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Posts Tagged ‘Islam’

May 26th, 2011 22:27

This isn’t a special relationship, it’s sinister and sycophantic

One of the first big strategic decisions made by David Cameron after his election as Conservative leader more than five years ago concerned the United States of America. Cameron claimed to have been t... Read More

May 23rd, 2011 17:24

MEMO re-publishes anti-Semite, and Amnesty STILL has no problem hosting the event

Shortly after I exposed Middle East Monitor Online (MEMO) columnist Khalid Amaryeh for calling someone a “kike”, and asked whether this disqualified the group from being hosted at Amnesty Interna... Read More

May 5th, 2011 20:28

Osama bin Laden killing: Dismissing our enemies as lunatics will get us nowhere

Islamabad, Pakistan An elderly man of distinguished appearance approached me soon after I arrived in Abbottabad on the day of Osama bin Laden’s death. He spoke good English and said he was a lawyer.... Read More

May 3rd, 2011 12:32

What did Hillary Clinton see?

I’ve seen the photograph, bound to become iconic, of President Obama and other senior members of his administration watching the live video of Osama bin Laden’s killing. The image captures... Read More

April 27th, 2011 14:43

How political correctness encouraged British-made Islamism

On the Today programme this morning, Justin Webb asked Kim Howells if he thought that the straitjacket of PC, the insistence that we never speak ill of other people’s cultures and habits, helped to ... Read More

April 11th, 2011 13:51

Chill out – veiled women are only the Islamic equivalent of Young Fogeys

France’s ban on the niqab and burka is not only an outrageous attack on freedom of religion. It is also based on a fallacy: namely that the reason more young Muslim women in France and other Western... Read More

April 4th, 2011 15:26

Pastor Terry Jones is no more to blame for the Afghan violence than Martin Scorsese was for the shooting of Ronald Reagan

The American pastor Terry Jones might be a bit of a weirdo with an unhealthy obsession with the Koran, but he’s right about one thing: he is not responsible for the fatal rioting in Afghanistan.... Read More

March 24th, 2011 11:14

The BBC puts out two spurious reports about religion dying out, just before the Census. How strange

Now that’s funny. Just as we’re all about to fill in a Census, the most controversial issue of which is the question of religion, the BBC carries two highly spurious stories about the decline of ... Read More

March 17th, 2011 20:47

Labour’s tawdry smear tactics can’t disguise its absence of ideas

The Clegg/Cameron Coalition is about to enter its period of maximum danger. The economic recovery may be going into reverse. Unemployment is back on the rise, with the level of youth unemployment now ... Read More

March 15th, 2011 13:09

Is Britain's foreign policy anti-Christian? Not particularly: we just don't care

Britain’s plans to increase foreign aid to Pakistan while the country turns a blind eye to religious persecution is “tantamount to an anti-Christian foreign policy”, says Cardinal Keith O’... Read More