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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Local Elections

Local Elections: Latest news, results and analysis of local government elections.

local elections latest

Blogger arrested over council film

Jacqui Thompson arrested for "breaching the peace" after using phone to record angry debate.

10 Jun 2011

The Tories must give the voters what they want

Tory modernisers have baffled their supporters by turning their backs on policies the voters actually like and embracing ideas - such as carbon regulation and higher spending on overseas aid - that are actively unpopular, warns Janet Daley.

21 May 2011

David Cameron has no need to mollify the Lib Dems

Telegraph View: After his election triumph, the Prime Minister is in a strong enough position to ignore the Lib Dems' latest demands.

08 May 2011

The Union still makes Britain greater

Telegraph View: The Scots and the English diverge on many things, but they share many more.

08 May 2011

Local elections 2011: don't raise the Irn-Bru Curtain just yet

The SNP’s stunning victory at the polls lay in its new appeal to all levels of Scottish society. But all is not lost yet, says Alan Cochrane

08 May 2011

Cameron would be wrong to jettison his co-pilot

Clegg’s only chance of recovery is to ignore the turbulence and carry on, says Matthew d’Ancona.

07 May 2011

Labour and the Liberal Democrats share an identity crisis

Neither party will recover its standing without articulating what it actually stands for, says Bruce Anderson.

07 May 2011

Robinson storms back to power in Northern Ireland

The DUP is celebrating an historic victory in the Northern Ireland Assembly elections.

07 May 2011

The farce of an AV referendum ignored the point of who really governs us

The voting system is not the flaw in our 'democracy': it's the abdication of our powers to unelected politicians in Brussels, says Christopher Booker.

07 May 2011

Friends: The One with the Election Results

Champagne corks are popping in Downing Street in the latest episode of our political sitcom, by Robert Colvile.

07 May 2011

Don’t let the Union drift apart

The triumph of Alex Salmond and the SNP shows how the emotional glue that binds Britain together is dissolving, says Jenny McCartney.

07 May 2011

Cable attacks 'ruthless' Tories

The Business Secretary reignites the war of words by calling the Conservatives "ruthless, calculating and thoroughly tribal".

07 May 2011

Local elections: Ed Miliband has made some progress but still has to show he can damage the Conservatives

Ed Miliband made some progress on Thursday. He demonstrated that he can pick off the small fry. But he has yet to show that he can deal with more serious competition. That was one crucial message of Thursday's plethora of local and devolved elections.

07 May 2011

Local elections 2011: rivals draw lots for vital Bury council seat

Labour won outright control of Bury Council, Greater Manchester, after the ultimate straw poll in Ramsbottom.

07 May 2011

Chris Huhne damns Nick Clegg with faint praise

Chris Huhne, a Lib Dem Cabinet minister, last night prompted further speculation that he could challenge Nick Clegg for leadership of the party.

07 May 2011

Cameron pledges to save Union

David Cameron has pledged to fight moves to break up the United Kingdom after Alex Salmond’s Scottish nationalists claimed a historic victory in Edinburgh.

07 May 2011

Analysis: no crowing from the Tory party

David Cameron will be hoping to enjoy the sunshine as he relaxes this weekend at Chequers with a barbecue for staff in the grounds of his country retreat.

07 May 2011

Nick Clegg facing calls to quit from Lib Dems

Nick Clegg is facing calls to stand down as the Liberal Democrat leader to prevent disillusioned voters punishing his party further.

07 May 2011

AV referendum and local elections: as they happened May 6

Voters reject Alternative Vote system in referendum, while the Lib Dems take a pummelling in local elections.

06 May 2011

Local elections: Lib Dem lessons

Telegraph View: If the electorate was taking a mid-term swipe at the Government, the Lib Dems were entitled to feel they took a disproportionately bigger hit.

06 May 2011

The United Kingdom is worth fighting for

Telegraph View: Alex Salmond has confounded predictions that the SNP could not win an outright majority.

06 May 2011

Cut loose, Dave, and let the nation decide

The Liberal Democrats have have lost the confidence of the country. David Cameron should call a general election, says Simon Heffer.

06 May 2011

Cable: 'Election results disappointing'

Although the Liberal Democrats are disappointed with their results in the locals elections, Nick Clegg should carry on as leader of the party, Business Secretary Vince Cable says.

06 May 2011

Labour misses out on overall majority in Welsh Assembly

Labour emerged victorious in the Welsh Assembly elections today - but narrowly missed out on securing an overall majority.

06 May 2011

Local elections 2011: poll official mugging claims denied

Police investigating allegations that ballot boxes arrived at a counting centre with their security seals missing have dismissed reports that an electoral official was mugged after leaving a polling station.

06 May 2011