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Wednesday, May 11 2011

‘Squinkies’ Brings Out the Inner Cynic

The Squinkies exist to be collected, but not used.

Monday, May 9 2011

The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing's mixture of noir, horror, retro-futurism, and comedy somehow coalesces into a strange and whimsical charm.

Friday, May 6 2011

Shift 2: Unleashed

The driving itself is good, but there are so many caveats that can be added to that statement that Shift 2 just isn’t worth the effort.

Wednesday, May 4 2011

Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword

It may do things that no other games do, but I’d love it if Taleworlds and their partners could make the game smoother and more playable.

Monday, May 2 2011

Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga

That other fantasy RPG with dragons in it.

Friday, April 29 2011

Magicka: Vietnam

The two new maps make the most of their new setting, changing most of Magicka's fantasy trappings for rice paddies, gun nests, and everything else one might learn about Vietnam and the Viet Cong from watching half of Apocalypse Now.

Wednesday, April 27 2011

Yoostar 2: In the Movies

Just as the title suggests, Yoostar 2 will put you “In the Movies”, as long as you have perfect lighting, thick walls, and low expectations.

Monday, April 25 2011

‘Pilotwings Resort’: Flying on Potential

Pilotwings Resort is an admirable first glimpse at glasses-free 3D, giving us an idea of just what this technology can do.

Friday, April 22 2011

Nintendo 3DS

The 3DS hardware is successful in many ways, but with no killer app as yet, it's difficult to view the device as a must have.

Wednesday, April 20 2011

‘Portal 2’: Very Much “Still Alive”

While GLaDOS may have taken on the role of the passive-aggressive mother especially during the closing moments of Portal, the nature of the antagonism present in feminine interpersonal conflict is heightened here in some more traditionally cruel ways.

Monday, April 18 2011

NASCAR 2011: The Game

NASCAR 2011: The Game is a good starting point for those interested in NASCAR, but a starting point is all it is.

Friday, April 15 2011

Pokemon Black and White

As a formula, Pokémon succeeds in being many things to many people. But the series is also characterized by a deceptively deep RPG experience.

Wednesday, April 13 2011

‘Swarm’ Wants You to Win No Matter What

Hothead Games actually managed to create a character type so faceless, unrealistic, and utterly "other" that even as we watch thousands of them die, we are more prone to laugh than feel for them.

Friday, April 8 2011

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 is an epic game with some interesting ideas. It may not be the graphical showcase that the first game was, but it’s surely just as fun and that’s really what matters most.

Wednesday, April 6 2011

Jekyll and Hyde

Even twisting the original story to suit a game mechanic can't turn Jekyll and Hyde into something worth playing.

Monday, April 4 2011

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

The Marvel vs. Capcom series has always been more about spectacle than technique. For sure, there is a lot of strategy to be uncovered, but it's concealed by layers of flair.

Friday, April 1 2011

MLB 11: The Show

Baseball as complicated as you'd like it to be.

Wednesday, March 30 2011

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters

It’s only when you compare it to its ancestors that the game’s new features and general lack of progress feel stilted and disappointing.

Monday, March 28 2011

Dead Space 2: Severed

Gabe and Lexine were interesting and likable characters in Extraction, and introducing them now as a married couple on the verge of starting a family is certainly an unexpected development in their relationship. However,the whole relationship is just a conceit to get a man moving from Point A to Point B.

Friday, March 25 2011

‘Gray Matter’: Just Another 19th Century Video Game

At times, it is difficult to determine if you're playing an interactive version of Jane Eyre or simply an interactive Harlequin romance novel.

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