like a revolution but now looks like a civil war, I...

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War: Obama's fatal attraction

It's a good thing we didn't elect John McCain in 2008. A McCain victory would have meant an escalation in Afghanistan, a third war in the...

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Goldilocks doctrine: The right course?

Americans can always be counted upon to do the right thing, Winston Churchill is said to have declared, after exhausting all of the...

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Getting rid of spent nuclear power fuel

So, what are we supposed to do with spent nuclear power fuel? Rocket it into outer space?

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