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Below the fold, you will find a piece of humorous prose that fashions Breitbart's words into a new, and subversive, text.

I took the most ridiculous story I could find currently on Breitbart's site, "Porn Star's Tweets Contradict Weiner Statement to Media," and going through in the story, plucked selected words and formed an entirely new offering. (This includes the title of the piece.)

Below, I offer both the prose poem as well as the text from which it came. Enjoy!

Below is a prose (well, sort of) poem that I constructed from the article mentioned above. Point of reference: Ginger Lee is the name of the porn star mentioned in the story, and this poem is assumed to be in her voice. (Pretend she's the one speaking.)

For real enjoyment, see the actual text of the story after you finish the poem to see where the words I plucked came from.


Porn Star's Statements to Media

Anthony Weiner did nothing.
You know, everyone is scratching their
heads, wondering what people are focused on. Well,
Weiner was unfortunately dragged into this by
whoever sent the infamous tweet.

Blitzer was asking if it's a good day when you wake up and give Ginger Lee a thank you. Of course. But Wolfe could have thanked me for describing the "pro-forma" tweet
from the Congressman that really sounded like a bland thank you.

Was the Congressman being truthful? His statements are fact. But the questions
stonewall the media, and now they smell blood.

I wonder if any journalists are above asking Weiner about time?


— The Process —

Below are the screen grabs from the Breitbart story, with most of the words I used marked off so you can see the process visually. If you read, you can also see how fun it is to subvert his story and his text. Plus, who doesn't like the added, humorous dig at Wolfe Blitzer?

Breitbart 1

Breitbart 2