Category: Review

Magazine Review: Lonny June/July 2010

Elana mentioned Lonny magazine (which stands for London/New York) as one of her top 5 favourite decor magazines back in May. It's also one of my favourites, so without further ado, my review! The Stats Title: Lonny Magazine Price & Availability: Lonny
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Green Watch: Personal Water Filter Bottle

This is such a clever little gizmo and it’s good for the environment. OK, you say, but what the heck is it? Well my friends it’s a personal water filter bottle with its own replaceable filter. The water filter lives in the top half of the bottle. You
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Book Review: The Selby is In Your Place

While I know something of food, hence being responsible for the Food Network Canada blogs , I am completely lost when it comes to design. While I love and appreciate beautiful things, I just don’t know where to start. Luckily for me, I have my counterpart
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