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Chile's buried secrets

Chile's buried secrets

Nearly 40 years after the violent military coup in which he perished, the remains of former Chilean President Salvador Allende will be...


Gregory Rodriguez: The old taboos, back in the news

Sex, power, class and race. The scandals encircling French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is accused of sexually assaulting an...


America the stony-hearted

When the political history of the last 30 years is written, scholars will no doubt describe a rightward revolution that jolted this...

  • Doyle McManus: Middle East hopes and fears

    We may be the world's only remaining superpower, but we've been a secondary factor in the wave of change sweeping the Arab world.

  • What makes politicians stray?

    Last week, Arnold Schwarzenegger joined the club of leading male political figures who are known to have cheated on their spouses. Other...

  • Foshay Learning Center: A model for success

    It's not pleasant to return to a place where, as a child, you were almost always afraid. So, a few years ago, when I stepped onto the campus...

If the dog ate your homework, read this

If the dog ate your homework, read this

Dear Students,

Tim Rutten: S.F. circumcision proposition doesn't belong on the ballot

Tim Rutten: S.F. circumcision proposition doesn't belong on the ballot

In November, the residents of San Francisco will not only cast their ballots on pressing state and local issues, they also will decide...

Calling Kadafi to account

Calling Kadafi to account

For a long time, Libyans have fantasized about what they would do if they could get their hands on Col. Moammar Kadafi. The idea I heard...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the sins of our systems

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the sins of our systems

Reactions to the Dominique Strauss-Kahn spectacle have been starkly different on the two sides of the Atlantic, and self-congratulations...

'Job killers' that aren't

'Job killers' that aren't

Since 2003, the California Chamber of Commerce has published an annual hit list of bills it labels job killers. The list has included...

Fighting mosques in the name of freedom

Fighting mosques in the name of freedom

Last year, a Muslim congregation in Murfreesboro, Tenn., a pleasant college town of about 110,000 people southeast of Nashville, decided...

Meghan Daum: Breaking comedy's raunch barrier

Meghan Daum: Breaking comedy's raunch barrier

The results are in: "Bridesmaids," the much-hyped girl-raunch comedy touted as the long-awaited antidote to Judd Apatow's "bromance"...

The wrong sites for solar

The wrong sites for solar

Is it possible that solar energy — clean, renewable, virtually infinite — could have a downside? As it's being pursued on our...

L.A. Unified's librarians on trial

L.A. Unified's librarians on trial

Soon after I became a school librarian, a teacher came to me about Mario, an eighth-grader who had never read an entire book. Mario...

Tim Rutten: Will L.A. County cut from the bottom?

Tim Rutten: Will L.A. County cut from the bottom?

These days, the battle for economic justice is fought daily in a thousand obscure skirmishes in boardrooms and executive suites across the...

Jonah Goldberg: A sharper GOP field

Jonah Goldberg: A sharper GOP field

The Republican presidential logjam has finally broken.

Dodgers: Healing the home team

Dodgers: Healing the home team

Major League Baseball's takeover of the Los Angeles Dodgers raises the question of who might be the team's next owners. It's the hope of...

Lee Baca: Let us deport the bad guys

Lee Baca: Let us deport the bad guys

Consider the following case: In January, a local police agency arrested a man for driving with a suspended license. A subsequent fingerprint...

Before the McCourts, there was another divorce

Before the McCourts, there was another divorce

If the McCourts' ugly divorce has plucked the Dodgers from Angelenos' control, consider this: It was a divorce that brought the ballclub...

U.S. justified in killing Osama Bin Laden

U.S. justified in killing Osama Bin Laden

First came the street celebrations; then the changing accounts of what happened; then the second-guessing — domestic and foreign.

Jim Newton: Compton's racial divide

Jim Newton: Compton's racial divide

Imagine if today's Los Angeles were governed by a white mayor and an all-white City Council. And then imagine if that anomaly was...

Gregory Rodriguez: Secularism gains ground

Gregory Rodriguez: Secularism gains ground

Woohoo! Secularism has arrived. That was one reaction to the news that Pitzer College in Claremont is launching a secular studies...

Osama bin Laden's death: The millennials have a moment

Osama bin Laden's death: The millennials have a moment

Where were you when you found out about the death of Osama bin Laden? Or, a better question: What did you do next?

West Africa: Digging a hole is only a start

West Africa: Digging a hole is only a start

Before I joined the Peace Corps, I had heard all the stereotypes. Volunteers were a bunch of privileged white kids, I was told. Guitar-...

Presbyterian Church U.S.A.: Faith and gay rights

Presbyterian Church U.S.A.: Faith and gay rights

Last week, a majority of the 173 presbyteries making up the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. voted to amend the church's constitution and allow...

The U.S.: Where Europe comes to slum

The U.S.: Where Europe comes to slum

The newest slumlord in Los Angeles is a pillar of German capitalism. Earlier this month, the city attorney's office filed suit against...

Wasps do it, but why should we?

Wasps do it, but why should we?

Jacob is a golden retriever. Like many goldens, his favorite activity is retrieving a tennis ball. We throw the ball; he brings it back...

Tim Rutten: Catholic scholars vs. John Boehner

Tim Rutten: Catholic scholars vs. John Boehner

At the nation's Roman Catholic universities, controversy over the choice of commencement speakers has become almost as regular an annual...

To restore jobs, U.S. has to ramp up exports

To restore jobs, U.S. has to ramp up exports

One school of thought about the so-called jobless recovery of the American economy blames high unemployment on the federal deficit. But...

Geert Wilders and how to handle a gold-medal hypocrite

Geert Wilders and how to handle a gold-medal hypocrite

How can we best combat the anti-immigrant populists who are setting the political pace in many European countries? This month, a verdict...

Got taxes? Let communities collect revenue that California won't

Got taxes? Let communities collect revenue that California won't

As California lurches once again toward major budget cuts, the state's justice gap keeps getting wider. That's the space between our...

Middle East peace: The wrong pact

Middle East peace: The wrong pact

The world shared the American people's gratitude for the special forces who rid us of Osama bin Laden, but there was one flagrant exception.

Citizen children and life under the radar

Citizen children and life under the radar

President Obama spoke Tuesday about the economic reasons for providing a pathway to citizenship for the nation's undocumented. This is...

Tim Rutten: They drank the tea

Tim Rutten: They drank the tea

If congressional negotiators fail to resolve their impasse over the federal debt ceiling, we may recall this moment in history as one of the...

Make state government more efficient, less expensive

Make state government more efficient, less expensive

Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed many solutions for California's political and economic crises. Yet there's one rock the governor could lift...