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Supreme Court upholds Arizona immigration law targeting employers

Supreme Court upholds Arizona immigration law targeting employers

The Supreme Court gave a big boost to proponents of stricter state laws against illegal immigration by upholding Arizona's "business death...

Alleged CIA operative criticizes 'extraordinary rendition' of Muslim cleric

Alleged CIA operative criticizes 'extraordinary rendition' of Muslim cleric

It stands among the most public American foul-ups in the war on terrorism: A 2003 CIA operation to snatch an Islamic cleric from the streets...

More than 200 in Joplin unaccounted for since tornado, officials say

More than 200 in Joplin unaccounted for since tornado, officials say

Missouri officials announced Thursday that more than 200 residents of Joplin remain unaccounted for in the wake of the massive tornado...

More From the Times

The Bieber effect

The Bieber effect

Americans don't seem bothered enough by the country's growing wealth...

The U.S. and the International Criminal Court: An unfinished debate

The U.S. and the International Criminal Court: An unfinished debate

I recently returned from a week in Iraq, where I trained an elite...

Meghan Daum: Obama's fast brain vs. slow mouth

Meghan Daum: Obama's fast brain vs. slow mouth

Apparently, a lot of people consider President Obama to be...

Tim Rutten: A prison system we deserve

Tim Rutten: A prison system we deserve

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that California's prisons...

Supreme Court ethics

Supreme Court ethics

The Supreme Court is different from lower federal courts, and not just...

More National News

Driving during Missouri tornado: The worst place at the worst time

Driving during Missouri tornado: The worst place at the worst time

Relentless rain and wind were making the drive down Main Street in Joplin, Mo., nearly impossible on Sunday, so Herb Jarrett and his wife,...

Judge strikes down Wisconsin's anti-union law

Judge strikes down Wisconsin's anti-union law

In yet another twist in Wisconsin's bitter fight over unions, a judge Thursday struck down the Republican-sponsored bill to strip most...

House-passed defense bill would expand some presidential powers, restrict others

House-passed defense bill would expand some presidential powers, restrict others

Brushing aside objections from the White House, the House passed a $690-billion defense spending bill Thursday that would expand the...

Hundreds of volunteers descend on Joplin, Missouri

Hundreds of volunteers descend on Joplin, Missouri

Brian Wing was home in Houston on Monday morning, watching footage from this tornado-shredded town, when he saw something that shocked him...

Sarah Palin to launch bus trip through U.S.

Sarah Palin to launch bus trip through U.S.

In the clearest indication to date that she is seriously considering a presidential run, Sarah Palin plans to launch a nationwide bus tour...

Supreme Court sets aside ruling on child abuse interviews

The Supreme Court set aside a controversial ruling that would have required child care workers and police officers to obtain a search...

Oregon death sparks debate over suicide kits

Oregon death sparks debate over suicide kits

The door to the room was locked, and there was no response as Jake Klonoski knocked, looking for his younger brother.

Jared Loughner mentally unfit for trial, judge rules

Jared Loughner mentally unfit for trial, judge rules

A federal judge ruled Jared Lee Loughner mentally incompetent to stand trial in the Jan. 8 shooting spree that gravely wounded an Arizona...

In Joplin, threat of more tornadoes keeps residents on edge

In Joplin, threat of more tornadoes keeps residents on edge

The tornado sirens sounded about 9:30 p.m., prompting a stampede through the hallways of Joplin's Hilton Garden Inn.

Democrats see hope for 2012 in Medicare

Democrats see hope for 2012 in Medicare

After months on the political defensive, Democrats are convinced their fortunes have turned, and the reason can be summed up in a single...

John Edwards 'did not break the law,' attorney says

John Edwards 'did not break the law,' attorney says

As the government neared a decision on whether to indict former Sen. John Edwards on criminal campaign finance violations in connection with...

Republicans seek to block disclosure requirements for political gifts

Republicans seek to block disclosure requirements for political gifts

House Republicans voted Wednesday to try to block the Obama administration from forcing companies bidding on federal contracts to say how...

Obama court nominee Goodwin Liu withdraws after filibuster

Obama court nominee Goodwin Liu withdraws after filibuster

Goodwin Liu, President Obama's polarizing choice for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, has withdrawn from...

Body of missing toddler found after tornado

Joplin, Mo. — Authorities have identified the body of a toddler whose disappearance in Sunday's fierce tornado drew an...

Joplin radio stations become lifeline for tornado-stricken residents

Joplin radio stations become lifeline for tornado-stricken residents

Radio host Rob Meyer — homeless and haggard since a tornado destroyed his house Sunday — had another shift coming up soon. He...

U.S. official cites misconduct in Japanese American internment cases

U.S. official cites misconduct in Japanese American internment cases

Acting Solicitor Gen. Neal Katyal, in an extraordinary admission of misconduct, took to task one of his predecessors for hiding evidence and...

Medicare proposal may have cost GOP a House seat in New York

Medicare proposal may have cost GOP a House seat in New York

The political risks of overhauling a popular entitlement program became a harsh reality for Republicans on Tuesday as a Democrat captured...

Former street preacher gets life in Smart case

Former street preacher gets life in Smart case

Elizabeth Smart watched Wednesday as a federal judge ordered a street preacher to spend the rest of his life in prison for kidnapping and...