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Mapping LA Neighborhoods
MAPPING L.A. Neighborhoods
About the Data Desk

This page was created by the Data Desk, a team of reporters and Web developers at The Times.

Wel­come to The Times’ neigh­bor­hood map of Los Angeles County. This re­gion­al view is your portal to in­di­vidu­al maps and stat­ist­ics for 158 cit­ies and un­in­cor­por­ated places and 114 neigh­bor­hoods with­in the city of Los Angeles. In ad­di­tion, there are maps of 42 un­in­cor­por­ated areas that we have col­lapsed in­side of ad­ja­cent cit­ies.

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The maps cov­er the 4,000 square miles of Los Angeles County — by far the most pop­u­lous county in the na­tion — from the high desert to the coast. In 2009, there were an es­tim­ated 9.8 mil­lion res­id­ents, up from 9.5 mil­lion coun­ted in the 2000 U.S. census, the basis for The Times’ demo­graph­ic ana­lys­is for each neigh­bor­hood and re­gion.

Click on a re­gion to see the neigh­bor­hoods with­in it. Then click on any one to see a more de­tailed map with in­form­a­tion about schools, in­come, demo­graph­ics and news from that area. Or just se­lect a neigh­bor­hood from the search box to the left.

Map­ping L.A. began in 2009 with pub­lic­a­tion of The Times’ map of 87 neigh­bor­hoods in the city of Los Angeles, re­drawn with the help of read­ers who agreed or dis­agreed with our ini­tial bound­ar­ies.

But read­ers didn’t just com­ment on the bound­ar­ies; hun­dreds sent notes — short es­says, really — on the places they live. They were in­form­at­ive, hu­mor­ous, thought-pro­vok­ing and of­ten elo­quent. Now we ex­pand that con­ver­sa­tion to the en­tire county. Please use these pages to tell us more about the places you live.