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Wednesday, June 01, 2011


What have I achieved for Obama? I haven't backed a Latin American coup

I've eaten some bananas, so I assume I've backed a coup attempt or two. Just call me an Achiever For Chiquita Obama!

Little Obama Urban Achievers.


Not without cause does the socially-liberal professional class identify with the State. They get their share of perks.

I've never understood why "ask not what your country can do for you etc." is supposed to be a good sentiment, because eeeeeuuuugggggh.

As for Shepard Fairey, ugh. He went to RISD and started his whole dumbass Andre the Giant thing here in RI, and yeah, fuck him. That's all.

Wait a minute, Mr Fairey wants BHO to be bolder on the war in Afghanistan?

Well, this sucks the hope right out of me.

If anyone is going to challenge Obama's propaganda I would have thought it would be an artist whose main message is dissent.

But he sounds just like my "liberal" lawyer friends as he recites the standard excuse for supporting Obama.

Glad to see you back, John. I hope you're plum out of vacation time for a little while at least.

All the party loyalists who angrily insisted that Obama had every right to start bombing the shit out of Libya without Congressional approval despite there being no threat to the country because the War Powers Act gave him 60 days free rein have grown curiously silent as that deadline passed and now recedes into history.

And speaking of resource plunder, I await their defense of his having folded like a house of cards on wild lands protection as a noble attempt to create jobs.

John, you're behind the times. It's no longer wedding parties, but houses full of children that are being droned. Of course, those children are hiding Al-Quida militants, so that's okay then.

By the way, the next time you go away for such a long time, I will hunt you down. Withdrawal, yeah, that's what it's like.

Alright, this is just straight-up fascist.

Switching from a duty to the country to the duty to the leader? That's as anti-democratic as you can get. Remember when people were saying during the Bush era that Bush is the commander-in-chief of the military, not of the citizens of the U.S.? We've jumped straight passed that and have somehow appointed Obama führer.

I mean, this isn't even liberalish bullshit. This rhetoric doesn't evoke Paine or Jefferson -- it's straight-up right-wing sophistry. It doesn't even feel like we're being encouraged to believe that Obama is progressive in this tripe. If pseudoliberals lose their rhetoric, they have abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Is this guy a random dipshit, or a trend, because if this is a trend, America is about to become blessed beyond belief.

And to think this is the guy who once brilliantly plastered Andre the Giant's image over a Buddy Cianci campaign poster. It is sad to see a guy who spent the best part of his career cleverly saying "question authority" end up talking like this.

Good to have you back and ranting. In your absence I was forced into the depths of the Amazon Sellers Xommunity boards, where the current hot thread is "Do we still need public schools?". Most of the participants think we no longer need public schools, what with the overpaid teachers' union thugs cramming diversity and science and birth control down the kids' throats. I think this is actually a fair sampling of opinion in the US.

We've moved from "Let's get rid of the teachers' unions" to "Let's just get rid of the public schools completely." Even fascists didn't mind schools (yes I know the indoctrination - I think that there were also some fascists who thought that it'd be a good idea for little Johann to know how to read.). I don't know what to call the suicidal American corporatist dunces. I'm wondering if there's been a shift in the rhetoric from the lunatic right in order to make "just" trashing teachers' unions and shoving for-profit management companies into public school buildings seem more "reasonable."

This is very close to double-posting, but I blame John for being on vacation. It's his fault I need to double my rants up.

Again, I think it's a good thing that the rhetoric ramps up. The most powerful asset an evil policy has is mild rhetoric. It allows one to look good and moderate while commiting horrifying acts that rapidly drag down the status quo. People have a natural tendency to prefer a happy medium -- however that is defined -- in any complex set of choices.

So the jackasses Chris described, and the jackass John points out, actually, non-ironically, make me feel better. Their position is not persuasive. Think of it this way: if a dangerous, sexually-abusive, financially-draining cult uses a message of acceptance and mutual support to get its membership, that's scary dangerous -- especially in a depression during a cultural nadir. If that same cult switches to an exclusionary contempt of much of what the mainstream thinks is good about the status quo, combined with a with-us-or-against-us attitude, you breathe a little easier. The latter organization will be hard-pressed to get new converts.

Remember: serviles -- I've taken to calling false liberals or pseudoliberals "serviles" -- want to kiss the ass of an affiable technocrat because they're just as authoritarian as the more obviously rightwing shits they despise. However, weirdly enough, both groups have obsessions with the "feel" of independence: rightwing thugs want to resemble the rugged individualist myth as much as possible while still taking comfort in marching orders received from on high, while the serviles want the more refined feeling of having personal choice while constantly shifting their position to whatever Dear Leader is doing this week. A big part of that personal choice is wrapped up in leader selection. Thus, during the 2008 election, despite the fact the democrats fielded mostly aristocratic, pro-corporate assholes, people claimed that the field was diverse and were happy about the same.

If serviles stop even pretending to care about personal choice or favored instutions like schools (I don't care if rightwing thugs care about schools), why would anyone join them? Where's the mystique? Where's they payoff?

Sellouts? You want sellouts? Why, we just happen to have:


The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er fraught heart and bids it break!

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