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Germany wrestles with deadly <iE. coli outbreak" width="400" height="225" class="headlineThumb"/>

E. coli outbreak">Germany wrestles with deadly E. coli outbreak

More than 1,000 Germans have been sickened by contaminated food and at least 16 have died. Initial blame was cast on Spain then withdrawn, raising diplomatic tensions.

Special Report: An end to AIDS?

'Berlin patient' re-energizes search for AIDS cure

For his doctors, Timothy Ray Brown was a shot in the dark. An HIV-positive American who was cured by a unique type of bone marrow...

Study links cellphones to possible cancer risk

Study links cellphones to possible cancer risk

An agency within the World Health Organization finds that 'limited' evidence exists to indicate prolonged cellphone use may increase risk...

<bHealth insurers use scare tactics to block regulation of rate increases -- Los Angeles Times editorial" width="187" height="105" class="headlineThumb"/>

The companies cite bogus figures to fight a bill that would give California officials prior-approval authority over premium hikes. And they're trying to convince the public that the measure would actually cost people money. Today's Consider This is a Los Angeles Times column.

USDA testing finds 30-plus unapproved pesticides on the herb cilantro

USDA testing finds 30-plus unapproved pesticides on the herb cilantro

Just in time for cookout season, some unsettling news arrives for guacamole and salsa lovers: Federal testing turned up a wide array of...

Report discounts value of many 'biomarkers' in predicting disease

Studies linking a gene, protein or another substance to a disease are often called into question by later, larger studies, a review shows.

Government to lower prices, ease rules on health plans for people with preexisting conditions

Government to lower prices, ease rules on health plans for people with preexisting conditions

The Obama administration, expanding a program created by the new healthcare law, reduces premiums on preexisting condition insurance plans...

Rising violence shows hospitals should boost security, experts warn

Rising violence shows hospitals should boost security, experts warn

Hospitals have long been considered sacrosanct — places for healing and helping — but they are no longer immune to America's...

Woman selling 'suicide kits' reignites right-to-die debate

Woman selling 'suicide kits' reignites right-to-die debate

Sharlotte Hydorn peddles a product touted for its deadly simplicity. Inside her butterfly-decorated boxes are clear plastic bags and...

Pennsylvania leads country in Lyme disease cases

Pennsylvania leads country in Lyme disease cases

Peak season for infection nears, and officials warn that more areas are becoming tick havens.

More Maryland health news

No heart benefit seen in adding niacin to statin

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Giving a high dose of niacin to people with heart disease who are already taking a cholesterol-lowering statin does...

East Baltimore bus facility stirs neighbors' ire

Like many Baltimoreans, Freida Morton has a charcoal grill on the small patio in back of her East Baltimore rowhouse.

Johns Hopkins receives $10 million to open patient safety institute

Johns Hopkins plans to use a $10 million gift to launch an institute for patient safety, aiming to reduce medical mistakes that have long...

Designer 'Bath Salt' drugs new fad; federal authorities raid storage facility in New Market

— The storage facility just past the quaint frame houses and antiques shops pressed against this town's Main Street held more than...

Handshakes are a staple at graduation, germs or no germs

Before the Johns Hopkins University president gives 1,300 graduating students their congratulatory handshake on Thursday, volunteers will...

Kids shed their pony tails for charitable wigs

Go to baltimoresun.com to see video from Immaculate Conception School's haircutting event.

UM researchers receive $23.4 million to research AIDS vaccine

Scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine will be able to move forward nearly decades-long work on a promising HIV/AIDS...

Drain cover recall may close public pools nationwide

A Baltimore city official said Friday that city pools will not be affected by the recall announced Thursday of drain covers that can fail to...

Reflecting a national trend, Maryland's population grays

Driven by a sizable baby boomer population nearing retirement age, Maryland, like the rest of the nation, grew older in the past decade, but...

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