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News Columnists
Steve Lopez

Steve Lopez

Loud boos for Dodgers fans - April 5, 2011 - A mediocre lineup filled with no-name players, an unlikable pair of bickering owners and the severe beating of a Giants fan on opening day...

George Skelton

George Skelton

Water, water everywhere, but not enough is saved - April 4, 2011 - Government water managers cringe at the word "drought." But there are two words that they dread even more: "drought over."

Sandy Banks

Sandy Banks

The stage is too big for kids - April 2, 2011 - As if parents don't have enough to worry about, with cyber-bullying and online perverts, now the nation's pediatricians are adding...

Hector Tobar

Hector Tobar

Supervisor Molina's apology over unearthed remains comes too late - April 1, 2011 - Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina dreamed for years of putting a cultural center and museum on the historic old plaza near...

James Rainey

James Rainey

On the Media: A small-town reporter's big influence - April 1, 2011 - The Mississippi fairly glides through this old cotton country, nothing if not strong and serene. But look a little closer at the big river...

Business Columnists
Michael Hiltzik

Michael Hiltzik

How Big Pharma distorts the costs of developing new drugs - April 3, 2011 - Every time I come across a big-number statistic about the size or significance of some industrial activity, my nose wrinkles.

David Lazarus

David Lazarus

After ID theft, free fraud protection is worth it - April 5, 2011 - Gary Koop wondered whether he was being scammed when he received an official-looking letter from Health Net the other day warning that...

Kathy M. Kristof

Kathy M. Kristof

Look beyond sticker price for a car's true costs - April 3, 2011 - If you're thinking about buying a car this year, you're far from alone. Auto sales appear to be ramping up after a couple of fairly...

Tom Petruno

Tom Petruno

Bitter battle to oust a CEO - March 26, 2011 - Most ballot filings for corporate director elections are a sure cure for insomnia.

Liz Weston

Liz Weston

Big benefit of being 50 and self-employed? Savings options - April 3, 2011 - Dear Liz: I'm 50 and self-employed. I am trying to save as much as possible for retirement. I've put the maximum allowable in my...

Sports Columnists
Chris Erskine

Chris Erskine

Marge Hearn remains a Lakers gem - April 2, 2011 - We forget how special a Lakers game is, the best absurdist theater since Beckett. Cruise here. Kardashian over there. Jack ruling over...

Bill Plaschke

Bill Plaschke

It all works, as Dodgers find an opening and take it - March 31, 2011 - It started with the starting lineup, Don Mattingly forgoing the usual manager's trot to home plate, instead running down the third base...

T.J. Simers

T.J. Simers

Dodgers can't ignore safety issue - April 2, 2011 - The Dodgers want you to know that, except for the father of two who remains in a medically induced coma, it was an otherwise great opening...

Bill Dwyre

Bill Dwyre

Boxer Erik Morales wants to beat Marcos Maidana, and beat the odds at least once more - April 4, 2011 - Saturday night will either be the beginning or the end for boxer Erik Morales.

Jerry Crowe

Jerry Crowe

Dunk shot reinstated in college basketball 35 years ago this week - April 4, 2011 - Here's something Blake Griffin might not know: The dunk shot, once banned from college and high school basketball, was reinstated...

Opinion Columnists
Gregory Rodriguez

Gregory Rodriguez

President Obama: At odds with clear demographic trends toward multiracial pride - April 4, 2011 - It could have been a historic teaching moment. Instead, President Obama, the most famous mixed-race person in the world, checked off only...

Doyle McManus

Doyle McManus

No party for John Boehner - April 3, 2011 - For a man who's getting most of what he wanted, House Speaker John A. Boehner looked pretty unhappy last week.

Tim Rutten

Tim Rutten

A wedge issue that's losing its point - April 2, 2011 - Wedge issues are the rhetorical enablers of the bitterly partisan politics that have disfigured our national conversation in recent years.

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum

Phyllis Schlafly: back on the attack - March 31, 2011 - This may come as a surprise, but Phyllis Schlafly, legendary conservative and leader (that is, victor) in the battle against the Equal...
