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I really don't.  I'm GLAD that you're progressives.  If these political commitments come from your religion that's great.  I have no desire to get in arguments with you about whether or not God exists.  I do not believe that you are like conservative Christians (who aren't, incidentally, restricted to the various Evangelical traditions).  So what do I care about?

I care about institutions and organizations.  I get it.  I know that belief is very important to you Christians.  Consequently, when discussions about religion erupt here at Dailykos, many of you seem to think these are discussions about beliefs.  And it's true, sometimes they are.  There are those atheists out there that are interested in having discussions about whether or not these beliefs are true.  I could really care less.  That discussion is never going to be resolved.

What I'm interested in are institutions and organizations and the effect they have on legislation and the effects that legislation has on elected officials.  I see religious organizations as no different than the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, the Club For American Growth, etc., etc., etc.  In each of these cases these organizations are really existing entities that exist in our social world and that have real impacts on peoples lives.  Some organizations are forces for the progressive good, other organizations are truly oppressive.

When I talk about "Christianity" I am always talking about social organizations.  I am talking about real political and social entities that exercise influence on our government.  I am not talking about your personal beliefs.  I realize that there are many progressive Christian churches doing good in the world and I am GLAD they exist.  I would also argue that conservative Christianity is the dominant political force in our country.  To do something about this it's necessary to talk about these organizations.

If you're a Christian progressive that supports GLBT fully equality, women's reproductive rights, womens equality, contraception, keeping religion out of the science classroom, etc., I have no truck with you.  Well let me qualify that, if you're a progressive Christian that supports these things and belongs to a Church that supports these things, I have no problem with you.  However, if you're a progressive Christian that is giving money to a Church that does not support these things...  Well, I see that as every bit as bad as contributing to the republican party because that money is being used to lobby our elected officials and further entrench oppression and inequality in legislation.  You see, it's not about what you believe, but about the political action that is or is not being done with your money.  Given that there are plenty of Churches that don't use the money they receive from their lay for these sorts of oppressive causes, I find you culpable if you are giving money to such an organization.  That's just how I roll.

I will say that those progressive Christians who constantly cry foul on Dailykos suggesting that they are being persecuted against are obstructionists.  They are making it more difficult to address these oppressive forces, rather than less difficult.  Get over yourselves and recognize that you are not the target here.  The target is those conservative Christian religious forces that enjoy unbelievable political power in this country.  Start acting like a Christian, siding with the victims (men and women oppressed by this legislation) and quit endlessly trying to make these discussions about you.  It's not about you.  It's about people whose freedoms and lives are under assault.  You'll see the stock of progressive Christianity rise quite a bit if you quit making every diary recording a conservative Christian oppression taking place throughout the country and world about you.  You'll do far more to produce tolerance and respect towards progressive Christianity if you quit endlessly suggesting that you're being punched and oppressed.  That's just my two cents.

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