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To fix California's budget, we need taxes too

To fix California's budget, we need taxes too

Lawmakers in Sacramento traditionally put off the toughest budget decisions until the governor's office updates its spending plan in mid-May...


Cellphones: Quieting the public nuisances

Anyone who has been forced to endure a stranger's loud and public cellphone conversation in a supermarket line or a restaurant will...


In L.A., no more 'Gold Cards'

City Controller Wendy Greuel released an...

Report indicts '60s counterculture in Catholic abuse cases

Blame the flower children. That seems to be the chief conclusion of a new report about the Roman Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandal. The...


British-Irish relations: A royal stamp of approval

The visit by Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland this week — the first by a British monarch in a century — was rich in symbolism, as...


Helping Haitians in the U.S.

The Obama administration this week extended what's known as "temporary protected status" for Haitians living in the United States. The...

In the 2012 campaign, environmentalists don't matter

In the 2012 campaign, environmentalists don't matter

Shortly after his party's "shellacking" in the midterm election, President Obama ordered government agencies to ensure that new...

Obama's Middle East speech: Nurturing the Arab Spring

Obama's Middle East speech: Nurturing the Arab Spring

President Obama sought on Thursday to recalibrate the United States' response to the Arab Spring, giving new weight to issues of democracy,...

City Council wisely stops digging a hole with Los Angeles budget

City Council wisely stops digging a hole with Los Angeles budget

Former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey once laid out what he called the First Law of Holes: "If you are in one, stop...

The Middle East mess

The Middle East mess

The solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is really not so far out of reach. The outlines of a reasonable two-state compromise have...

DSK and France's code of silence

DSK and France's code of silence

France is reeling over the shocking arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the International Monetary Fund chief who had been considered a front-...

9th Circuit nominee Goodwin Liu deserves a vote

9th Circuit nominee Goodwin Liu deserves a vote

The Senate is expected to vote Thursday on whether to debate the judicial appointment of UC Berkeley professor Goodwin Liu. His...

Arnold Schwarzenegger's failings

Arnold Schwarzenegger's failings

There is sexual infidelity and there is sexual harassment. The two behaviors are not the same. The first is an abuse of trust, the second an...

A Fire Department for tough times

A Fire Department for tough times

In recent years, the Los Angeles Fire Department, struggling to protect residents while cutting its budget, has turned to what it calls...

Hiding behind the 'state secrets privilege'

Hiding behind the 'state secrets privilege'

In a perfunctory order, the Supreme Court on Monday denied a day in court to five alleged victims of one of the grossest abuses of the war...

California's broken budgeting process

California's broken budgeting process

Who is more dishonest: Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, who as a candidate promised that he wouldn't raise taxes without a public vote but...

Carving out class-action exceptions

Carving out class-action exceptions

In a case that began with a disgruntled cellphone customer, the U.S. Supreme Court has made it harder for groups of consumers or employees...

How do you close a park?

How do you close a park?

Californians cannot expect state parks, as beloved as they are, to be spared from the budget ax. Not when the elderly are going without home...

California's high-speed train wreck

California's high-speed train wreck

California's much-vaunted high-speed rail project is, to put it bluntly, a train wreck. Intended to demonstrate the state's commitment to...

The latest case of U.S. paranoia

The latest case of U.S. paranoia

A federal appeals court will soon consider a challenge to an Oklahoma measure prohibiting the use of Sharia, or Islamic law, in the state'...

U.S. military: The dogs of war

U.S. military: The dogs of war

The Navy SEALs who raided Osama bin Laden's compound aren't the only members of the mission to be cloaked in mystery. The military dog the...

Defusing the population bomb

Defusing the population bomb

It's getting crowded out there. According to an updated report from the United Nations, the planet's population is not following the...

Times endorsements: Hahn, Sanchez are our choices

Times endorsements: Hahn, Sanchez are our choices

Voters go to the polls Tuesday to elect a member of Congress to represent California's 36th Congressional District, a South Bay area that is...

Schwarzenegger and the pardon power

Schwarzenegger and the pardon power

A governor traditionally (and, in California, constitutionally) has the power to commute a criminal sentence for whatever reason he chooses,...

Social Security and Medicare: An honest debate, now

Social Security and Medicare: An honest debate, now

The trustees overseeing Social Security and Medicare delivered a bleak report Friday on the programs' long-term prospects. They projected...

Taking aim at diabetes

Taking aim at diabetes

Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions around the world. In the United States, about 26 million people have it — and 7 million of...

Orange County's war on sex offenders

Orange County's war on sex offenders

With due respect to Jethro Tull, very few child molesters spend...

Justice in the DNA

Justice in the DNA

Civil libertarians have a natural — and healthy — impulse to question scientific advancements in crime control. But concerns...

A South-Central garden spot again?

A South-Central garden spot again?

Once there was a farm in South Los Angeles that sprouted among warehouses and railroad tracks. In the shadow of downtown skyscrapers,...

Get moving on immigration reform

Get moving on immigration reform

Since taking office, President Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to adopt comprehensive immigration reform. In a speech in Texas on...

Gay rights and the church's evolving role

Gay rights and the church's evolving role

Religious institutions in this country that object to homosexuality have nothing to fear from the gay-rights movement. Freedom of religion...

LAPD, get a handle on officer lawsuits

LAPD, get a handle on officer lawsuits

There are a number of curious — and, in some ways, troubling — trends at work in the litigation record of the Los Angeles Police...

The debt ceiling, the GOP and reality

The debt ceiling, the GOP and reality

The federal government is about to max out on its credit card, and it could default on its bonds or other obligations if it can't borrow...

Phil Jackson: So long, Zen master

Phil Jackson: So long, Zen master

The Phil Jackson era ended miserably Sunday, with the Los Angeles Lakers showing none of the poise so characteristic of their coach. The...