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Gov. Rick Snyder signs Michigan business/income tax overhaul into law

By Peter Luke | Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 2:37 PM
rick snyder sign.jpg

Snyder and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley call the plan a game-changer for the state’s business tax climate and say it defuses the fiscal “time bomb” that allowed retirees to exempt their pension income from tax.

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formercoach1202 May 25, 2011 at 8:02PM

Only 21% of students who begin HS in Detroit actually finish. I'm calling massive BS on this.

It is true that only 21% of students who began in the DPS may finish in the DPS, but that doesn't include those who transfer to other school districts to finish.

The statistics used to chart "dropouts" is significantly flawed in that a student is considered a dropout if they start school in one district and finish in another district or out of state.

The school district I live in had a 50% dropout rate accoriding to the statisitcs for a somewhat recent graduating class. Why? At the time this class was in high school Phizer closed in AA, Ford closed in Wixom and many of these students families moved out of the area to find work in other places. Every single one of those students was considered a dropout.

Yes the DPS does have a rather high (way to high) droput rate, but saying only 1 out of 5 students starting school actually finish is BS.

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balladeer61 May 25, 2011 at 5:15PM

Well, to date in the postings, those who make $55,000 or less, the "Great Unwashed" in our republic, are, as I'm hearing, saying that they feel like pawns in a financial game run by the Bigwigs. Many Bigwig wannabees within the Great Unwashed eagerly applaud. Those who actually are in the upper middle class to wealthy are happy to pat their little unwashed sycophants on their heads and happily reassure them that taxing Grandma to the point where she has to eat pet food to survive is gonna get them a fine job someday - EVEN THO' GOV. S CAN'T PREDICT IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! As P. T. Barnum said, "Their is a sucker born every day."

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HalloweenJack May 25, 2011 at 5:18PM

Go Governor Snyder! Your vision is appreciated.

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Dudely May 25, 2011 at 5:22PM

I thought P.T. Barnum said "Their is a crackhead born every day" **clears throat**... psst Halloween only come once a year.

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BeerLion May 25, 2011 at 5:54PM

This makes Michigan unattractive to retirees. I was born and raised in Mi and now line in Indiana. I am eligible to retire in three years and the wife and I had planned to retire to Mich, in a large part because of the pension tax exemption. Now we are looking at the remaining states either without an income tax or ones that exempt pensions.

That's at a minimum a home sale lost, property taxes lost, vehicles I will buy in other states, sales taxes paid in other states etc. At least you guys are balancing corporate tax cuts of over a billion dollars on the backs of fixed income retirees, so you got that going for ya.

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jd May 25, 2011 at 5:57PM

Beer Lion...

yup...you get it... it's not rocket science...and Michigan will NOT get those additional dollars

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woodman46 May 25, 2011 at 7:12PM

Beerlion--you understand perfectly. Check out FL. No state income tax, sales tax is same as MI at 6%, property tax exemption for everyone is $50,000, 25% of houses in FL are vacant and available for purchase, no snow and great beaches, attractions and relaxation. It also is not that difficult to file an affidavit of residency in FL at Clerk of the Court office. You need "an address", register to vote, register cars and insure them. In reading the FL statute there is no minimum residency requirement. If you keep MI house your taxes will become non-homesteaded--higher--probably double; however, on the other end you won't be chased by income limitations that will take 4.35% of your pension or IRA distribution. You only worry about Federal tax brackets and they are the same all over. Bye bye Rick. FL LOVES retiree money.

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dback69 May 26, 2011 at 9:19PM

most FLA rez pay 7% sales tax as locals can add their own

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jd May 25, 2011 at 5:56PM

I'm just curious...

How does Michigan get MY PENSION TAX to cover the elimination of the Business tax
if I....along with thousands of other Michigan retirees head to Florida or Nevada???

Oh...and as an additional bonus...NO SNOW in Dec thru April...

Good luck with this Gov Snyder... and good night..


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jkb01 May 25, 2011 at 7:52PM

Because they know you and all the other thousands of retirees are all talk and will not really leave.

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Frank_Munster_707 May 25, 2011 at 6:00PM

So I have a question on this tax cut? How does just taxing profits for Corporations set up our state on a more stable tax system? Profits for companies go up and down all the time. How is this better than the current tax structure?

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qwertyasdfgh May 25, 2011 at 6:03PM

I sure hope this creates more jobs...since I'll have to work until I die.

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proudteacher May 25, 2011 at 6:12PM

This has been tried and hasn't worked...Bush tried it, failed miserably. Doesn't anyone look at history? Tax cuts for businesses don't create jobs! It is truly disgusting that this plan takes from those that can afford it the least and gives to those that already have more than they need. I don't know how he sleeps at night! The recall has started...put your distaste for Rick into the drive to recall him, before the middle class is gone completely. "Robbin' Rick"...takes from the poor and gives to the rich.

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CuriousOneMi2 May 25, 2011 at 6:54PM


So tax cuts don't create jobs? Bush failed?

Dec of Year: US Payroll Employment
2000 132485

2008 134383
2009 129320
2010 130260

April 2011: 131028
Source: BLS (thousands)

It appears proudteacher is proud of something besides her lack of knowledge of economic trends.


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CuriousOneMi2 May 25, 2011 at 7:07PM

- Know the facts, mrpike, katew and retired teacher question “Michigan experienced a one-state recession from 2002-2010.” CORRECTION: MICHIGAN DID EXPERIENCE A ONE-STATE RECESSION FROM 2002-2010. http://bea.gov/regional/gdpmap/GDPMap.aspx

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