Category: Question of the Week

Video Question: When Does a Deck Become a Patio? Paul Lafrance of Decked Out Weighs In!

Alicia and I paid a visit to a taping of our latest 'Dude' show, Decked Out , a show all about decks with a side of college humour. I dare say there are more than a few reasons (in overalls) to watch this show, one of which is host Paul Lafrance . His
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Curb Appeal Question of the Week: Why Do People Do THIS to their Houses?

Having been part of two home purchases, I firmly maintain that it is mostly an emotional decision. You simply like a house, or you don't. A large part of what makes a house likable is its curb appeal . Is the front door inviting? Is there a gracious porch?
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Quiz: Who Designed These Outdoor Spaces?

How well do you know our outdoor design specialists? These two spaces hail from popular landscaping/building shows -- check out the choices below and try your chances at the poll. What show is this space from? online survey And here's poll #2 -- whose
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Question of the Week: Would You Commemorate the Royal Wedding with Wallpaper?

The Royal Wedding is next Friday. Have you bought a commemorative souvenir yet? UK design company Graham & Brown has released Royal-inspired wallpaper featuring crowns and tiaras that can be customized with stick-on jewels. Crowns and Coronets wallpaper,
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Quiz Answer: THIS Find Made Canadian Pickers the Most Money

Did you catch the premiere of History Television's Canadian Pickers ? As per Monday's Quiz : which find stood to make picking pals Sheldon Smithens and Scott Cozens the most money? Was it the totem pole , vintage radios or weather vane/windmill weight
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Quiz Answer: Moroccan Rugs 101

Well, you guys know your rugs ! Almost exactly twice as many of you chose the correct answer to last Monday's quiz , asking which of these two rugs is more expensive.... A) B) Beni Ouarain rug ; Persian rug The correct answer is A (left), a vintage (c.
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Quiz: Which Rug is More Expensive?

Rugs abound. There are more rugs than ever flooding the decor market and frankly, I don't know how one is supposed to choose. Of course, I have my favourites, and as always my rule is to invest in classic style and quality so that -- especially when it
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Sarah and Tommy Host Question of the Week: What Works Best for Keeping Hallways Tidy?

This past Saturday I took sweeping stock of hallway and entrance organizing ideas . How to keep coats, shoes, bags, keys, mail and other sundry chattels from piling up into a suffocating mess at your entryway, is one of the more challenging day-to-day
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Question of the Week: Lots of Laundry Room or More Basement Space

This weekend I finally met my next door neighbours after a month of sharing a wall with them. Good neighbours that they are, they invited us to a party on their side of the semi- and we got a chance to check out their house. It's lovely and they have
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Quiz Answer: These Fabulous Closets Came From THIS Show

Have you been dreaming of a giant dressing room since Monday's quiz ? Did you guess which show the photos came from? The CORRECT answer is B) HGTV's Top 10 ! Congratulations to Lisa V. and Pat B. who'll be receiving some sweet Swag ! Want to see
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Quiz: Which Show Did These Fabulous Closets Come From?

Are you inspired enough by March's Organizing theme to get to work on any projects of your own? A closet clean-out perhaps? Realistically, none of us can afford to create the luxurious closets below. But we can dream and strive for as close as we can
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Question of the Week: Who Cleans Your House?

It's the last day of February, which means spring is just three weeks away! And for many people, the change in seasons means a whole-home clean-up. But, I wonder: How does the average Style Sheet reader tackle the regular house cleaning? Now, this question
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Quiz: Separated at Birth: Scott McGillivray and...THIS Animated Hunk!

It's Family Day here in Ontario, from whence I blog, which means I've spent the day watching movies with my four-year-old. Err...I mean, playing outside, making bead necklaces, baking gingerbread cookies and watching movies! In any case, while slogging
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Video: Condo Window Treatements -- Drapes or Blinds? Tommy Smythe Weighs In!

Ah the wall of windows . It's one of the more striking features of a typical condo apartment , and also one of the most challenging: how does one cover a wall of windows without it looking like a letdown? It's such a large area, to simply treat it utilitarian-like
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Quiz Answer: THIS Item is Not a Real Upcycle!

I'm back in the saddle! The majority of you -- not an overwhelming majority, so I can't really gloat -- guessed the answer to Monday's quiz incorrectly. To the crafty riddle of which of the three items posted is not a real upcycle -- as in, the object
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